Helping you to cope with the pain of fistulas



Find out if you are allergic to anything. Foods that upset your gut will make it harder for your fistula to heal. If you find that eating wheat/gluten/dairy/sugar etc makes your stomach upset, then change your diet and take those foods out of your diet. The ‘cleaner’ and ‘healthier’ your bowel movements are, the more chance you have of your fistulas healing, or your surgical procedures working.

Tips on how to live with setons:

If you have an office job, put a donut pillow on your chair. Not only does this make you more comfortable, but it will stop some of the pressure caused by sitting on your bottom. If you sit down too long and have pressure on your seton, you could cause another infection or stop your fistula from healing as well.

You will need to wear pads while you have a seton in place because the fistula is constantly draining with pus and sometimes blood. Using a really soft hospital pad will make life much more comfortable. There are Propac pads available for you from your nurse or doctor, these are really soft, with a sort of cotton wool inside. The least pressure you can put on your bottom, the better. Using a hard sanitary pad may not be as comfortable. Soft hospital pads can also be pushed up into between your bottom cheeks a little bit so that they catch all the pus, and you don’t have a wet uncomfortable feeling. They should stay in place if you fold them and push them in between your bottom cheeks.

Make sure you wash your bottom every time you go to the toilet. Hygiene is so important with fistulas. Bacteria can cause another infection. If you have a bidet at home, that’s perfect. If you don’t, then get into the shower and wash your bottom after you have had a bowel movement. If you are out somewhere and can’t wash you bottom, then make sure you have some wet towels in your bag, and gently wipe your bottom with those until you get somewhere that you can wash properly. Baby wipes are fine for this.

The seton is tied together with a knot. If you notice that the seton has moved around and the knot has gone up inside your anus or the fistula exit hole, then you need to go to your doctor or nurse and have the seton pulled back around. If the knot is inside scratching around, you could cause another infection. Checking your seton with a mirror every day to make sure it is still in place is a good idea.

Keeping infection at bay:

Hygiene is so important when you have a fistula. Washing your bottom after bowel movements in essential. You can also get a bottle of ‘pink wash’ from your nurse or doctor, this is a pink liquid disinfectant that you can use in the shower to keep infection away. If you have a bowel movement somewhere where there is no shower for you to use, then use wet towels. I always have them in my bag, and just use the baby wipes to clean if I can’t use a shower.



Rigourous exercise can irritate your fistula. If you are going to exercise, choose low impact exercise such as a slow paced walk, and always stop if you are in pain or uncomfortable. If you have complicated fistulas, you may not be able to exercise at all until they are healed.

Preparing for Surgery:

You will probably be asked to do an enema, if you feel you can’t do it because it’s too painful or uncomfortable with the seton in, don’t worry, they will do one whilst you’re under anesthetic anyway. But do it if you feel you can. You will also be asked not to eat or drink for 12 hours before the surgery. If you are feeling very anxious when you arrive at hospital, ask the anesthesiologist to give you a sedative, this will relax you completely before going in, and you probably won’t even remember being put to sleep in the operating theatre.

232 Responses to “Tips”

  1. I found out the hard way that sitz baths are very important to keeping the area clean. I wasn’t doing them enough and another abscess starting forming on the outside of the fistula where the seton came out. Too a lot of antibiotics, and did sitz baths with oil of oregano (small dot), hot to pull out pus, and lots of praying, and it went away! Still waiting for the fistual to heal. Seems like it is. I am so hopeful. Doctor said Crohn’s won’t allow it to heal but my last colonoscopy showed no inflammation where the seton was on the inside of the rectum. No Crohn’s in that area at all! They did see some (little) inflammation higher up, but could that have been from the colonoscopy prep? I have had no Crohns symptoms.

    • It sounds like your fistula is starting to settle down which is great! My surgeon told me that the main objective of the seton was to allow the tissue to settle down and clear. So if you feel like you don’t have any infection in the fistula or any pus coming out, then that’s a good sign! Once all the tissues settled down, they can usually try corrective surgery. Taking antibiotics all the time isn’t fun though huh!
      I’ve never heard of the oil of oregano thing either!! Thanks for mentioning that, I’ll add it to the ‘Tips’ page on this website 🙂

    • I had a fistula operation 2 weeks ago
      And they insert the seton drain the problem is that every time I have bowel movements it get swollen and painful
      I don’t know if this is normal the seton is meant to reduce the symptoms but in my case nothing has changed please I need a adivice

      • I had my seton placed in early Feb and have quite some bleeding with bowel movements eventhough they are soft and regular. It is also sensitive after Ive been to the toilet.

  2. Those who have been diagnosed with Crohn’s the SCDiet works for a lot of people. It is working for me. I feel like I have no Crohns one year out. But I thought I was okay after a few months and went off the diet in June 2009. That is when I had a bad weird flare, and that is when the perianal abscess came. It was a nightmare for sure as no one believed me. But long story short, I went back on the diet and so Crohn symptoms again. I only suffer from gas. I believe that the fistula will heal. I am also taking my SCD probiotics, and just started SCD safe L-Glutamine. So far so good. I am hoping to see my Colo-rectal surgeon sometime again this year and hope this seton can be removed. I hope for healing.

    • That’s amazing that the SCDiet works so well for you… so much of the way we feel has to do with what we eat! So what do you have to cut out when doing the SCDiet? I’m not familiar with it…

      • The SCDiet is Specific Carbohydrate Diet. Just think about eating absolutely healthy, and cutting out all carbs (flours, rice, potatoes, corn, and sugar, most beans, and no dairy!) and eat the foods like fruit, and veggies, poultry, beef, and fish. Also nuts, and honey are okay. I am suppose to make my own yogurt but I still get sensitive to that even so I take SCDophilus capsules instead. We are not allowed herbs in pill form, but we can have light herbal teas. I don’t eat pork meat any more because since I got the perianal fistula I have noticed that everytime I eat pork I have pain there. It’s weird, but pork does have a lot of bacteria and I am sure cooking it good just isn’t enough especially if one has a wound inside them.

    • Hi, I don’t tolerate fruit well because of the acid in it. What can you recommend for breakfast if I’m on the SC Diet? I usually have gluten free muslei and spelt bread, or gluten free porridge. But there’s rice flakes in them…

      • I’ve never heard of the SCDiet before. I have Crohn’s disease and after a few bad years with flare ups My wife Suggested i become a Vegetarian Within six months i had stopped all Crohn’s meds and have not had a flare up for almost 4 years Meat is the biggest problem with Crohn’s but surgeons dismiss it. If you have rotting meat in your gut that is slow to pass, it is not surprising that many people have trouble – though you do not notice just how difficult meat is to digest until you stop eating it or only have it occasionally. True carnivores have very short intestines for that very reason while humans have a rather long digestive tract like herbivores.

  3. SCDiet continued…white navy beans are okay and I think red kidney beans (soaked over night and rinsed well before cooking) and no canned food. And only 100% fruit juices, no sugar added. I make my own dressings, and make my own red sauces from tomato juice (jarred). I also bake with my homemade almond flour.

  4. Epsom salt sitz baths are wonderful too. My experience is that it helps tremendously.

    • I completely agree. I had a peri-anal abscess that turned into a fistula after it was surgically drained. I’ve been dealing with the fistula-in-ano for about 6months and just now had a surgery to unroof the tract and clean it out and hopefully this will be the end of it. Sitz baths with Epsom salts are incredibly soothing and help manage both cleanliness of the wound and provide very effective pain relief. If you’ve got a fistula, my advice is buy Epsom salts online in bulk. You’ll save yourself a ton of money and it really does help manage the wound in my experience. I mix regular salt in as well because of it is such an effective and gentle antiseptic.

      • Hi
        I want to know about fistula Seton treatment… doc told me to reinsert the the thread….please suggest

  5. I’m from the Netherlands and I have 2 setons since 4 August 2011. I have them on both sides. Since I have them I trie tot read on internet how to live with them. This is the first site with tips.

    The hardest part of having setons is keeping your bottom clean, especially after the number 1.

    After having the setons for more than 3 months I do the same thing as you do in the tips: Ik have a bidet, I use wet tissues, a pad between the cheeks. I also bought a travelbidet for when I’m outside.

    For me it’s very hard to hear from the doctor that I can do everything with my setons: cycling, riding horse! And people on the dutch fora do everything with their fistula.

    I trie to keep my bottom clean, rest a lot lying on my couch, and sit on a donut pillow. I’m glad to read here that you do the same thing as I do at the other side of the global…

    • Hey Tessa! Thanks for writing your story, sorry to hear you’re going through the pain of having 2 setons, and quite recently too huh!
      It’s so interesting to hear that you are doing all the same things as me to keep clean etc. A travel bidet is a great idea!!
      Yes, I hardly think that you would be able to ride a horse with setons, it would put pressure on your internal wounds and be very painful, could even cause an infection – so I’m not sure why your doctor says that!!

  6. wel, I have found that salt, and sugar makes the abscess grow. I try to avoid foods that are sugar or with added salts. With the openng inside, what you choose to eat does make a diference on how the abscess reacts. I also find if I put certain products near the abscess it causes the abscess to grow, such as vasoline for but burn.

    • Hi Fred, absolutely agree! I went to a Nutrionalist and he put me on a diet of no sugar, no gluten, no wheat. And I felt better. I’m now doing a diet of no Dairy, and it’s made a huge difference to how I feel. Dairy forms a mucus in your bowels… that can’t be helpful right? What you put in your mouth definitely affects how your insides are healing, and how healthy they are.

  7. I am overjoyed to have this website I felt I was alone in the whole world dealing with abscess and fistulas. I just got out of surgery yesterday and arrived home and learned that I have seton ribbed right on my anus and run to computer to research more about seton. That is how I found this resourceful website.
    I am more accepting and trying to find help and support to cope and cure the fistulas that grew inside between anal cavity and my rectum. Doctor did mention for me to expect third fourth and fifth surgery procedures. It is my 105th day dealing with pain. To me I have read many stories and it seem to take years to to be cured.
    Doctor told me I had perianal fistula.
    Online said I can never cure from this unless I have surgery intervention. Do you know more about this fistula? I am learning today how to clean my seton after defecating.
    I know I have a long road to recover;It’ll be helpful to have your insights and support.

    • Hi Cara, I think everyone who has this awful problem feels like they’re alone. It’s a hard subject to discuss with friends! And no one really understands what it’s like! I had two perianal abscesses, and they caused two perianal fistulas. So I understand what you’re going through. You will get better, don’t worry, you just have to take it one step at a time. I’ve had 7 surgeries. My last surgery was an Advancement Flap procedure, which is sort of like a skin graft over the holes that the fistulas had created. You will probably have the same procedure. Ask your doctor lots of questions so that you understand exactly what is going on, because everything seems worse when you’re unsure what is going on with your body. The seton is there to keep the fistula open until all the infection has gone and all the tissue is healthy. Once the tissue is healthy, they will do more surgery to try and close off the fistula. You’re right, it is a long road, but you will learn to cope, and things will get easier, don’t worry. Just keep your self healthy, lots of healthy food and water, and give your body the best chance to recover and heal! 🙂

      • I just had an Endorectal Advancement Flap almost 3 weeks ago. About how long does it take the flap to heal?

      • I just had the mucosal flap procedure on the 13th so 13 days ago. I have had many other surgeries for abcesses and seton but the recovery for this is by far the most challenging for me.
        The stinging pain can be rather annoying, the constant ‘wetness’ of the area due to small bowel leakage – is this even normal?, passing bowel motions is ok but the pain afterwards is annoying. (thankfully it is less pain as it was excutrutiating last week after each number 2s.)
        I guess I would like to know if this is all normal for where I’m at in recovery, especially with the small constant bowel smears on toilet paper all the time. ????
        I also seem to have a small hanging down bolbous thing that are wondering what it is.

        Over 6 weeks from surgery to first check up from anyone is too long for me to know what is considered normal recovery.

      • Hi Carolyn Primrose, I had the same procedure also on the 13th and all sounds exactly the same as I am experiencing. No pain most of the time until bowel movements when I would describe as sore and uncomfortable afterwards. My consultant also wants to see me in 6-8 weeks. The bulbous thing you describe you might want to get checked to be safe… I had packing in when I came round from surgery which could have been described as a bulbous hanging down thing. I had to insist to the nurses it had been packed and they checked as they didn’t believe me. After checking with the consultant they were told it was to stem the bleeding after surgery and should be taken out no later than the next morning if it didn’t come out on it’s own following bowel movement, which it did. If it is packing yours should have done too, but it might be packed too tightly or something? Can’t help to check. Hope this procedure works for you!!

      • Thanks for your Ged. It certainly isn’t the packing as that fell out first wee trip after surgery. I think it is either how it will just look forom now on or maybe a hermmoroid. It isn’t causing too much bother so will wait and see. Were you put on stool softeners? Do you have the leaking? Thank you for replying.

      • No probs 🙂 I was given some but haven’t needed to use them. They have given me them every time I have had my different surgeries but I have never had the need to use them. Yes, I have the leaking as well which I think is normal as essentially it is an open wound. The leaking is worse after I have been to the bathroom which seems to make sense too. Oh well if it isn’t the packing I wouldn’t panic too much, just ask about it at first check up 🙂 take care

    • hi I also suffer from them I have had a leaking fistula for 20 years had 3 more drained in that time I am now 60 so probably to old for surgery I am now going for a drug called remicade my GI said that there is a good chance this will heal them here’s hoping I hope it starts settling soon for you

      • You are not too old for surgery I have had a Seton put in place in February and I am having it replaced or removed in the next couple of months, I am 61 so you are younger than me. Good luck I hope you heal well and have no more problems

    • I just had a seton placement a little less than a week ago. I too was very relieved to refined this site. knowing I have to have this seton for the next eight weeks is trying, and then knowing I will have to have another procedure after that is discouraging but I just keep trying to tell myself one day at a time. I found today that the knot at the end of my seat and made its way into the fistula incision and was very painful trying to get it back out, going to contact the Dr tomorrow and see if there’s something that can be done about it or if that’s just something that I will have to deal with hopefully they can at least trim some of the edges to avoid further irritating the area. I am so thankful for this site and everyone’s advice and stories it makes me feel not so alone.

  8. I have a seton, because my fistula comes and goes after everytime i have the fistula drained. I wish it would go away. The fistula was brought on from my j pouch, i used to have ulcerativecolitis, why am i in so much discomfort and pain with the seton.

  9. Hi there,

    I have 2 setons that are inserted into my left side because I have 2 complex fistulas. I was just discharged from hospital yesterday – my 3rd hospital visit in the month of April. I currently sit on a donut cushion at work and only try to go to the toilet when I am at home so I can wash myself in the bath. I try to lie down as much as possible whenever I get the chance so I am not applying pressure on the area.

    I have been speaking with my Gastro specialist as he believes I now have Crohns, which is an escalation from Ulcerative Colitis. He has started me on on a Biologic treatment called Remicade. I will be beginning that treatment on May 11, and hopefully that will help me with my fistulas and my pain. Apparently the Remicade has done wonders for those who have gone through the therapy, and I am really looking forward to it.

    The website is so have a read, as it may be of interest to you.

    Living with the pain has become a daily custom, and it’s not fun at all. As I write this I am in some pain at work, but have no option to be resting at home as my colleague is off on a 1 week holiday in Fiji. I can’t wait to be pain free one day soon, and I will let everyone here know how my treatment goes.

    God bless everyone here who is suffering with this disease, and may your pain be lessened.

    • I got Remicade infusions for about 11 years and it worked impeccably. My fistulas were gone when i watched what I ate. I had to be taken off the Remicade due to some long term side effects, and now I only take Methotrexate injections, which doesn’t work nearly as well as the Remicade did.

  10. I had anal fistula surgery 5 wks ago.Went back to work in retail job three wks after.Saw my dr two days ago and he said surgeries looked great.I’m in a lot of pain on my right side.Is senton causing this pain?

    • I have a lot of pain after I defecate and after I move my Seton which I was told to do every day. I think the pain is caused by the pulling of the skin, and by spasms I get in my rectal muscle. It usually helps to stand, or lay on my stomach. I still have to take pain pills for the spasms 4 weeks after surgery. I am quite angry that doctors talk this surgery down, and they don’t tell you the truth about the long healing or the level of discomfort being high. They talked as if I’d be good as new in 2 weeks. I will never trust another doctor and will avoid surgery at all costs. I would never do Seton again.

      • Hi Cara! Unfortunately Setons are the best way to heal your fistula. They’re uncomfortable and painful… but it’s a step to your recovery. I had 2 setons in for 2 years, so I understand how awful it is. And you’re right, doctors do talk it down, I think they do that to instil positivity in you. It will be sore when you go to the toilet, but things will get better, just make sure you wash after you go, and keep everything really really clean. I think the best thing is to ask your doctor lots and lots of questions, so that you have a good understanding of what’s happening to you. And get a second opinion. I got several seperate opinions – but they all said the same thing – that I needed setons and surgery to heal the fistulas. And eventually, it worked. So hang in there, this is all part of the process to get you better 🙂

  11. Thank you for your response and your support. I am comforted by your reassurance, and appreciate having been able to actually contact someone who has had this surgery. My doctor tried to hook me up with his patients who had them, but none of them wanted to talk about it, which I don’t blame them for. Seton is not an easy discussion to have. I wonder if there has been any research on fistulas using IV antibiotics, or antibiotics directed into the infected fistula. It seems to me that there has to be another way to treat these.

    Did you keep your Seton in after the infection had already cleared up, or did it actually take 2 years to go away? What antibiotics did you take over that time? They have me on 250 mgs of Flagyl/Metronidizol 3 times a day. After they removed the Seton did your parts go back to normal? They told me I’d have a permanent hole where the fistula track was, but I want to know if my butt will ever be the same as it was before? Tuesday will be the 5th week since surgery and I still had a pretty painful day today. There would be no terrorists if governments traded water boarding torture for Setons,

    • I had the setons in straight away. Went into an emergency operation… woke up with a seton in! I got another fistula a few months later, and so had a second seton put in. And it took 2 years for the fistulas to ‘dry’ up and all the infections to stop. My surgeon basically waited until it was the right time to do the advancement flap – so as to give me the best possible chance of success. Better to wait 2 years and be absolutely sure, then do it while the fistulas are still infected, and have the surgery fail. Because as far as I’ve been told, you can only do an advancement flap twice – and the second time has half the chance of success! So don’t be in a rush for your ‘fixing’ surgery 🙂 I remember having really bad pain for up to 2 months after an operation, so it’s perfectly normal for you to still be in pain after 5 weeks, so don’t worry. Just make sure you’re doing all the right things – cleaning, eating probably, not irritating the area.
      After I’d had the Advancement Flap surgery and they removed the setons, I had a big hole on the inside of my butt cheek. It looked pretty horrific to me. But it healed over really quickly. It sort of heals from the inside out…I had bandage pads on there for a while, until the skin started growing over. And now I have a big scar there, but the skins gone pink, and you wouldn’t even notice it unless you really looked. You can feel it, because there’s a permanent ‘dip’ there, like a little crater! But I don’t mind it, it’s a reminder of what I went through, and how I overcame all the pain and anxiety of living with fistulas and setons, and it reminds me of how lucky I am to be healthy now!! It also reminds me that I need to be careful I don’t slip back into the old habits which probably caused me to have fistulas in the first place 🙂

    • oh and to answer your question on Antibiotics…. My doctor tried lots of different ones on me, and the ONLY one that worked for me was – Ciprofloxacin. So try that if the ones you’re using aren’t healing your infections up properly and quickly. But you don’t want to be on antibiotics for long periods of time either. This one seemed to work quickly for me 🙂

  12. Forgot to ask, if you had to move your Seton did it sometimes get stuck?

    • Hey Cara, Yes my Seton used to move all the time, it would rotate around, so that the knot part would go up into my body. I usually wouldn’t realise until it would start scratching around in there and hurting majorly. Sometimes it would cause an infection as well. So I’d go to my nurse and get her to pull it back around. But after a couple of times of it happening, I got used to just pulling it back around myself. Usually with a mirror.

  13. has anyone tried homeopathic treatment to heal / cure fistula in ano? I have heard that silicea 6x and arnica 30c works to cure the fistula.

    • Hi, I was told by my Homeopath doc that it might take upto 1.5 years for the fistula to cure and that too with daily sitz baths twice a day. Dont know if anyone can endure such pain for so long. I finally went in for a surgery and am still recovering even after 3 weeks , even though the doc used Lasers etc .

  14. What is the best diet following a fistulotmy, flap replacement, and anal sphincter repair? Dr said no crohns, likely caused by episiotomy and forceps delivery. also, can I drive short distances? Off pain meds. Thank you!

    • Hey MB, I used to drive with a donut pillow on the car seat! And diet wise, it depends on the person, you need to work out what works best for you. I stopped gluten and dairy because both of those things upset my bowels. Anything that upsets your bowels, you need to stay away from. Fresh veges and healthy healthy food! Some people find the SC Diet works for them. You need to figure out what helps your body, it’s a personal thing. Loads of water!!! 🙂

  15. Hey folks, 7 days post flap advancement “rescue” surgery and all going fairly well 🙂

    The “wound” is healing pretty well though lots of gunk coming though (blood/pus etc) but thankfully no fecal matter. Yay!

    Painful prior to and during a bowel movement but afterwards the sweet sweet release is awesome. Also when gassy I notice the build up of pressure hurts? I think that is the bulk of the pain I feel to be honest. Hmmm.

    Anyhow…In other news I have a couple more useful tips:

    1. Give Epsom salts and/or cooking salt a boost in your sitz baths by adding some tea tree oil! Stinky but man it really works. My “wound” was very funky for a few days – 24hrs after using the tea tree oil I’ve noticed a major improvement and drop in the level of crud draining. I’ve taken to popping a few spots onto the opening of the wound which is fairly well heeled by a little raw. It improves the “smell” of things for sure which can’t be a bad thing!

    2. To get a good “look” at what is going on (without playing with the area as it needs to heal!) I suggest 2 things. 1. A mirror of any kind and 2. A smart phone with a flash. Set tr smartphone on video mode (iPhone in my case) and then the flash is permanently on. Hold phone an mirror together and you can see wtf is going on without needing a thousand hands or complex gymnastic positions 🙂

    3. Take extra baths as and when you need if you can. Ie. make the best of it
    4. How good are smart phones/iPhones!! I spend so much time on sites like so good.

    Anyhow! Hope all are doing well out there in fistula land.

    Take care all.


    • How much tea tree oil do you put in the bath and where do you purchase it? what happens when you apply it directly to your fistula sight?

      • Hi Cara, in a full bath (tub) I put about a cap full of it so maybe 5-10ml? When I dab it on the site with a tissue/cotton bud it tingles and that about it. No pain etc as the wound isn’t bleeding so much now as weeping funky pus and what not. If nothing else it smells better for it and I definitely noticed an improvement in the wound at least?

        My flap surgery V2.0 rescue has failed so I’m kinda not a poster child for awesome fistula outcomes however – my CRS was “astonished” that the wound was as clean as it was 🙂

        Hope you are going well and give the tea tree oil a try! I was ultimately chasin oil of oregano but it is as rare as hens teeth i found. You can get it in Australia from chemists/pharmacies, and the local supermarket in the medical area (usually near all the bandaids and things). Hope this helps.

        Best wishes,

    • Hi Sorebum… I think I realised you have mentioned you are from Australia . I am in Melbourne & wanted to know who was your surgeon & was he good .
      Regards chin

      • Hi Chin, I am also in Melbourne and have a very good surgeon for my fistulising Crohns disease. Let me know if you’d like his details. All the best!

      • Hi Gillian,

        This is Chin.. I had messaged you quiet a while back with regards to Fistula as I am from Melbourne too .. I am still not free from Fistula , have undergone a plug surgery & went through a flap surgery too , but both of them failed .Now I am back to the surgeon & they want to do a flap surgery again . You mentioned you are very happy with your surgeon ., is it possible to share the details of the surgeon, if it’s allright.
        Look forward to hearing from you.

  16. I had a peranal abcess drained by way of lance about 3 months ago, i thought that once it was done healing, that it would be out of my life. But i noticed that it started getting plump again in the area where the original lance took place, and im athletic i skate so i use my legs alot, take falls and what not, and enojoy being active im going on 23. Now what im dealing with is a abcess with pain no where near as bad as the 6 oklock abcess, now its a 4 oklock abcess that continusouly fills up with puss and every few days i can push on the area and it drains from the original lance area throuh a little hole. its a very confusing issue not to mention embarrising. help

  17. Also i denied surgery from a doctor because i can tolerate the pain, but im worried that if i dont get it fixed it will get worse. I dont reallly trust the doctor’s surgery, so he reffered me to a specialist in the area, why would he even try to operate on me if he didnt specialize in it? I dont trust doctors, i feel like the are in it for the money, so im in constant fear i feel.

  18. Please be sure to get patient and Dr. references before you have surgery or even see a Dr., and after my medical experiences I recommend 2nd and 3rd opinions if you carry insurance. I do hear where you are coming from, and you are very young. I got my first fistula at about 24. Now I’m 47. Did you get it due to Crohn’s or some other reason? I had a couple of fistulas lanced and then when I saw a Colorectal surgeon they said I had to get a Seton because if they continue lancing I could lose continence. Ask if there are any other less invasive things to do first like oral or IV anti-biotics, or other medications. I am in the process of seeking out other options, including medical and holistic. I see a nutritionist which is worth every penny, and take supplements. The temporary sacrifice of food that isn’t helping me recover seems worth it. Good luck and I wish you a full and speedy recovery.
    I’m with you on not trusting Drs. and look out for the surgeons. They like to cut.

  19. I was reffered by my Primary Care Physician, to a surgeon that checked for any opening in the anus with this tool, and he said that there was no sighn of an opening. Iv heard of fistulas being virtually invisible. Then that surgeon reffered me to a ColoRectal surgeon that specializes. Thats how i know they are out for money, A surgeon refferring me to another surgeon, please…. I also check stools and no blood. Im in the process of 2nd and 3rd opinions. I see that Dr. on the 24th of this month. They had me on heavy dose’s of Ciproflaxacin and metronidazole at the same time, and that was NOT fun. I felt really crappy while on that 10 day prescription by the way. I need to check out the holistic remedies, my mother is pressuring that, since money doesnt come easy in these times. Its just really hard to eat healthy. But worth it i need to suck it up. Thank you for replying to me. I feel like alchohal is really bad for this condition too. They had me on Augmentin for ten days, and it went away totally, i stopped checking it and everything. I got really drunk one night and the next day, the first time i checked in a while, i could feel it creeping back. AGain thank you very much Cara.

    • Hi Athlete with problem! It’s great that you’re getting 2nd and 3rd opinions… I would have thought that the best way to tell if you have a fistula or not, would be to get an MRI done, perhaps that’s what your next surgeon will suggest. I had 3 opinions as well. And to be honest, they all ended up saying the same thing, and I ended up getting the right treatment that I needed.
      Drinking alcohol makes a massive difference. I was constantly on Ciproflaxacin, and it would make the infection go away, and then I’d have a big night out with friends, and it would all come straight back again. I ended up going to a nutrician and stopping gluten and dairy, and stopped drinking, and my body coped and fought a lot better. It’s not fun giving up things you enjoy, especially when you’re young – but if it makes a difference to your health, and the period of time you’re sick for, it’s worth it in the long run. Doesn’t mean you’ll never have fun ever again 🙂
      You don’t want it to get worse, so if you need to have an operation to fix it, then so be it. Knock it on the head before it turns into something that is more complicated to control.
      As much as doctors and surgeons can be in it for the money and sometimes you feel you don’t trust them – there are some good ones out there who will give you the best advice. If you’re in New Zealand, let me know and I’ll give you the name of a few good trustworthy Colorectal Surgeons.
      Good luck, and keep us all updated!!! 🙂

      • Hi I am in new Zealand and have already undergone a surgery in March. But the fistula has still not healed. The surgery had in Hong Kong. This time I am trying in Auckland recieved a letter from auckland district health board to come for a check up on the 7th Nov ( colonoscopy) was on the waiting list since July when I had been recommended by my local GP. I have had perianal fistula. Any tips or advice is highly appreciated.

  20. After a limited diet, being off alcohol is the next toughest thing. It sucks that when I am sad, I can’t even have a drink, and it cuts down on my social life cause I can’t meet friends for anything but a glass of water. I am trying to focus on the future and hoping things will change for the better. There are new meds a couple of years off according to researchers. Remember to get references from patients so they can vouch for the treatment they got and the doctor. Seeing a nutritionist, who your insurance might cover, has really helped me get rid of buring from a fistula. Fistulas can be hard to find, or they can see them on an x-ray before you find it externally. I have one up high near my ribs, the dr. tells me, that hasn’t even opened up yet. I don’t feel that one at all. Good luck. Wishing you a full and speedy recovery.

  21. Its been 5m since my distils surgery and A week ago it was developing an abscess and he opened my surgery to drain it.Boyfriends in hospital so yesterday did too much sitting and today I feel it throbbing and like a cut.Why?

  22. I’ve had two surgeries over 10 years ago. I am now diabetic & still dealing with fistulas. Is there any other way to get them to heal?

  23. my sympyoms seemed to go away totally, by itself. i just rarely ate meat, and drank a ton of water. basically forot about it, and it went away. im not sure tho but i feel funny about that area every so often, like its lingering around maby. i just gotta not eat as much and change my eating/work/actovity habbits to cope with the condition. my symptoms are minimal to none.

  24. thank you..i will follow ur suggestions and one thing
    My fistula surgery done last week
    How many days to recover it….

  25. Hi, I am 32 years old, I had a surgery about five months ago and woke up with a seton in place. I have no regular pain, but I do have the occasional discomfort. I take regularly sitz baths and I keep the area very clean. I played soccer about 2-3 times a week now I have completely stopped from a fear of irritating the area. My doctor kept telling me the seton will soon leave my body on its out, but it hasn’t so far. After my last visit few weeks ago to tighten the seton, he has scheduled me for a second surgery to remove the seton.
    Recently though, the pus and the blood that was coming out is less than what it used to be now it’s very little. But, I do have this nasty odor that I can smell whenever I sit-down or move. I can’t explain the smell, it has a smells musty smells like a fart.
    Did anyone experience that? Or is it just me. I just don’t know how to stop it, and my doctor and the nurses don’t seem to know or wouldn’t give me a straight answer.

    • I also notice a smell that no one else can smell. It smells a bit like faecal matter, and I sometimes see a small amout of poo on my dressings even though I always have a sitz bath after every bowel movement.

      • This can be effective taken care off by using a ear bud with some extra cotton at the tip that can be used to clean the inaccessible area . I also add betadine solution to the warm sitz water bath and follow it up with a mild pressure warm water jet to clean before and after the sitz bath.

  26. I had surgery 5 days ago and woke up with a seton. im wearing a pad with tape over my butt and taking sitz baths every day. seeing all these stories of having setons for 5 or 6 have me very discouraged i thought this was routine minor surgery and this would be gone soon. im so upset and when it drains/bleeds there is a foul odor. i just want a normal life again…

  27. I got a fistula ano. i started taking Ghee 2 times a day with wild oragano 3 times a day and eating whole raw foods for the most part. Pus went away in a 4 days and swelling is half the size. Still a good knot and a little blood but I think its slowly healing. I know its a long process but its changed my habbits for the better. Oh sitz baths 3-4 times a day is must.

    • I got your text a year ago on fistula tips, I hope yor fistula cured.
      I had 3 times operation still there is pus and my consultant told me to block the fistula by man made fiber. what do you think.

  28. After being admitted into hospital with a anal abscess, emergency and my god it was very painful I couldn’t even stand. 3 months of packing holes nearly as big as tennis balls the wound seemed to heal, days later my abscess was back. for 1-2 months I had to wait for surgery(Hospital admin errors added to delays) in which time the abscess would heal up and explode open every 3-10 days which was incredibly painful. On my 3rd operation they put in a seton oh what a relief. Yes very painful but compared to not having the seton it was a huge relief. My operations are usually 2 months apart. I have read so so much about the procedures I have had. Just hope it goes or heals soon.

    Unfortunately im on operation number 7 in just over 1 year. I don’t go out except to shop to get essentials I use women’s sanitary products, as men’s are so uncomfortable. I have no social life and am not working. Has anyone else with an absess had it intrude on your life in the same way it has for me. I keep reading about people going to work with a seton and im so jelous. just to get out of the house away from watching tv would be a luxury to me.

    • I too am in the same situation as you Jayce, Ive had 6 operations since March this year (had emergency surgery on an anal abscess last july). My life is on hold, I cannot go out as I know I will suffer badly the next day.

      Ive got 2 fistulas with 2 setons in, I have had the bio plug thing done but it fell out with a week (I had major abdominal surgery that week so my guess it had something to do with it) my llast operation (3 weeks ago) was with a different surgeon who put the stitches in so tight that its cut through my skin and caused no end of problems to keep clean.

      Im at my wits end, can barely sit down, my setons are so painful and cut through my skin (like freezer ties in an open wound) which now has its own abscesses on (deep joy) a bit of normality would be amazing without feeling like ive been kicked in the behind by a horse lol

      If anyone has any tips I would appreciate it, I would love to exercise, work and socialise, have a relationship but these fistulas and setons and the endless operations are keeping me prisoner in my own home 😦

      Sorry to be all depressed, but its hard not to be when you get recognised by your bottom rather than your face by your consultant! lol

      So I really do get where you are coming from

  29. Im skeptical to get the surgery. I Have only went to emergency room once, for the inital lance, its was a painful abcess i couldnt even sit down. 7 or 8 months later am still dealing wth t, but pan s minimal. I havean abcess that is painless for the most part, that fill up, and drains every 2 weeks or so. Talk about a pain!! its really annoying! Surgery is jsut too risky since most are failures. Docs wanted me to get surgery but im afraid ill come out of surgery with a worse problem that have now. I just gotta eat natural foods and change my activities, and just drink a ton of fluids. Holistic……think indians…how would they have dealt with ths problem. Im lucky to have minimal pain.

  30. Has anyone tried using the Oregano Oil & Olive Leaf? If so, how do you use it? I recently picked some up and applied it to the skin, and it burns, iv heard somthing about it before in relation to Fistula….thanks

    • The best thing I bought for keeping my fistula under control is an enama bag.I use a couple drops of organic Frankencense in it, and am having great results. I also changed my diet and don t eat meat, wheat or dairy. All grains seem to cause issues, so I eat next to none, I bought a Vita-Mix and do lots organic berry smoothies with avocodo, ginger root, etc, and eat lots of organic salads.

  31. All of the above for me. I’m going to have a seton put in, sometime in jan’Feb, I’m scared. I’ve gone through the pain since 09….had two operations……releasing the pressure/puss. Nothing has worked.I’m now going to step two for the process (seton)…..can this(fistula) be healed? Is my life, as I know it, over? My sex life is over… everything that works seems to be connected to my ass……hard to get an erection when ny penis has shrunk like a frightened turtle. It’s actually embarassing from a man’s perspective…I swear i’m literally half the man I used to be…I’m so confused and frightened.Is there any hope?????After reaching 50, and thinking I’ve seen it all….this happens. My wife will NOT let me wallow in self-pity. She actually makes me feel worse……She says we’ll deal with whatever comes……this is a living nightmare. Defecating raor blades is the norm, never feeling 100%…..constant bouts of unexplained chills……and scared everyday when I have to use the washroom. This is a curse. I had my third diagnosis yesterday….seems like a seton will be placed…….untill furthr work can be done. IS THERE ANYONE WHO HAD SUCCESS????? I realize this board is for rolks living with this cruel nightmare. I wish someone would chime in who’d had…dare I say…a cure. I’m so DOWN…….IT’S RIDICULOUS. God bless us all. The most frustrating thing is NO-ONE KNOWS what causes this….mine started out of the blue…of course I was diagnosed with hemoroids….sent home the first couple of times…..until a wise Doctor sent me to the hospital…then the odyssey began. It seems I don’t have chrohn’s….or IBF….help. How can I work? Will I end up on the street divorced? I’m so depressed, I feel like taking my own life. I’m sure these feelings will pass….as I have a sunny disposition, normally. I’m having a hard time dealing with the ramifications of these fistulas….What a cruel joke.
    So much misinformation, too. Things I’ve learned:
    1. My “dark passenger” has become my sitz bath.
    2. Cleanliness is MANDATORY.
    3. nO NUTS OF any kind.
    4. seeds, etc….anything that can get caught in the tract….bad news.
    5. Senacot S (STOOL SOFTENER) has become my pill of choice.
    6. Don’t expect a rapid healing. This is a process.
    7. I’m scared.

    • I am having good results by staying away from wheat, meat, and dairy. I am eating 95 % raw and do daily enamas. I have it under control, and once my lymphatic system is running properly, it will go away. I was supposed to get a seton too, but the last operation caused me to get more. Your body is smart and will heal itself, if you can change your diet.

    • keep your chin up there are a lot worse off than you yes its a bitch but we get by one day at a time i started getting abscesses in 1996 that was my first hospital drainage since then more times than i care to remember now ask your doctor for regal swabs they are paper based so no rubbing the cloth ones are like sand paper i have crohn’s and on a drug called remicade that helps me a lot my fistulas leak poo nightmare but better than being dead i have the dreaded seton in i find it helps keeping the fistulas clean the sitz bath wow i did ten years without one that was the best money i ever spent you can also ask the doc for iodine to put in your sitz bath helps keeping every thing clean down there good luck with your marriage lol just kidding

      • Hi there I Thauth that I was alone I have Chronhns for over 25yers about 15 months I develop a
        painful bugger I’m takin remicade for 9 months the fistula is driving me crazy the puss etching swelling the pain I have a Kobe seating all day and it’s very painfull I hope that I can get some tips from all you that has been dealing with this problem thank you

  32. Hello

    I have just had my second seton and the skin has healed over all of the seton, including the knot. There is just a tiny end of the knot poking out of the skin. My guess is that this will prevent the seton working but I was wondering if anyone else had had this and whether it is possible that the knot etc will push out to the surface?



    • Hi Helen, the whole point of a seton is to keep everything OPEN….surely the hole hasn’t completely closed up because the seton is still running through the whole right? I used to go to a nurse every 2 weeks and have a check up, and she would usually turn the seton, I also did this myself. You probably should go and see your doctor. You don’t want fluid etc getting built up in there because it can’t easily get out – that’s why a seton keeps the fistula open, so that fluid etc can flow out easily.

      • I take hot sits baths, as hot as I can take it, to help liquify the infection and keep in from glopping and getting stuck. Then the seton moves back and forth freely. My doc tells me to move it back and forth several times a day. This helps it drain and not get goopy. If they infection thickens it is hard to move the Seton.

    • If it isn’t meant to be a cutting Seton, as there are 2 different types of placements, it seems to me that they should have left you a couple of inches slack when they put it in. It is supposed to be loose enough that you can move it around. But I would ask your doctor what is supposed to happen.

  33. I have Crohn’s, but had my first fistula drained by incision in 2001, followed by 2 others. in 2012 upon developing a newly infected fistula, they told me I needed to have a Seton because more incisions to drain the infection could cause incontinence. I won’t lie to you. The Dr. told me that I’d be good as new in a few weeks, and that was so not true. On June 5th I had my surgery, and they knocked me out with general anesthetic for the surgery, and used local anesthetic to keep me out of pain for many hours following surgery. It helped me to sit on ice the first few days. Recovery was worse for the Seton than other surgeries I’ve had. It was a totally long process of healing. It took a full 3 months before I was personally 100%, but some people apparently heal more quickly than I did. My doctor told me my pain was in my head when I didn’t heal right away, and I switched doctors. My rectum totally spasmed which caused me a lot of discomfort that I couldn’t relieve and just had to wait it out. I used pain killers which helped somewhat. Time healed my butt and , my attitude, but is still working on healing the infection. Now that I am 6 months in I still have drainage, and still have to bathe regularly. The trauma has lessened, but it was tough to get past, and emotionally draining.
    Let your spouse support you, and try not to turn them away. You’ll both survive and it may strengthen your bond. Eventually when the pain and healing from the Seton are helping you, your sex drive will hopefully return. I am a woman, but I had some of your same feelings in regard to the whole trauma, and issues with sex. My husband has been supportive and doesn’t want to leave me because I’m sexually squeamish right now. Relationships are a lot more than sex, and this is a good way to discover intimacy through other venues, like conversation, holding hands, back rubs etc….

  34. i had the advancement flap surgery roughly 3 weeks ago and still cant sit. also pain after a bowl. this normal?

    • Hi Bob, yes totally normal! My advancement flap surgery took months to heal. In fact, I didn’t stop feeling pain for about 6 months. It’s a long slow process. You have to really really look after yourself. Get yourself a donut pillow! Hope you start feeling better soon… one day at a time….. 🙂

  35. Hi,everyone i will make long story short two years back i was diagnosed with anal fistula and then i did my research went to different doctors every one said i need to do surgery and then i came across homeopathy.And i went and saw a homeopathic doctor and he said you have to be patient homeopathy takes its time i said ok as long as i don’t have to do surgery. i started with homeopathy here I’m 95 percent cured.homeopathic doctors are every where but you need to choose the good one with lot of experience. it did work for me please go give it a try.


  36. I just wanted to say thanks for this blog. After reading through all of these comments I feel less alone, and also gathered some useful information. I’ve been dealing with a perianal fistula for a year and a half now, and am about to have my 6th operation (second advancement flap). In this whole year and a half I haven’t had a single doctor tell me anything about looking at my diet, other than to add fiber.
    I’m going to try cutting out meat and wheat and see if that helps with the healing process this time.
    Thanks again for having this information here. Very helpful!

  37. What types of foods can I eat if I have a complex anal fistula + hemmoroids. Having colostomy surgery on 2/6/13.

  38. Hi, I have just had a seaton fitted and I was wondering if the symptoms that I have are normal! It feels as though it is going to fall out and very uncomfortable – can anyone advise of any feelings and symptoms that you should have with one of these fitted!

  39. Setons are very uncomfortable. It took me 3 full months until i adjusted to it and could walk properly. Depending on what your doc told you, mine was supposed to be able to move back and forth to allow for drainage, but it is tied so it won’t actually come out until the doc cuts the Seton.

  40. Hi thanks for this, I was not really given much information after my op and I think a fact sheet would have been very useful. Did you have the feeling of this horrid thing falling out? I have to return for a check up in 6 weeks and I am hoping that they will admit me not long after to have this removed. I have also had a fissure removed in July and in December had a spintoctomy and now this. Because I know it’s there I cannot stop worrying about it. Is this normal? I only had the op on Friday the 18th jan. I can also not get in a comfortable position with the wires!!!! What a nightmare!!!!

    • I didn’t worry about it coming out as much as I worried that I’d be in discomfort forever. if your Seton is a cutting seton they may admit you. The one I have is just regular and is removed out patient. Its only been a few weeks since your surgery so I would be patient if I were you. It is a long healing process, usually longer than the doctors admit. It is an uncomfortable nightmare. Hang in there. My advice is to ask more questions to your doc. You can always call and speak to his nurse to ask questions now as well. Make lists so you remember what to ask cause you never remember them when you get there.

  41. Hi ,
    Sharing my experience ..

    Started with high acidity followed by constipation in March last year . By June I had fissure for which I started herbal medication along with diltiazem lotion . Thing went well for sometime untill I stopped following the recommended diet . I soon had similar symptoms in November.

    I had a surgery 3 weeks ago after I was diagnosed with fistula with external blind . Doctor assured that the surgery will be short an I will be normal after 3 days of rest. During surgery it was found that I had 2 inter spincteric fistulae with the infection moving inside .

    My skilled surgeon who performs atleast one surgery a day , did it well and also covered it up ,he calls it reconstructive surgery , and there are sutures and a cut deep in the cheek at 6′ O clock position. Fortunately for me there are no open wounds and setons like most of you have to go through.

    Its 3 weeks now and I am still at home resting as its not possible to really take on strenous activity without pain killers. Even with painkillers sitting upright is still uncomfortable. Doctor has advised that I can take the painkiller suppository to alleviate the pain. Apart from that sitz baths every day after every motion is a must and I still have pain for 10 minutes or so after passing stools . Wound is still healing and there is occasional bleeding. Spouse has been supportive and helps in dressing the surgery wound after cleaning it with Betadine . I have also be told that Hydroheal ( Silversol ) cream helps to heal it faster .

    Diet – My doc being a primarily Ayurvedic doc , has set a strict diet regime for me with most of the pulses and lentils off the list for atleast 3 months.
    1. No milk and milk products , including yoghurt
    2. No fermented products , breads or any product made with refined flour
    3. No products that have gram flour, black lentils , yellow pigeon peas
    4. No rice 😦
    5. No fruits like papaya, pine apple , water melon , pear etc
    5. Can have – wheat chapatis ( indian bread ) and selective fresh vegetables
    Its a long list and most of these are consumed in India . But basically the food has to be soft on the digestive system and not aggravate the situation.

    Apart from this a few ml of stool softener as also recommended in the night.

    Diet is really important and yesterday for some reason I had to eat at a restaurant and immediately I could feel that I am not feeling ok.

    I am also taking Pranic healing sessions to speed up the recovery process , which normally takes 6 weeks . I was told that fistulae can be healed with a few weeks of treatment with this therapy but I could not bear the pain that had spread to the base of the spine.

    Hope we all recover soon and some day the researchers know the root cause of this issue .

  42. Hi, thank you for your tips, it’s so helpfull when you know that you are not in this pain alone. You are very lucky not having the seaton fitted. I have been told from my surgeon that I cannot have the cutting seaton as this can cause another fissure. This I could never bear again! I am going to try the salt baths as from tomorrow. Until I had this problem I never knew how common all these ailments are, I had never heard of fissure, spinctomy or fistular in my life! But I could write a book now!! I have a drs apt tomorrow and was hoping to try and go back to work next Monday but I don’t think he will let me as it will only be a week since the seaton has been fitted. Thanks again for your comments it all helps knowing you are not alone.

  43. As many others have commented, it is at least a comfort to have found a place where we can discuss this topic. It’s awkward trying to talk to friends or family about fistulas. I have been diagnosed with two fistulas (based on MRI test and exam) and go in for my first surgery tomorrow. I’m honestly very nervous about it! I’ve had surgeries before and dealt with the recovery, but the doctor said I may need two setons with the fistulas and the feedback here and on other sites with the setons scares me. But at least I know what to potentially expect going into the surgery and with recovery. And as painful and uncomfortable as that may be, I won’t wake up surprised (hopefully), and will be on my way to healing these things. I’m happy to have found this site and all of you here to share our war stories and help support each other. Thanks everyone and keep me in your thoughts as I go in for surgery tomorrow.

  44. Hi, I wish you well for your surgery tomorrow, you will be fine. Believe it or not today is the first day that I actually feel okay. I only had my surgery last Friday. I have come to the conclusion that I have to live with it for a while and I know it’s going to get me better. I think the most uncomfortable think is the actual seaton and getting it in a good position in your bum!!! ( if you know what I mean!). I have also got use to it being there now and the feeling has gone of this falling out, it must just be reaction knowing there is a foreign body inside that should not really be there. Please be strong and try to think positive, I am based in the UK and not sure of time differences of people on this site but I will still be thinking of you. Keep us posted on your progress – take care x

  45. Hi all! I had my 1st surgery 8 days ago – 3 setons! I’ve been dealing with fistulas since last April but didn’t have insurance to take care of them. Talk about a painful long summer. I’m doing ok BUT in a lot of pain after a BM! How the heck am I supposed to keep that area clean?!! I shower with a handheld but the spray KILLS and I know I don’t get it completely clean 😦 I don’t have a bidet or a bath and we tried a turkey baster but that didn’t work. How can I get around these bands, w/o touching the wound (ouch) and making sure I’m clean??

    • Holding the shower head on the area is the best way to clean it, but just hold it further away if it’s too painful at the moment…. the pain will ease, and it’s SO important to keep it clean so you don’t get an infection. YOu could also buy a shallow plastic tub and fill that with warm water and sit in it in the shower to soak. Good luck, I hope you start feeling brighter soon!! 🙂

    • Peg…I thought it was bad enough having one never mind 3! You poor thing you must be in agony. I only had my seaton fitted 2 weeks ago today, it did get a little bit easier but today I have very sharp stinging and shooting pains on the left side of my bum and not sure if this is normal??? I have found that the moist toilet tissue that you can buy is really hadndy rather than keep jumping in the shower after every BM. Not sure about your seatons but mine have been tied with very stong surgical cotton and I found these very uncomfortable and were sticking in my bum! I went to Boots (our local chemist in the UK) and I purchased some 100% square cotton pads like the size of a coaster and I gently wrap one of these around the seaton and it has really helped prevent this wire hurting! I also purchased a rubber ring to sit on from ebay (although it looks more like a tractor innertube!) and that helps too but not very attractive!
      Keep well and keep updating with your comments as its so useful to everybody. Take care

    • Well it’s been a month since I had the 3 setons in place and I know it’s working. But what I can’t get over is the smell!! And thoughts??

  46. Has anyone been successful getting disability insurance due to this? I’ve not been able to for for 10 months and looks like I’ll be out for a couple more…

    • Peg,

      I had insurance before the fistula/abcess happened, it might be a stretch getting it after the fact??? and it looks like I’ll be retiring at 46 because of it…good luck mate

  47. I must be very lucky. I just had my second seton stitch inserted last week (with fistultomy) and I was walking around the next day.
    I have no pain except when I’m getting it packed every morning (The first packing is one of the worst pains a human can experience in my opinion, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone! A word of advice, make them give you STRONG pain relief and anti-inflammatory drugs in advance. Seriously.
    If you are still in the hospital as an impatient for the first packing, get them to sedate you. It’s just kinder. I think it’s so cruel for doctors to expect patients to go through that pain.

    But anyway, I went for a walk today… I have never found the seton too painful, just a bit uncomfortable when I poop ha. Should I not be walking?

    This is my second seton since November and I’m getting fed up though.
    I’ve been taking aloe vera gel and manuka honey for it’s cleansing and anti-baterial properties, but my fistula only got worse and I needed another seton.

    I’ve also been eating lots of almond nuts and almond milk and cashew nuts. Is this bad? I heard almonds are pro-healing because they are so nutritious…

    Is there anything else I can do? I don’t think I can use the epsom salts yet because the wound is still too fresh right?

  48. I had Advance Anal Flap surgery last Wednesday & I think it has failed? If you have had this surgery & it failed what were the signs? My drainage is not just blood & pus, now stool? Does this mean it has failed? So scared!

    • Hi Annie, have you called your surgeon!? You need to make an appointment and go and see them today to check it.
      Don’t be scared, I know how awful it is. If it has failed, just stay positive and take the next step to getting better. It could be ok, I guess it depends on where it is coming from and how much. The only person that can tell you is your surgeon. Good luck, and let us know how you get on!!

      • Thank you for responding back to me! I did call the surgeon & was told that this was normal & to be expected. Big relief! I have not done anything but go from bed to toilet to shower. No stairs, no walking nothing! I am ready to do this for 4 weeks! This is my 4th surgery & like everyone else, just want this to be behind me☺ so glad I found your site! Will keep you posted!

  49. I’m so sorry to hear about your situation with the anal flap procedure :-(. I’m supposed to have the same thing in 3 weeks. So, I too would like to know others’ responses of signs to know when/if it has failed. Nervous about it all. Still here with 2 setons in. Good luck and hope things go better

  50. I had my first perianal abscess in April 2010 which I nearly died from as I didn’t know I had one and thought I had the flu as that was going around in my house I was still doing normal activities until a big lump appeared and I couldn’t sit I then made my flat mate take me to a&e and got admitted straight onto the ward I had a temp of 39.5 degrees got pumped full of fluid n had an emergency EUA & drainage. 1 day later I was released from hospital with a week off work I went home to recover with district nurse follow up and lasted 1 day out of hospital was then remitted with another EUA & further drainage a 10cm by 10cm opened wound packed 3 months off work and follow up district nurse care. Nearly 6 months later I had a follow up with the surgeon who said I needed to have another EUA but first would need to have a MRI only to find out I had a 2mm fistula I was then put on a waiting list 6 months later I had the EUA the surgeon said the fistula wasn’t going anywhere and I would be lucky if I get another abscess back….thought I was lucky….then April last year it returned I had the same procedure EUA and drainage with a week of work and follow up appointment I thought I could feel a fistula but the doctors said it was only scar tissue until the abscess didn’t heal completely so I was put on another waiting list this time with another surgeon who performed a EUA and Seton stitch I must say I’ve been lucky to have no pain I don’t let it get in the way of me playing sport and hope i will start again monday and I’m still going to do all the things I want to do…In 4 weeks I get to go back to the surgeon who will give me my options I’m 31 year old female I’ve been told I don’t have crohns and its not a very common for females to have what I have next year I want to start planning kids and would hope this is all over by then….any females out there that have had kids with this condition?

    • hi, I have a 3 yr old daughter and have had 6 surgeries since oct 2012 for complex fistula. I have a seton in, suffer constant reinfection resulting in more antiboditics needed. Daily dressings still from last surgery in Jan and another surgery planned for end of April. I am in daily pain although yo learn to manage. I dont take pain killers if daughter at home and I manage as well as I can. To be honest its seeing her beautiful wee face each day that keeps me motivated. Family have been fanatastic ad the wee woman is so used to nurses coming every day. This illness does hinder alot of physical activities we can do together but thats were other family members help out. Other than that I try to meet every other need she has and think this is going well.

  51. Hi,

    I have had this on with me since 2003 which was the first time experience. Each time I have had it i have slowly tried to re improve my habits from food and drink but It still reoccurs. Now I have it on the average of 2 times a year. My procedure starts like this.

    1. One day after using the bathroom I feel uncomfortable realizing my stool is not coming out properly and entering in another hole.
    This is when i realize I am going to have a fistula

    2. On this day I realize my area which up to now has happened over and over in the same area will start to grow big.

    3. So within the next 2 days the area gets bigger and I am in pan and cannot walk by the 2nd day properly. It feels like something is hitting up against my nerves. I also cut down my food and just drink liquid. Because eating food is only going to increasing grow the area bigger and make it more painful quickly. So I pace myself.

    4. On the 4th day I go to the hospital where the Dr always had made a minor surgery to cut a portion out of the area and remove the pus or part that comes out. Some time no pus comes but small chunk of stool and it is also very much relives the area.

    5. After that I am at home and rest for about 2-3 days .

    Usually a winter time is faster healing then in summer.

    Some of my habits I have done to improve is

    1. walk everyday 1 hour
    2. avoid alcohol
    3. avoid chilly food
    4. take stool softener after eating food. usually when meats. and also balance not to use when eating beans.
    5. drink lot of water.
    6. drink only one glass of coffee a day.
    7. changed from sitting at work to standing. Only sit when I feel tired/and or in meetings/

    My last fistula was June 12 and this time was Feb 20 2013. Have improved by 2 months time.

    Before my fistula I loose my appetite and eat only 1 meal each day before the actual surgery . Once i have the surgery after i still eat lightly until I can release my first stool which is usually very painful. After that the area which had the surgery starts to puss out slowly over time. And within the a total of 4-6 days I am back at work but do not over do it.

    I am very tired of this for 10 years because its like a clockwork every 6-7 months. I have talked to DR. and they do not recommend me having a surgery to remove it as it is not a full blown fistula for me yet.

    I have seen so many people having so many issues and I also feel with you all for how everyone must cope with it .

    I had just a fistula operation on 21st of Feb. and am here today back at my work.

    I am not sure but is what I am experiencing is still a better thing then compared to have a surgery to remove it once and for all. Or is it better then nearly 2 times a year or is it better to get it removed/take the chance?

    But I read so many people have had same thing again repeat and worse then before and also their body gets worse?

    I am now 42 years old and would like to hear your advices or opinions.

    Anybody having similar experience please give me your opinions

  52. I have 2 setons in now for about 5 weeks. I use tea tree oil and oil of oregano in my sitz baths that helps the odor and drainage/healing. Use it sparingly though. Both essential oils have anti fungal and antiseptic qualities but a little goes a long way. I was in pain for the first few weeks but now it is only moderately distracting while I’m on a beach vacation. After this vacation week I go in for a flap procedure which I hope clears things up. I’ll be off work for two weeks recovering so I can hopefully give this procedure the chance to work. I really appreciate sharing stories and tips with everyone here. It helps out so much!

  53. Hi , I had my 3 rd op yesterday which was to put a seton in place I don’t know if I’m just very luck or the painkillers are really strong but I am in no discomfort at all? I am just really really scared about going to the loo the thought of this petrifies me will it hurt? Will it hurt when I wipe?

  54. Hi , I had a fistula at 11’clock position and i got it removed 5 days back . Leaving behind a 2 inch deep wound .Its bare open . i normally do a sit bath after stool is that sufficient as DR have prescribed medicine only for a week.Approximately how long does it take to heal.

  55. My advice: Manuka Honey! It is anti-bacterial and will heal you from the inside out. It’s great for Crohn’s. It stopped my diarrhea completely.
    Also Super 8 pro-biotic. It’s very strong and will help you heal.

    Also, if you have to have the wound packed, if you can, get a pain injection for the first couple of times. It’s the only way to cope with the pain. The nurse needs to pack it properly and they won’t be able to if you are in too much pain and keep moving.

    My diet advice is: stay away from ALL dairy, any form of corn, yeast and wheat/gluten.
    And sugar and bad carbs like rice and potato.
    You want your bowl movements to be as clean as possible.

  56. Hi, please could you tell me if the honey is in tablet form or if its actual honey how is this taken. Thanks

  57. Thank you going to go on line and order today – I will try anything if it works!

  58. Hi All ,
    I was going through the website and found that I am not the lone sufferer …well I am fighting from fistula from the past 2.5 years after an abscess drainage surgery.. I still haven’t removed my fistula completely through surgery yet and I am trying alternate therapies .
    I took Homeopathic medicines which helped me in drainage of pus regularly avoiding formation of abscess again(Which i have stopped now).

    Some advice’s which help me in this condition.

    -Light Exercises regularly , yoga is best.
    -Eat less but quality food , low sugar, (SCD is good).
    -No Alcohol only aggravates the condition.
    -No food thats too harsh for ur gut to digest.
    -Drink Hot milk with Pue GHEE(1 table spoon) in morning and before sleep.(Helps for lot of guys).
    -There are some ayurvedic herbs available which cure incase of low fistulas, eg Triphala Gugulu Tablets (2 after every meal(3 times a day)).
    Applying Nirgundi & Jatyadi OIL, Vara Churna(for digestion).
    These medicines are known to cure fistula at the early stages .

    I will be undergoing a surgery in India known as KSHAR Sutra in which a medicated thread is inserted inside the fistula tract and is sealed from the outside , and repeated untill the whole fistula tract is healed due to the medicines applied . This Surgery is having a very high success rate almost 97% thus i will be undergoing the surgery after my ayurvedic medicine course . I hope to cure this disease after surgery.

  59. This website is great, its good to know that I am not the only one suffering with this problem, I have had this problem for such a long time and I am only 18. I currently have a complex fistula with a seton in place which allows it to drain, my doc has told me that I can have a LIFT procedure done to get rid of the fistula but only when my wound has healed enough. Has anybody had this procedure before? And was it succesfull?

  60. Wazza….I had the LIFT done 10 weeks ago and it failed. I am worse off now than ever. I have constant fecal leakage from the OUTSIDE/Skin hole that he created to do the surgery. I have zero control over it. Doc told me to ‘try to constipate myself’ so for the past two months I’ve been eating nothing but meat and cheese. In the past year I had the drainage seton put in (HELPFUL TIP: I carried around little pieces of gauze and wrapped the ends where it would hit my butt or skin wound. No pain or irritation at all) ; then three months later he removed the drainage seton and put in the ‘plug’ (that is made from Pig Mucosa a.k.a. Porcine Plug). Within two days that ripped out.; then the LIFT surgery (which nobody explained it was an acronym for something vs what I thought was lifting up some skin and covering over the internal hole) but that failed as well. Yesterday the Doc scheduled me for a Cutting Seton. He will wrap something tight around the fistula tract and then I will need to ‘tug on it until I can’t stand the pain” on a daily basis until it falls out. This will cut through the sphincter muscle (by my pulling on it) and will pretty much have a great chance of getting rid of the fistula. BUT….since we are cutting into the muscle there will now be a chance of fecal incontinence. I am not sure if I am going to go through with this. I live in USA. Went to one of the best hospitals in the world. Got the CHIEF of colorectal surgery (he teaches at Harvard University Medical School…a pretty good school) and yet he has failed at each attempt to fix me. He did not give any indication whatsover when I first saw him last year that this could take so long to heal or that more than one (or two, since I knew the drainage seton would need to be placed) operations would even be likely. At one point I called his office to talk with him and got his nurse instead. I told her the Porcine Plug seems to be hanging out of the opening in my skin, and she asked if I could push it back in. I said, “no, it is the consistency of goo” and she said, “Oh, I thought it was made out of PORCELAIN. I can’t read his writing” …. wow, right? ….I had to explain to HIS nurse that it was PORCINE . When he told me about the cutting seton and I asked him what that would be like, he told me to “Look it up on the Internet”. I am so grateful that I’ve come across your site as there is so very little information out here on this and from my experience the Doctor has brushed over the risks and the procedure so I don’t feel like I went in with full knowledge.

    Turns out I’ve had my fistula for over ten years. During a routine gyno exam, the OB/GYN said I had a slight infection of a hair follicle…gave me some cipro and that was that. When I went for my first colonoscopy I asked that Dr. to look for a fistual and he said I was clean. Then five years later I had another (not in the same spot) and got an absess….bought a sitz bath and within a few days it burst and my fever went down and all was well. About three years ago I got another one which was so bad I couldn’t urinate (it was pressing on my bladder) so went to the Emergency Room. The ER Doc did a CT Scan and said it was ‘just a cyst’ and lanced it. It felt so much better almost immediately, but it never healed. Eventually I kept going to doctors until one sent me for a Pelvic MRI which clearly showed a fistula. Misdiagnosed for more than a decade because the hole is in the front, not the rear. It was just one but with a long tract of the tunnel. Every ‘episode’ over the years was just it trying to ‘escape’ and then it would just keep tunneling.

  61. The Drainage Seton, although strange to look at, really shouldn’t be painful at all. Placing a little bit of gauze over the external part of the tube and covering the ends should keep it from rubbing against your skin. I was amazed at just how quick I kinda ‘forgot’ it was even there. You Sitz Bath should be your best friend. Find something you enjoy ( a book , a crossword puzzle) and bring it in with you to pass the time while sitzing. You can’t possibly keep this area TOO clean. I use a few drops of iodine in my sitz water. Dr. also said Epsom Salts work well. It kept all the itching away and the exterior wound healed quickly.

  62. One of hardest things about this disease is the SELF INDUCED embarrassment and ‘shame’ we feel. If someone broke an arm skiing or something, they wouldn’t be ashamed of wearing their cast and telling anyone who asked what happened. I think that the reason we are all feeling so isolated isn’t because this is rare but because nobody wants to talk about it. I was surprised when I told my friend what I had and she told me her sister had the same thing. I mentioned it to someone else and she said her Dad had the same thing. Even the Doctors it seems are hesitant to discuss the details. No wonder we all feel so alone in this.

  63. I have a perianal fistula the shape of a horse shoe, it was caused by two perianal abscesses, setons were placed and its been two years later and I’m still waiting for surgery? The setons are very loose and no more draining is taking place, I have clear discharge now and again? Are fistulas supposed to burn inside the anus from time to time?

  64. have you guys hear of someone who use to suffer with fistula in ano, finally
    cure his fistula?

  65. After persistent abscesses since 2006, I was finally diagnosed with complex fistula six weeks ago (I have 3 inter sphincteral tracts and several at the skin surface) . In that time I’d had multiple cut and drain procedures which have really dented my confidence. 6 months after the first procedure my husband left me for who I thought was my best friend! Since then I know I have trust issues, so I’ve really isolated myself, I’m single, and don’t really have any friends. I don’t have any family apart from a mentally ill sister who turns everything into her drama. I’m a mature student, and I’ve missed a lot of university and my marks have suffered. I was booked in for the seton placement operation in 2 days time but have had to cancel it. I’ve got no one to help me when I come out of hospital, and I’m so poor now because I used my student loan to pay my rent until September, I can’t face homelessness as well as all this. I had to give up my part time job last summer (as I was not physically able to do it any more), I can’t even afford the taxi home from the hospital, and as for eating a healthy diet, forget it all I can afford is discount food if I’m lucky.
    I’ve had 2 flare ups in the past week, I’m in agony, I don’t know what to do! I’m so depressed and suicidal, I feel like every time I try to improve my life something else comes along to knock me back.
    I’ve been layed up in bed for the last 4 days and no ones so much as text me. I have no one. How would I ever meet anyone? Anal surgery isn’t the type of thing you talk about on a date is it?
    I feel like my life is over, I can’t talk to anyone about it. I feel so dirty and disgusting. The only thing that’s stopping me from throwing myself off the nearest bridge is my cat. How pathetic!

    • Hi Rajusmum, sorry to hear you’re feeling so helpless. Everyone on this site knows what it feels like. Try to stay positive and remember that you will come out the other side of this! I felt the same as you, was so depressed, had 8 surgeries, thought I’d never get better. But I did. And so will you! There are ways to be healthy without having to spend lots of money. I just avoided sugar, dairy and gluten and it made such a massive difference to my bowels. If you can get your bowels really healthy, then there is less chance you will get flare ups in your fistulas. And also, going for walks will make a massive difference to getting you better.
      Forget about your husband and your ex-friend. They’re not worth your thoughts or time. Make it your mission to focus on YOU, being positive, and making a plan for yourself to get better, make it your mission to get better 🙂 You need to love yourself, that’s the most important thing. Meeting someone else will come in time, when you’re feeling better within yourself.
      Remember that there is always someone to help you. If you don’t have family, it doesn’t matter, there are support organisations, and you can always call one of them – that’s what they’re there for. I’m going to add a new page to this website with support contacts for a few different countries.
      As far as meeting someone else goes – I had two different boyfriends while I had fistulas. They didn’t care about it. I never went into details, just kept it simple if I spoke about it. The right person won’t care. There’s no reason why you couldn’t go on a few dates. You’re not exactly going to start talking about anal surgery on a date are you? 🙂 Just go out and have a good time! 🙂 I’m not with either of those guys anymore, not because of the fistulas, but because I decided I didn’t want to be with them. I have since gotten better, met my partner and had a baby 11 weeks ago. And believe me, I was where you are now, I couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. But you really need to pick yourself up and move forward, because no one else is going to do it for you.
      The thing is, you need to learn to live with it, life doesn’t stop. Do things that make you happy, you don’t need money to walk to the local grocers, getting some oxygen, and then make yourself a really nice salad. Try to see the good things in life again and do lots of research on support groups in your area.
      Have a read through all the posts on this website, there are loads of people in the same boat as you. You could even start a support group yourself in your local area! 🙂 It could be worse, this isn’t fatal, and you will get better, just keep your chin up 🙂

      • Thanks for your support. I made an appointment to speak to a councilor at university, I’ve just got to try to keep my spirits up and not let it all get on top of me. I’m really going to try this summer to reach out to people and not isolate myself so much, build up my confidence a bit. I know I’m not going to die from this, and it could be a lot worse, the only way I can beat this is by trying to be positive. Thanks.x

    • Oh, and my cat is my best friend too!! Nothing pathetic about that! Animals are healers 🙂

  66. raj my dear, stay strong! i know how u feel. i havent been able to work in almost a year. but try and stay positive x theres free help lines u can ring. try and avoid dairy and sugar if u can. eat fruit instead of cereal.

  67. It is hard to know what to say except you are not on your own. This illness is horrific. . I also have a complex fistula have had and will have multiple surgeries and ongoing problems. Dont allow ur ex hubby and friend influence u in trusting others and seeking support. Talk to ur docs about support. In the uk we have free call counselling including samartians have u any services like that u can access for support. The thing that keeps me going is remembering it is curable. Maybe someone on tbis site might know of support in your region/area. Take care

  68. Hi so I have just recently found out after discovering abscess and them bursting that I have fistulas
    I have been in extreme pain and discomfort for 8 months trying to figure out what was going on I even ha a scope done as originally the cause was thought to be hemerroids
    Along with this I have had terrible constipation and so much severe pain especially at the anus not knowing that one of the fistulas actually open right there
    Any advice would be appreciated

  69. stay positive guys we dont have cancer use pain killers. try to get on with life. 12 months in to this 3 op so far .stay clean. jimmy

  70. Hi everyone….I had the CUTTING SETON put in last week. The Doc put what appears to be a silk rope up my butt, through the fistula tract, and out the special hole he made originally for the fistula to drain (the first seton, the drainage seton) went through this same route. Anyway, starting tomorrow, i need to ‘give it a few good yanks’ in the shower every day. Within a month or so, it should pull the fistula out completely. I thought long and hard before doing this, but once I made the decision, I am going to focus on getting rid of this thing once and for all. My question: has anyone had the cutting seton where you had to pull on it yourself? I’ve seen a lot of people who went to a Doc once a week or so to have it tightened but I haven’t seen anyone who had to actually pull it out themselves. I am not sure how hard to tug. I am not sure if I will do it correctly. I don’t have a clue how painful this will be or how long the pain will last. Should I take the pain medication BEFORE I yank on it? Am I strong enough to make a difference? Yikes! Any help will be much appreciated. If nothing else, I will post back soon to give you information. Please wish me luck. this just seems barbaric in this day and age.

  71. Has anybody ever cut their own setons due to uncomfortable and painful suffering?

    I habe 2 setons in place and have already had secondary surgery to “untangle” them only 3 weeks after having them placed into me. I’m due at my surgeons tomorrow for a follow up after the results for chrones came back clear and I’m going to request if not demand they remove them as the pain suffered aince having the inserted is a billion times more than before.

    I’m just wondering if there is anyone on this support forum that has removed their own setons and if so how did you go about it, do you just cut them and pull them thro or is there something else needed to be done?

    Thanks for reading and advising me if anybody can advise on this issue.

    • I had a cutting seton and for 1.5 years I had to go to surgery every 4-6 weeks to have it tightened. I was never told to tighten it just to keep it clean. To be honest I would be afraid to tighten mine as it is going through the sphincter and im guessing if you tighten it to much it could cause damage. I would defiantly contact the surgeon and double check though cause it might be different in your case but I defiantly wouldn’t pull it till you are told to by your surgeon (with respect not a nurse not a doctor and not the receptionist) as he your surgeon is probably the specialist in this area for you.

  72. So glad to feel less alone in this whole thing. I was also misdiagnosed with a hemorrhoid. I think I am on a healing track, just don’t wait to check back in with your surgeon if you think something isn’t right. I thought leaking after the abscesses were gone would get better on its own. Nope. Had fistulotomy and seton 2 weeks ago. Check back tomorrow so hopefully will be moving forward. They kept telling me both times at the hospital that this is very common. really? Have you ever heard anyone talk about it? So glad I found this site.

  73. I’ve had crohns for about 8 years with many surgeries including a hemicoloctomy where 26cms if my intestines was removed. Whilst 7 months pregnant and an MRI whilst pregnant doctors discovered 2 huge abscesses in which an operation was needed to drain these and setons put in. After my Caesarian by a week another operation was needed. I was later put on Remicade and prevented from breast feeding. After 2 1/2 years of Remicade I decided myself to stop taking this medication as I still had pus leaking from the 2 fistulas. Now I have discovered I am pregnant with number 3 and am very scared and worried at the outcome and any further complications. It helps to know that there is support available from people that are going through the same difficulties. I have realised that physical difficulty is not so bad compared to emotional difficulty and I wish to keep you guys updated if any problems arise and hope I can get support from here xx

  74. Good to see all that suggestions please let me know the success rate of endorectal flap surgery i had it on 13th June 2013 no blood but pain after bowel movement is it normal two fistula openings are closed with flap and external wound is healing with daily sitz bath and external dressing

  75. I also have this problem and i feel so alone…. I had 3 surgeries done, used to suffer a lot until i totally gave up. I now do nothing about it, trying to ignore it even if it gets painful, but i keep it clean always. It started as an abscess back in 2004, and it never healed… I still have a little hole draining pus and blood in little quantities, Does it ever heal? Please i need an answer… I just feel so depressed, reading posts here made me cry and think it will never go away even after another surgery….is this hole permanent? I feel so sad…

  76. We are all in the same boat! Lets just be lucky that we only have fistulars, I was so negative but then I think of all the sick and dying children in the world and there is nothing I can do to help them, and I then think to myself I only have a fistular…. I am not dying. Try to be positive! It’s not the end of the world, we who have this problem have to realise that unfortunately we have to live with it until there is a solution to fix it. I was so negative at first and had many operations last one being last Friday, but I am alive and life is just too short so I am getting on with all the things I adore and love to do with my beautiful husband and family. Fistulars are not going to bring me down anymore!

  77. Wow, so much information. Just had 2 setons put in last friday and I’m finding it hard to believe that these things are going to work. Atleast mine aren’t to complex and only on the outside. not going into my anus.. The doctor says it should take a couple of weeks but what I’ve read here is it could take sometimes years and thats not very encouraging to hear. Eating Healthy, Sitz Baths and Anticeptic should help to speed up recovery shouldn’t it? and no alcohol??

  78. hi i am having fistula . doctor said this is starting stage . so he wont be able to operate it and we will see to it after 2 or 3 months . but he said it can be suppressed .i dont have any pain or bleeding . he gave me rx levofloxacin tablets ip loxof 500mg . is there any other way to treat it without any operation . And i am going to take a job in dubai in october 1st and i cant take leave till 2 years . its the bond period . is it okay if i do operation after 2 years ? plz do help me

  79. Love all the info on here. I have Crohns & in April 2012, I had a flare-up. I started treatment with Humira but in May my son had a liver transplant & I stopped the Humira because I didn’t want my immune system to be compromised while his was wiped out for 6 weeks. Long story short, I ended up with a ‘horseshoe’ cluster of abscesses & by the time I was able to get into surgery on 8/2/2012, they had formed fistulas. I had 2 stetons placed & a week after surgery had a 3rd fistula open up from an old abscess drain. I was in a lot of pain, lost 50 lbs., nausea, fevers, etc. I had my 4th surgery on 7/11/2013 and they removed the last seton & did the internal flap. I have a lot of scar tissue & some leakage after bowel movements. I have my post-op appointment tomorrow & hoping it is healing properly. Hot sits baths helped a lot & then I use Epsom salt after 2 weeks post surgery to help dry up the area. It’s important to keep the area as dry & clean as possible, my doc told me to use a hair dryer on cool to dry the area when the stetons were in. He also had me put A&D ointment around the area because the stetons can irritate the skin tissue & that helped too. I was on & off Ciprofloxin many times but my surgeon (rated in US News as being in the top 1% of his specialty) told me antibiotics are debatable for effectiveness because they work in your blood stream & most fistula go through fatty tissue where there isn’t a lot of blood flow, he also said DO NOT USE A DONUT, because it decreases blood flow even more & slows recovery. To use soft pillows, lie down or on side, etc. to relieve pressure. Question I have is: Is there any excercises that can help tighten up rectum muscles, because of the placement of the stetons I leak & I’ve been wearing pads/liners for over a year now? Overall I feel a lot better now, my surgeon swapped the Humira to Cimzia because it helps heal fistula faster in Crohns patients. He only gave me a 50/50 chance of keeping my anus & rectum, so I’d like to make those muscles as strong as possible. Thanks

  80. hi all im back again 🙂 have to admit I feel fed up in general now. I have a anal fistula I had just gone through 2 years and 17 operations including a cutting seton for the majority of that time its a single fistula and the opening is right on top of the anal sphincter. My life revolves around constant toilet visits. In June it had all nearly returned to normal but a appointment I had 4 weeks after my operation was canceled and made 2 months later. According to the letter that canceled the original appointment it said that due to my request. I did not request this and chased it with nhs. My surgeon also said that if I had come to that original appointment and mentioned the very tiny amount of puss coming out and rarely that he would have operated on me, but he also mentioned that the government has messed the way nhs communicate in different departments.
    As a consequence of this delay I ended up in emergence and a seton none cutting one places and a operation next week to lay it flat and scrap it.

    being the nature of a fistula there’s no guarantee that a operation 44-6 weeks earlier would have cured the issue but I do feel let down by the nhs. Its the second time. The first time I was left for 3 months with a continuous healing bum then exploding every 3-6 days due to once again communications in different departments. Im now 41 and was at a promising start in my career that took years to build and now I feel its all over. Im on the sick simply cause I have 2-3 days where I cant walk past my street and most days needing the toilet 6-10and more times. Niot to mention my mental health and drive is gone.

    My advice to those in the uk is chase every letter contact the surgeons secretary personally and if in doubt don’t worry about time waiting insist on seeing the specialist or preferably the head surgeon dealing with you so you know what is going to happen next. Believe me i’ve had people tell me stuff that was contrary to my surgeons wishes.

    Im now wondering how many more surgery’s my teeth can take with all the going under. Im guessing ill be well over the 20s by next year

  81. on the positive you have and forgive me if this isn’t 100% correct, 2 sphincters one interal ad the other external. I did simple exercises when it was seemingly healing well just by clinching the sphincter for 10 seconds and releasing for about 20 min each day and it helped immensely with my toilet habits and they were nearly back to normal. I accredit this to the exercises but I don’t know if that’s a factual thing or a falsity, defiantly worth investigating if like me your spending most days on the toilet.

  82. Just had a seton put in 1 week ago. 3 days after that surgery in for gall bladder surgery. Been a rough week. Also when seton was put in had a protruding hemroid removed. Feels like passing glass when having a bm and seton feels really tight and moderate discomfort. Taking sitz baths 3-4 times per day. So nice to have a site to come to for advice. Have read many stories but if anybody has some tips please fill me with them. Was told in 12 weeks seton will come out.

  83. Sorry to hear about your challenges. We all here understand the pain and frustration dealing with fistulas. Humor helps keep me sane some days lol. When my work colleagues drone on and on in long useless work meetings I immediately take over the meeting and tell them they are now a literal pain in my @ss sitting there for so long lol :-). All kidding aside I hope you are on your way to recovery soon. I had a draining seton and flap procedure earlier this year that failed and now a new surgeon wants to do a cutting seton. Any advice on cutting setons? I have very low tolerance for pain and am nervous about a cutting seton. Thanks in advance for your advice and observations :-). Laugh through the tears, pain and frustration when you can bud 🙂



  84. Hi! I have been taking vitamin c (ascorbic acid 500mg) and i believe it has helped with the swelling, my fistula doesn’t swell so much, and also take in lots of water to avoid getting constipated. I do not have chrons but my fistula doesn’t seem to heal completely, i still have little discharge. I always keep ot clean

  85. Hi, my fistula, which was almost 6yrs old had healed over 90%, without surgery.
    At first I developed a fistula in 2005 and got operated on 2007 August, but after 2 months it reoccured. Then I didn’t tell my parents about the reoccurence. Later it became so annoying that I had to do something or the other. I researched a lot and followed my own procedure for 2 weeks:

    I took Wild Oregano Oil capsules 2x daily morning and before sleep.

    On breakfast, I took White Oats with high fibre, and I never took meats, rice and heavy meals, only fresh vegetable soup containing broccoli, cabbage, squash, beans, tomato leafy vegetables, etc. (I wanted to stop my bowel for 2 weeks as far as possible). After having very light diet I went to poo once after five days.

    I took blood purifier 2 teaspoonful 2x daily (ayurvedic).

    I also took ‘Triphala churna'(ayurvedic) at night before sleep, to cleanse the stomach.

    I boiled neem leaves in water and added sea salt for sitz bath.

    After that I applied the mixture of coconut oil and neem oil + rose oil inside my anus with surgery gloves(by cutting all the finger pieces and using one at a time) 2x morning and before sleep.[I made it in a small container with 60% pure vigin coconut oil with 30% neem oil and 10% rose oil.]

    >>Coconut oil heals wounds 3x faster and Neem oil is very powerful antibacterial, anti fungal and anti viral and Rose oil is also a powerful healer and antibacterial. Please do research the internet about all these things that I have mentioned before following it. THESE THINGS HEALED MY FISTULA DOESN’T MEAN THAT IT MAY HEAL YOURS TOO, EVERYONE’S BODY IS NOT THE SAME BUT YOU CAN TRY ALL THE THINGS THAT I HAVE MENTIONED HERE AND ARE ALL NATURAL PRODUCTS AND DON’T HAVE REAL SIDE EFFECTS UNLESS YOU USE EXCESSIVELY.

  86. That sounds very scary to me!

  87. I am diabetic & I have the problem anal fistula almost for 12 years. I want to be surgery, but I afraid because of the what can you advice me please

  88. Hi there

    Debelopef a horseshoe fistula two years ago. Two abcessess removed two years ago two setons placed, watched my diet lived on oregano oil capsules and my fistula started healing. Lots of salt baths!! Just had surgery on the small remaining fistula and setons removed!! All good …. Dont have fistula surgery straight away if u have bowel disease rather try medication and diet plus oregano capsules first or they have a high rate of returning. If u dont have bowel disease ask for advice on different surgeries.

  89. Staying positive is so important. Some days u may find it tough but considering how awful this can be ur allowed to have not so good days. I have had 9 surgeries in one yr and have two setons in. Last surgery was august 2013. I am back to wrk and that has done me the world of good. U have to not let this take over ur life, its day by day. I was suffering constantly with reinfections and needing antiboditics. But I have learned to manage by sitz bathing when possible. I use saline and wipes to keep clean when not at home and most importantly get a roho seat. It is expensive but amazing it seems to keep blood circulating and therefore I can sit at work for acouple of hrs at a time and fingers crossed no rreinfecting and I am comfortable. Good luck to u. It does get better.

    • Thanks for the words of optimism, I too went back to work which has been a great distraction. I’ve been lucky enough to organise one work from home day as my energy levels are a bit lower than normal and we also have stand up work stations that gives my behind a break. I think baby steps to get life back on track is helping and of course my emergency supplies of undies, wipes, pads in my handbag.

  90. Just had a seton removed last week and it was worse than having it put in. Feeling particularly low today from the pain & discharge. Am thankful for the 2 friends who came by today with a nice tea to cheer me up !

    • I hope you are feeling a bit better with seton removed and that your recovery is going well. Glad to hear you have good friends supporting you.

      • Thanks Renee, I am happy to say it’s been almost 2 weeks and am feeling much better. The 1st week was rough but I felt a change for the better after about 1 1/2 weeks. Went back to work today and am feeling hopeful all will continue to go well !

  91. Lovely to see others in the same situation, I have an anal vaginal fistula and a broken sphincter muscle caused by baby born in 2012 that was 9lb and delivered with forceps, have an op to repair sphincter muscle in December 2013. Anyone had this op? I’m scared

  92. Hi there,
    I am in the UK. I had surgery to insert a seton drain in April for a transphinteric anal fistula following abscess surgery in August last year. I have been absolutely fine until the beginning of August when I have had what I think seems to be infection after infection ever since. All I know is that antibiotics help, I get a week or so of it being ‘good’ and the whole thing starts again… shooting pains, itching and I almost shoot through the roof when I touch my seton it is so painful!! The hospital just aren’t listening to me and the antibiotics are making me so ill all the time, I can’t win either way. I told the doctor at the hospital but because I had just finished antibiotics and it was ‘good’ when he examined me, he wouldn’t believe me about the problems I have been experiencing and just said he will book me in for an EUA to see if the drain is ready to come out!! I am petrified if they take the drain out I will end up right back at the beginning with an abscess again. My husband and I think my seton has stopped working and the infection is just building up inside constantly and it can only be cleared with the antibiotics, it doesn’t seem to drain at all now.
    Could anyone tell me if they have had similar problems and if so what was done if anything? Or am I just going to have to keep taking antibiotics constantly? It gets me down so badly. I know that things could be so much worse but I do find it very difficult to cope sometimes. I would appreciate anyone elses comments on similar experience.

  93. I completely empathise with you. Its a horrible situation. I have 2 setons in and consistently go through a pattern similar to urself wherein there is a mad itch, shooting pains particularly at the top of my thigh and the setin is unbearable to touch where it enters the skin. Then after 3 days of antiboditics u start to feel
    Better. I told my surgeon yesterday and he said this cycle is typical as it os still draining. When it stops draining he hopes the fistula will start to dry up and no longer always require antiboditics. He said to try regular sitz baths as hot as I can manage as this and the seton should manage most infections but some need antiboditics. When I first seen him he was not accepting that antiboditics were needed but he now agrees that sometimes they r a necessity.

    It is a horrible illness, but I have started back to wrk so I feel more positive amd use a roho seat which helps alot.

    I wish u the best of luck.

    Take care x

  94. In April of 2012 felt sore in the perineal area after spin class. I grabbed a mirror to look and saw what appeared to be a pimple. I pressed on it and pus and blood just squirted out. I went to the doctor who said it was an infected gland. After several rounds of antibiotics nothing. Dr.’s cut it out and it just returned. Almost a year later a totally different Dr. identified as an anal fistula. He referred me to a colorectal surgeon who examined me and recommended a seton to drain. Seton was inserted and in place for 3 months. I just had LIFT technique surgery 2 weeks ago. Whether or not procedure worked is up in the air. I noticed there seems to be a pea size area in the anal area that is filled with pus and blood. Not sure if this is normal and part of the healing process. I also had surgery for a rectal-vaginal fistula at the same time.This was the 2nd surgery to repair a rectal vaginal fistula that occurred during childbirth. The 1st repair failed and it seems like the 2nd one was also a failure. Vaginal flatulence and the passing of feces through vagina after bowel movements is still occurring. This is devastating. Has anyone out there experienced anything like this?
    The rectal vaginal fistula is more of an issue than the anal fistula.

    I just don’t know what options are out there. I am seeing Gyno-Urologist who performed rectal-vaginal fistula repair for 2 week post-op visit tomorrow and colorectal surgeon follow-up is in 2 weeks.

    Please share any similar experiences.

  95. I am desperate for help and advice. I have been suffering from reoccurring perianal abscesses for the last year. The first time I was hospitalised due to sepsis from the abscess which occurred in September 2012. I was extremely ill and in a huge amount of pain. Then in January 2013 it started happening again,but the antibiotics managed to keep it at bay until I was hospitalised again in April 2013. Since April the abscess has been reoccurring on a monthly basis. After countless operations and scans I finally had an operation in November for a low anal fistula, where I currently have a seton until my next appointment in Feb. Low and behold another abscess occurred the day before New year’s eve which burst, but this was on a scar from an operation I had over ten years ago – to treat a cyst near my anus. The surgeon mentioned months ago that it might be linked to the scar tissue,but this was never explored. I am going out of my mind trying to deal with the pain, worry and constant need to take time off. My immune system is shot to pieces from all the antibiotics and the doctor has given me more this week,because they’re concerned about infection. I don’t know what to do anymore, worried about my job and the constant infection that often keeps me run down and feeling sick….. please can anyone suggest what I can do?

  96. You just toke the ordes out oft my mouth I’m exactly like you desperated for helph dr can’t do anithing for me I’m in trrrible pain

  97. hi sir. I have been suffering foir last 1 and half year for anal fistula problem. at the first time doctor thought it was an abscess and he made a surgery … it was healed up by 1 month but still pus was comming out… I had so many antibiotic.. after that I went to doctor agin and then doctor advised me to do a test to confirm whether it is a fistula or not. then he found it’s conneted with ractum 5 cm inside. after that dr asked me to go for a surgery but I was scared of pain. after that I started to take herbal medicine. still Im having herbal treatment. but condition still remain same. no improvement, everytime I go toilet I feel it’s so painfull and pus comming out by the canal…. and this thing going on for last 8 months after the surgery. now my question to u is there any possibilty to have cancer on it? actually I planned to have surgery after another 6 months coz i have financial problem.. so what are the best suggestions u suggest me? pls sir help me out here….

  98. 33 yr old female, USA

    Noticed a painful bump in my perineum when i was 24, gyno said it was a follicular infection. Each annual visit I would show my various gynocogists this ‘bump” that faulty regularly drained,
    And occasionally became infected, painful, and drain significant pus. Six difft gynos misdiagnosed this thing which I found out last month is a fistula, and had a seton (and hemroidectemy) surgery on valentines day. Still sore and FREAKED OUT by all of this. I have a 3 year old, a busy full time career, and a home to take care of, so to now discover this could all (horrible recovery pain and missed work/time with fam) be just part of some loooooong process of many surgeries is incredibly upsetting to me. I don’t know how to even wrap my brain around living with this thing inside of me, and am concerned I should’ve just left the fistula alone. It was more of a nuisance than anything, and as I said I lives with it for ten years this year with only three or four times
    Where it REALLY bothered me. Mostly, it just drained and annoyed me. Gross, yes. Embarrassing? Yes. But to now face such an uncertain path, I am worried I made a mistake here (despite every dr urging me to do this). Biggest fear? Clearly failure. All of this pain, discomfort, HASSLE, and shame for nothing?!?

    Few questions:
    Okay to take stool softeners daily?what usually happens after they place the seton? I mean at the next surgery?Anybody shed some light on what to expect after next surgery in terms of downtime? It’s too deep to simply lay open. I’m just so confused about what to expect and very disappointed with the little info I recd postop.

    Is sex okay? What the efff is up with that funky smell?!! Ughhh so awfully humiliating. Anybody know the real success rate of healing fistulas using setons? Is it best to do plain sitz baths or add salt??

    Thx for the support. Misery loves company, I suppose ;).

    • Hi Ann, your story sounds VERY similar to mine, literally almost exactly the same, but my story has unravelled a lot quicker. I am 30, and this all started almost 2 years ago, when I was 28. I also discovered a perianal ‘lump’ and went back and forth to the doctors and hospital for weeks on end, with antibiotics etc. not taking any effect. They initially thought it was an abscess but when I had an MRI scan couldn’t find a ‘collection’ so thought it may be a fistula. I had investigative surgery as I was told if it was a fistula and it was left it could very quickly develop into an abscess. When I recovered from the surgery, I was told a polyp had been removed and to my horror the ‘lump’ was still there!!! I was then in and out in pain for the next few weeks, and had another surgery 6 weeks later to drain an abscess I had now developed. After my abscess surgery I developed a fistula, whether this was the original one or something that had developed later I don’t know. I then had surgery to have a seton drain fitted in April last year, which I had removed and a fistulotomy carried out in December last year which I am waiting to see if it has worked. I have been back to the hospital once and I wasn’t healed, so I am waiting for my next appointment.
      The idea of several surgeries was something I really struggled to come to terms with too, but my consultant did tell me that it may take months or even years to beat this but we would get there eventually. They are not easy to treat. At times it really gets me down and I just hate being the ‘freak’ I feel that I am so I completely understand, being a woman and of a similar age, how you feel. I will say that yes you lived with it for 10 years and that it only bothered you on and off but your doctors will rid you of it, eventually and you did the right thing in having it treated. Abscess and infection build up can cause septicemia and even death (rare in both cases but could happen!) so you would not have been wise to ‘leave it alone’, although I understand where you are coming from with this as well. The amount of times I ‘struggled on antibiotics’ because I just couldn’t face going into hospital again. Each surgery I have had the recovery has been easier and after each healing process I have felt more ‘normal’ so hang in there, you do get nearer every time!! I am also very worried about the surgery failing but what happens, happens. They do their bit and if my body doesn’t do the rest, it doesn’t do it, you just have to take each little step as it comes. I know it’s a possibility that my surgery hasn’t worked but I just have to stay positive and hopeful and if not, we try again. All this has made me a much stronger person and my pain threshold is great, pain, whats that?! Haha!! Seriously, if you don’t joke about it, you would cry all the time!!
      Your questions:
      As far as I know it is OK to take stool softeners daily. I have always been given them following surgery but have never found that I needed to use them, so if you find you can manage without them, don’t take them. If you do, do. Do whatever works best for you, just make sure you go for the best option to aid your healing process.
      When I had my seton drain fitted I was in some considerable pain (but still not horrendous) for two weeks. I had a holiday booked to Florida after 3 which I was determined to go on and I was fine, managed all the walking no problem etc. so the recovery is quite quick. The only thing I found was the drain ‘chaffed’ some at times, but that just part of having it, you will learn to put up with it. It’s a little horrifying at first, it certainly wasn’t what I expected, but you get used to it in no time, I hardly knew it was there most of the time.
      Next surgery – I think it depends on the procedure they choose when they remove the drain as there are at least 3 options to my knowledge. I had a fistulotomy/laying open of the fistula procedure, which is minimum 2 weeks recovery. I found it took me 6 weeks to feel up to going back to work and after 9 my wound is still open which gives you an idea of how big/deep it is. In terms of pain though, this procedure is the least painful I have had.
      I think it also depends on if you have a ‘high’ or ‘low’ fistula. To my knowledge a high one goes through muscle so its more tricky as cutting through can cause incontinence of the bowel. Fortunately mine is a low fisutla, still some risk but not as high. I believe that they do not use the fistulotomy technique for high fistulas. There are also two types of seton as far as I know, a ‘cutting’ seton or a ‘draining’ seton, so depends which one you are having. I had the latter.
      Sex is fine… once you feel up to it!! I had sex with my seton in after a few weeks with no problem. It was more getting my head around the fact I felt repulsive with a drain in my bum than anything for me!
      The smell is draining infection so it is bound to smell. I always keep as clean as possible and carry baby/toilet wipes around with me wherever I go, using them a number of times a day just to freshen up and always after going to the toilet.
      With the procedure I have had I believe the success rate is quite high, around 80% so I am really hopeful.
      Lastly – I always bathe rather than shower and I always use salt. I did this for at least 3 weeks after my seton surgery, after that it had healed and it was just a case of showering thoroughly at least twice a day and using wipes in between. Following my most recent surgery 9 weeks ago, I still bathe daily but stopped using salt after about 4 weeks.
      I really hope this helps you, it certainly helps me to know there are other people out there ‘like me’.
      If there is anything else you want to ask I will do my best to help. GOOD LUCK! and YOU WILL GET THERE! xx

  99. I personally am a mysterious sufferer. They have tested for Crohns, Collitis etc and it all came back clear. I had a seton drain fited in April of last year which I had removed and a fistulotomy carried out in December last year. I have been back for one post op appointment, not healed yet so waiting for my next appointment. Fingers crossed this is it.

  100. Hello.
    My name is Alix.
    And i am born 1973.
    I get my first fistule 2008
    and o have make over 25 opration in sweden withe out serultat.
    I am from sweden.
    I will do what over i can to be free from my fistula.
    My doctor in Göteborg östra hospital has recomended me lift tichnic..
    is that good?
    And ather doktor in näl hospital in Trollhättan recomended me to be stomin???
    Do u have some ide for me?? Plz holpe.

  101. dear sir, i have fistula surgery in 2011 – Aug; from now i am having periodic pain once in a six months, the pain continues for a week and getting good. discharge was continued still now even now heavily. i am very disturbed about the pus discharge. please help me in this regard.

  102. hello everyone,

    i have followed ayurvedic medicine it is quite effective than other medicine.after my surgery what i feel is ,you should be aware of eating habit and drink a lot of water.keep strength 🙂


  103. What is pink wash. Is it something like microbial solution. For ex : Betadiene or what exactly ? Also please let me know if at office you have a bowel movement then how to clean it. Do I need to use a mirror ?

    Please suggest.

    • Pink wash is a anti bacterial sterilising wash. I got prescribed a bottle of it by my doctor and used it occasionally to clean the area where my fistulas were. Bowel movements at work…. well, everyone has their own method of cleaning, you need to find out what works best for you. I used to use wet wipes, or baby wipes. Other people on this website have suggested using a water bottle that squirts water, so that you can wash over the toilet bowl. Whatever works best for you 🙂 Once you have done it a couple of times at home, you shouldn’t need a mirror.

  104. i hav a recurrent one for 12yrs now!

  105. Hi my fistulas have come about after surgery from a very large abscess. The fistulas have become very fine, i have one large one from the original operation where i had the packing. However i now have multiple fine, thread like fistulas running from inside my bowl to another area and after i had an internal they are inside my bowl also. This is completely uncomfortable and they weep all the time. I am bathing and changing underwear on a regular basis. They are depressing and embarrassing as i am in constant fear of the odour. I often have discharge from my bowl and blood on my stools. I am awaiting to be tested for Crohns and am living with what I feel to be very uncomfortable and embarrassing condition.

  106. I had op for perianul abcess and fistular 4weeks for about a week l have had bright red blood drips when opening my this normal.?

  107. I have a rectovaginal fistula that has a seton running from my rectum and coming out my left labia. I am constantly raw on my labias and my rectal area. I have tried calmoseptine and I used sanitary pads and cleansing wipes but am continually raw and urinating burns awful. I have tried putting the gauzes between my butt cheeks but it puts pressure and hurts more. Any recommendations on how to keep my labia area and rectal area dry and not so raw? My surgeon stated that the seton was probably permanent and would just be changed out every 5 yrs bc I have crohns and the fistula will just keep coming back if they remove it. I have built up antibodies to remicade. Any recommendations for other ways to reduce fistula flares or to heal current ones. I have 3 other active fistulas in the rectal area that do not have a seton in place. Any suggestions would be welcome. I’m exhausted with the pain and tired of hurting too much to be able to work out. Thanks.

  108. Dear Beloved Friends,

    I’m really sorry to hear your all stories and pain. May one day we all get cured.

    I had surgery twice and both of them are failed. First surgery I did April 2013 and after two months the puss came back from surgery area. So went to see the doctor and doctor said oh it’s normal just eat healthy food and it will heal and takes time. I waited a year with practicing healing food and hygiene. I tried to eat all the vegetables as my main dish and keep clean all the time. Then didn’t happen something positive.

    So I have surgery again this year June 2014. Doctor said surgery is called fistulactomy. after operation two weeks I found other fistula on other side of surgery area. Also my surgery area is sored and burst. it keep happening. So I went to check with doctor. Then he said just do zits bath. so I did zits bath 3 times a day. But still didn’t get well. due to my condition I couldn’t go to work for two months and I’m in high risk of loosing my job.

    So I went to other hospital to check since my previous surgery doctor is not serious and respond what I’m saying. Then other doctor told me my condition is kinda complicated as got two fistula and need to put seton. I’m not sure whether seton is good idea or not. Now I don’t believe doctors at all. Because before surgery they promise all good. then when it comes trouble they give different excuse.

    My suggestion to all the friends those who are suffering from this sickness please be patient and do whatever necessary to recover. Don’t think of pain or whatever. If you want to overcome from pain forever you need to scarifies of pain. Because I have gone through the pain and I almost suicide myself due to many reasons such as pain, loosing the job and no money for surgery. In most of the western and developed country there is a government or insurance support. But the place where I stay is really bad as we have a word in this country Poor People Are Not Allowed To Be a Sick

    Maybe most of you are lucky to have such supports and financial for support. but what if you guys have a situation like me. So do not think of pain of how long. As long as there is a way to try please go for it and away from this sickness. Anyway.

    Just a suggestion to all since we have gone through this horrible sickness once you recover please try to raise fund and help those suffering and can’t afford to have a medical treatment. Small help from each of us could help those who are suffering and really need help.

    May God bless all of us and hear what we are asking for.


  109. I have a bowel fistula, I’m also happily married and I’d like to know if it is safe to have sex with my husband, if so what positions, are there any tips on this please help me out. Thanks

  110. hi everyone, it seems that no one on this site get cured of anal fistula. i am turning 30 this coming nov and i developed an anal fistula 2 months ago. my dad had surgery 25 years ago,my brother also 5 years ago and the they are 100% healed according to them.i dont have any intention to have a surgery, so ive been searching for sites just to avoid it naturally, the truth is im afraid more of a doctor than having this sickness , i once have an hernia since i was a kid and i was able to recover from it eventually naturally. my choir requires me to sit for 9 hours a day and i have to look for a solution for this problem. some site says avoid meat, more on fibers,less alcohol etc., but i have a sweetened milk in my left hand and a mouse for typing on my right on-screen keyboard. one of my problem is that i am on an abs diet and it seems like some of the recommended food are”nt good for my fistula. here in the Philippines we rarely find manuka honey, etc .almost all of the herbs recommended can be found in mumbai. so i decided to make some experiment on my self.Out of the interviews and researches that i conducted, i had set my own rules to get rid of this:

    1st:change of lifestyle, not to the extent that i will deprive myself.

    2nd:to believe and pray that one morning, good, im not alone in this world, my anal abscess will run dry.

    3rd:make it normal for me to have liquids and food that will heal sickness naturally which according to proven studies could even CURE cancer like guyabanu leaves tea, fresh carrots and cauliflower,as well as some nutritious foods that drives with my health consciousness.

    4th and lastly: aside from having my butt very clean after every poo, of course, to ask from the natural Healer from above that someday,I and every one who read and commented on this site will have their butt problem healed. to God be the glory. gudluck to all of us.may all our butt runs dry.

    fistula boy

  111. I have crohns disease and have a fistula and have been reffered to a colorectal specialist , will I require surgery ? I have had several courses of antibiotics including iv during a week long stay in hospital and they helped slightly but the pain is almost constant and very sore especially after a bowel movement. I had this problem 14 years ago in the exact same spot and have had surgery to allow it to drain . It took almost 1 year to heal and required a further surgical procedure at the 6 month check up appointment to drain it again . Any advice would be appreciated . Thanks.

  112. I’m 15, suffering with crohns and with a fistula. I have recently just had a seton placed and it’s very hard to live with. I’m finding it hard to sit down and I’m struggling with school because of it. Has anyone got any advise for me? Also I have been put on a 6-8 week liquid diet to settle my bowels and hopefully my fistula.

  113. Initially i used a dressing called Activ heal non adhesive and a padded sanitary towel such as tesco own brand as these were short but thick. Also place non woven sterile gauze such as topper 8 between ur cheeks to sto it being sore at back passage. I also use a roho LTV cushion everywhere. It looks like i am carrying a light art case as the covrr is leather. To b honest i dont worry what it looks like anymore as it helps so much. Also i use a sitz bath at home.

    Hope this helps and take care x

  114. Hi all,

    I had surgery on mar 11 2015, with seton in placed. right out my pus got reduced, but my seton is not falling out. what is the time period for which seton falls out by its own.

  115. had mine in for 5 years now i was like you at first but you get used to it

  116. Hello all, I am a 25 year old female dealing with anorectal abscesses and a fistula for over 6 years now. In 2009 I had my first abscess incised, drained, and packed by a general surgeon. Everything healed up well and one of the last things he said to me was “watch out this could turn into a fistula.” At the time I didn’t think anything of it, I didn’t even know what that meant. Between 2009 and 2012 I would have recurring abscesses in the anorectal area, but they were so small and would usually resolve themselves with antibiotics and hot compresses. I am also a sufferer of hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) in my groin so I assumed it was just that. In 2012 I had another bad anorectal abscess that I had to go to the emergency room for because of severe pain, chills, and body aches. They ended up incising and draining it and left it open. This too healed up fine or so I thought. In Sept 2013 it was back, same exact area. It was the most pain I had ever experienced. I couldn’t move from the couch. I called my dermatologist that was treating my HS and he saw me immediately. Told me I most definitely had a fistula and referred me to a general surgeon. The surgeon drained it, but sure enough a couple weeks later it was back and the cycle repeats. He wanted to treat the fistula using the plug method, but my insurance wouldn’t cover the procedure because they considered it “experimental” still. The only other option he gave me was to do a fistulechtomy/fistulotomy using a cutting seton. I didn’t want this done so i put it off for as long as possible. The cycle of infection and drainage continued until finally I couldn’t take it anymore. In March 2014 I had an EUA and a cutting seton placed. I was very hopeful since my research showed a 92% success rate.
    It was the most barbaric/painful experience of my life. I stayed home from work for 2 weeks to recover from the seton placement. No antibiotics, just stool softeners and percocets. Sitz baths 3-4 times a day and after every bowel movement. The seton was loose with multiple knots in it. Like a suture material I believe. That wasn’t the worst part. After the 2 weeks I went back to my surgeon for a seton advancement. He locally anesthetized my anus and surrounding muscles. A burning sensation I couldn’t begin to describe. Once numb he would grab the seton and begin sawing through my rectum and muscles. I can still hear the noise it made. It didn’t hurt because I was numb but once it wore off it was the worst pain I had ever felt, and would probably ever feel in my life. I was close to vomiting from the pain (even after 15mg of percocet). A few hours later I would be okay to move around again, but still it was horrifying. He needed to do this 3 more times before he was able to saw completely through.
    Around May 2014, about two weeks after the seton was out, I had another abscess in the exact same spot. It ended up draining itself in 3-4 days so I didn’t think anything of it. Aug 2014 it happened again. I saw my surgeon after it drained itself and he put a silver nitrate cream/ointment in the fistula opening to rid of some of the scar tissue. I went back two weeks later for more cream but he said I didn’t need it because the area completely closed and I should be free.
    Dec 2014 I noticed some discomfort and inflammation in the area again. It didn’t grow to the magnitude I have seen it in the past, and ended up resolving itself. I thought maybe just a little hiccup.
    April 2015 my abscess was back. Full-blown like it was in the past. I started doing hot compresses and epsom salt baths but nothing was helping. I figured it was finally time to see a colorectal surgeon (CRS).
    I saw the CRS April 10, 2015. Put a scope in my rectum and was able to see the scar tissue from my previous surgery. Confirmed that I do not have Crohn’s disease. Decided he was going to put a seton in as soon as possible. April 13, 2015 I had an EUA and a seton placement. Appears to be 3-4 bright blue rubberbands tied off at the bottom. It is tied tightly, not left loose. The goal of the seton is to “mature the sinus tract” and then in “6-8 weeks,” so they say, they will either do the LIFT technique, or the fibrin glue. They refuse to cut the muscle since I am so young and have not had children yet.
    I see some of you posted about the LIFT technique, has it worked for you? Has anyone tried the fibrin glue? I believe this is different than the plug. Any thoughts?

    Just wanted to share my story with all of you. I know what all of you are going through. Some of your stories made me tear up. I often cry out of frustration. Always feel hopeless. I learned to take things a day at a time. Luckily my significant other is in medical school so this doesn’t phase him one bit. He is very helpful even and supports me. My friends support me. I am open to talking about it. It sucks, and it’s embarrassing sometimes but I feel no shame because no one is perfect. When you’re having a bad day remember it could always be worse, and that if you stay persistent it will get better. Never lose hope.

  117. Hi I’m glad I found this site as like many others feel very alone. I have had 3 perianal abscesses drained over the past 3 months and now have a seton suture in place with a drain which was done just over 2 weeks ago. Nothing coming out and am due to see my Consultant in 6 weeks time. My problem is when I do any exercise I am sore with a heavy feeling in my back passage. Just when I think things are picking up I’m back to square one. Have been off work for 4 months now and have good days and bad. I had a colonoscopy last week and am grateful to be told my large bowel is normal – is there any hope? x

  118. I had a seton put in a few months ago, with the intension of doing the L.I.F.T procedure later, i had 3 fistula’s , one a 3.6 and 9 o clock, which showed up on a MRI scan, the surgeon said , he could on see the primary, so one seton was put in. Things were fine , until a few weeks ago, another sinus opened up , and more pus came through, this is extremly painfull. I went back to the surgeon, he told me , he has to put a seton in. Why did he not do this the first time, when the MRI showed there were another 2. Is this not why we have MRI , to pick up what the naked eye cannot see???

    • Hi, I had an abscess in April. They drained it and after 1 month of the nurse doing the dressing I was better and able to go to work. Mid June,8 was jogging one day, I could feel pain in the area the abscess was drained. I came home and in the shower pressed it and noticed it had pus. Went to the surgeon who operated on me and they said it looks like I have a fistula. Last week I had a surgery and they put in a loose seton and said in 3 months I’ll need to do a LIFT procedure. I’m off for holiday to see my parents. I’ll be away for 5 weeks and the doctors said, I should be fine to travel (23 hrs journey). Once I’m back in September they’ll do an MRI and the LIFT procedure. Have you got your LIFT procedure done? How did it go? I’m so worried. I can’t sleep and night and my 5 year old daughter doesn’t understand why I can’t play and run after her anymore. Please someone help me. I don’t have Chrons disease. How hard is it to live with the seton. I’ll need to have it on for 3 months.

  119. I have an anal fistula and have had it for years now. The main problem I have is I get so many yeast infections. Like 2 a month and it’s very difficult to deal with. Every time my husband and I have intercourse I get an infection. How do yall keep it clean so that doesn’t happen? Please help!

  120. I don’t have insurance and am looking for a doctor that I can make payments to in Houston Tx.

  121. Hi I’ve a Seton ring through my anus and bottom cheek its cutting my rectum musles . I have gotten quit distressed as I’ve loss most of my bowl control I have been trying to work but I’m ready to give up!
    I now have a very large scare which causes rash and bleeding when I walk.
    I spoke to my doctor today and he said I will have to go for reconstructive surgery.
    My first surgery was over 10 months ago.
    I had a nurse packing my wound for about 5 weeks.
    On the positive side salt baths have helped pool salt is cheap here and with good higene I haven’t needed many antibiotics .
    Has anyone had reconstructive surgery on there anus musles?

  122. Hi m8 I no what your going through I had my seton in for 4 years do yourself a favor cut the wire I no they said it is to drain any more abscess I have had fistula sinse 1996 it won’t heal I am on imfiximab infusion helps a lot but the pain from the wire is terrible my fistula leaks poo with wire in was agony great now


  124. Just had a seton put in place, I find uncomfortable and it’s starting to irritate me. It has been six days so far and I’m not sure how I will go at work tomorrow as I have a sit down office job.
    I will continue the sitz baths every night as I find this soothing, at least till my follow up appointment with the specialist this Friday….

  125. Make sure you go buy a donut pillow – it will make it much more comfortable sitting down in an office job and have regular breaks from your desk. I hope your discomfort lessens soon.

  126. Hi I had surgery about 8 months a go with perianal abscess since then haven’t healed I have been diagnosed with fistula 12 o clock don’t know what is that mean then 7days a go been placed seaton I feel ok bowl bit painful but it’s ok i don’t have any cut or stiches it’s been place from my wound from 8 months a go I wonder if I can drive car it’s bit painful if I seat on my butt what should I do is that gonna be painful to seat on for time or I will feel pain as long as m gonna have that seaton in my butt thanks

  127. buy a sitz bath and ask your doc for iodine it will ease the pain and help stop infections if your lucky it will stay dry unlike mine leaks the brown stuff i cut my Seton after 2 years i am lucky enough to be on imflixmab and that stops me getting any abscesses good luck you get used to it had my fistulas for 20 years

  128. Hi, I had an abscess in April this year. Never had one in my life before. After 1 month of changing dressing everyday, the ordeal was over and I felt like normal again. I started to go for my walks and started to jog. Mid June I started to notice a pain around the abscess area where I had the surgery done. When I went for a shower and pressed on it, I fill pus. I panicked and went back to see this surgeon who operated on me and she said it sounds like I have a fistula and it’s normal after an abscess drained. So she said I’ll need to her a seton done. I had a loose seton placed and now I’m travelling for holidays to see my family for 5 weeks. I was told in September when I get back, I’ll have an MRI and they will take the seton out in 3 months and have LIFT procedure done. Has anyone had a successful LIFT procedure done? I’m worried with stories I read online. I hardly hear any success stories. I’m feeling really down. I don’t have any pain with the loose seton but I’m worried if it gets infected. I shower twice a day and sit in salty water once a day. Please let me know if anyone has had LIFT done and how did it do? What’s the healing time? I’m worried if I take anymore time at work, I won’t a job to go to anymore. Also, my 5 yr old daughter doesn’t understand why I can’t play or run after her anymore. I feel really upset letting her down. Please advice

  129. After strenuous dieting and being conscious of activities, I have been fistula free for almost a year! I was strugling with this problem for just over 2 years. After.going vegetarian for a year, I have finally mentally healed and physically. No meat, no fish, and cheese would upset my body, but after symptoms died down, I slowly have been letting myselfn back into cheese and shrirmp/fish. Still no chicken or red meat in my diet. Alchohal intake was cut, but now I can drink freely. Just stay strong and think about your intestinal tract and what your are allowing your body to process. Don’t expect result rite away, after changing my diet to vegetables for a year, did I finally get results.

  130. I’ve just had an operation to remove seton bands and had stco clips put in to close fistulas but still find I get some poo leaking from bottom also I’m not sure what I can do and not do with these clips in any advice would be great full

  131. Hi I’ve had my seton stitch in a week but today I noticed a swelling near the disololvable stitch and I think its come open at the disolovable ones think the seton stitch is ok been hard to see with a mirror I see the nurse on Thursday should I wait to see her or get it checked sooner its not bleeding but does have weeping and pus thanks any advice would be gr8

  132. Hi guys I have had fistulas for two years and they finally put four setons in last Wednesday I could cry with the pain it is so sore is that normal?.. no painkillers seem to work, I have the nurses in everyday. Also had crohns disease for 10years, any advice would be great thanks

  133. Hi there, I had 2 peri-anal abscesses (horse shoe shape) turn into complex fistulae in Jan 2016. Last week, I had 2 cutting setons put in place. Its agony. Just started having fistula farts yesterday which is quite funny though. My setons are tied inside so you can only see 2 bands running from A to B. i think that might be causing irritation on the inside.

    what I have learnt about my body in this process is invaluable. I don’t digest food very well even though I thought I was fairly normal with this. I do have quite a bit of inflammation in my rectum. i have found taking apple cider vinegar before meals helps to break food down. over the last few days I finally put what I’ve learned into practice. To decrease inflammation and to promote healing. Cut out all inflammatory foods or suffer the consequences when trying to have a BM. I decided to make alkaline smoothies (pretty much delicious green veg smoothies with no acidic fruit) so that my body didn’t have to try to break down the food before absorbing the nutrients. This should help with slightly faster healing as well as decreased drainage which i have noticed. I’m drinking a lot of peppermint tea and coconut water also.

    I put jatyadi oil on the wound sites throughout the day. Sitz baths are key. I use a variation of epsom salts and wild oregano oil mixed with olive oil.

    I’m taking wild oregano oil capsule in the morning, and probiotic later on.

    I thought i’d be back at work by now but I had to call in to push it back a few days. Work can wait. Your health is your wealth.

    Most important thing is to stay clean and positive. i boil the kettle while I’m hitting the loo so the second Im done I can grab it and fill the Sitz dream box that I’ve got at home. Otherwise I’m really sore for much longer after a BM if i don’t steep myself after.

    For my sits bath I went to kmart and bought a long and thinnish storage box. it fits in my shower and my flat mate/ best friend calls it my bird bath 😛 Initially I asked him for something big enough to wash a dog in because i didn’t feel like going into detail about it being for me. He looked a bit puzzled and asked what size the dog was. I paused, looked at my friend and answered “it’s about my size.” The look on his face. He brought me over to the kids section and pointed to a large midnight blue shell shaped paddling pool. I burst out laughing at the thought of me, a 26 y/o gal sitting in my living room in a toy shell washing myself!! I live on the ground floor of my building so the neighbours would love that.

    Anyway I can’t conclude because the process still continues. I hope for the most part, to try to avoid feeling upset and stressed because the bodys healing generally slows down when you’re stressed out.

    Bye for now

  134. Can I take alcohol after fistula surgery

  135. Hi everybody I just stumbled across this site looking for any links between food intolerance/allergies and anal absysses or fistula’s.

    I’ve had 8 + operations over the last 3 years, 32 year old male with a balanced diet. No STI’s, no signs of Krohns/anal Krohns. I have a seton in place which has been changed/tightened a few times and an open fistula wound. A few weeks ago had another abyss which was very unexpected as seton meant to stop new absysses/fistula’s forming.

    Has anybody here done a food intolerance test/allergy test and as a result, no more absysses or fistula’s have appeared? Doc’s are struggling to find out why I still have daily pain and quite severe pain every time I start walking. It’s halted my life for over 3 years and I feel like I’m in limbo. Can’t sit down for long or hold down a decent job.

    Any help or advice is appreciated.



    • Olly my heart goes out to you and everyone here suffering. If you take the food intolerance test/allergy test and it helps you at all, please do post back here.

  136. I was diagnosed with stage 3 Colin cancer back in 2013 along with ovarian cancer so with all of that came vaginal fistula (God really hates me) IM in remission now but IM left with a horrible odor…my doctors act as though they don’t kno w what to do for it. Can someone plz give me some advise on this. It’s so embarrassing when your sitting in sometimes car and someone says what the hell is that foul makes me myself.

  137. Yes 🍾

  138. Is this site still working? fistula support hasn’t replied in a while.
    I had 4 setons inserted about a month ago and have been metaphorically in the dark until now.
    I was diagnosed with UC when I was 12, had most of my large intestine removed and a ileostomy bag for a while. I no longer have a bag and thought I was generally ok. Anyway, fast forward 12 years and some emergency surgery later I wake up with 4 setons.
    I have experienced lumps and sores in the groin/ peranial area for 8 YEARS!!! but after an MRI they finally believed me when I said I thought I might have fistulas.
    If anyone has any useful pointers for a quicker recovery that would be great.
    All the best to everyone suffering, stay positive

  139. What happens when the rubber bands pop does the opening close mine is still draining is that good

    • Hi i have just had the seton procedure and all i got told was i would get a follow up appointment. No idea what i am really dealin with and whether its connected to chrons diesease which my dad has

  140. I know this thread is old but I thought I might post something just in case.
    I’m currently 28 years old and pregnant with my first baby. Last year I had a perianal abscess that turned into a fistula just this year. I recently had a Seton placed with a strong urge from my ob.
    I am curious if anyone has been able to give birth vaginally with a Seton or if I have to do a C section.
    Thank you

  141. Really helpful tip on the hospital pads. I was using sanitary pads but they were really uncomfortable. I bulk order the hospital non woven combine and finally know what size works best. I can relate to feeling down about the seton. I nearly ripped mine out the other day and it killed. Exercise is tough but I have good and bad days. Good luck to everyone dealing with a fistula.

  142. I had an operation 12weeks today 21/9/2017 for fistula had a bio plug fitted was just wondering how long to wait until I go on my push bike doing well after op

    • Hi, not sure this is still an active thread but worth a try. I had Endorectal advancement flap surgery 2 weeks ago today, i had no drainage before going into this surgery – partly because I have a colostomy but I have drainage now since surgery, does anyone know if it’s normal to still have drainage two weeks post flap surgery? It’s hard to know what’s going on as I have no real measure of before and after to compare against. Thanks and good luck to all

  143. I have just had a Seton inserted for perianal abscess and fitula Every time I read a post it states Chrones disease. Has anyone any experience who is not suffering with chrones.
    As far as i know i dont have it but I am awaiting an MRI would that show chrones ???

  144. Hi, my husband has just had a fistula removed, and we are currently not living in our home country (from the UK, currently in The Netherlands) and I could use some advice – not something we have received much of! He is +8 days post op, and saw the Dr today who told him he has a mild infection, and asked why he hadn’t been washing it! He has been having 3-4 sitz baths a day, plus showers. It is obviously awkward to get at (in crack of butt!) and I’m worried about caring for his open wound. Do I need to pack it? Should the sitz bath be just water, or should I add salt/epsom salts? His butt is getting sore from the tape I am using to stick gauze over the area, so I have started using sudocrem, is that ok? He has appointment in 2 weeks again for a check up at the hospital, and the advice we read everywhere is quite conflicting. I am helping him wash it out now with the shower head, filling up the wound for a few minutes, and patting it dry before I stick the gauze over. I am just at wits end, being in a different country, and not having a support network in place. I just want him to not be in pain and to help him heal properly. Thanks is advance!

    • Hello, I hope someone else has replied to you? No one replied to me on here!
      From personal experience I would gently pack it and maybe only wash twice a day. If you wash it too much you will wash off the skins natural oils. Once it starts healing you won’t need to cover it 24.7 fresh air might do it some good.
      I hope he is starting to feel better. I’m still in the uk.

  145. Hi there, I suffered with an anal fissure for 9 months, then got an abscess and went to A&E barely able to walk. I had emergency surgery and woke up with a piece of string hanging out of me. It isn’t a loop as people describe above, it’s just a piece of knotted string. I was sent home and told to see a nurse at the clinic every day for dressing change….nothing else, no other info at all on what had been done to me. I had no leakage for the first week, but now I’m leaking poo and blood…and the pain of passing stools is really getting me down. I’m two weeks post op and my follow up isn’t for another month. Can someone tell me what’s going on with me? When will the pain stop.

  146. Guys, please try the below things and you would be cured within few days. Trust me this works:
    1. A glass of warm milk empty stomach with a full spoon of Ghee in morning
    2. One spoon of ghee with a glass of watm milk before sleeping.

    After researching and going through the pain of anal fistula, i bumped into this remedy which is literally helpful and saved a lot of people from surgeries.

    Let me know your experiences on this.

  147. I’m going in for a fistulotomy seton placement next week and I’m quite worried about it. After all the research I’ve done, it leaves me with more questions. What are some things you wish you knew before surgery?

  148. Hi goodnight. Its been 6weeks i’ve had a fistulectomy surgery with a seton. My wound is healing with the sitz bath, however my seton is still present. My doctor advised to pull the seton regularly and it would drop. Pulling the seton string is very painful. How often should i pull the seton and approximately how long would it take to drop?

    • Hi amanda i had a fustulectomy with snug seton 7 days ago i just feel pain after the bm usually stay there for couple of hours…. the wound is still open… Do you feel any pain now? If not after how long your pain gone completely?
      Anyway my seton is an elastic cutting seton the surgeon told me that we dont need to pull it.. He said the elastic, hybrid or snug seton do the pulling work on its own… Ask to your surgeon what type of seton have you got and usually is the dr duty to pull the seton because you dont know how much you have to pull.

  149. About 16 years ago I had a couple scenarios of having abscesses in my buttocks area. They were popped at the ER and it was extremely painful. Years went by, and I never had another abscess but I developed a fistula. I mostly ignored the fistula, until recently, I went to a colorectal surgeon doctor and had it diagnosed.

    Now I am lined up for an MRI soon to examine in better detail how bad it is, and I opted to have the MRI without any contrast dyes. I am paranoid about the contrast dye and health consequences from the dye.

    I am type 1 diabetic. I do not have any digestive diseases that I know of: no Crohn’s or any other serious disorders like those. I am a 32 year old unmarried male.

    My fistula never hurts. It is like a mini lump that comes and goes in size. It usually drains a small amount of puss when squeezed but it is never painful and it is not overly messy, I just clean it up as it drains. This fistula lump has been there for maybe 12 years or so.

    Recently I asked my colorectal doctor if there were any natural ways to solve the fistula and he did not say anything, he did not say yes or no, he just moved on and did not answer that question. He is in the business of doing surgeries.

    I have reviewed some ways online to treat this naturally. One involves using all this concentrated oregano oil, and I have smelled the stuff before and it totally reeks. I could not imagine going around smelling like oregano for weeks on end, so I would rather not use oregano products.

    Can I just go on living with this fistula without getting the surgery? Or will it eventually develop into something much worse?

    Are all of the post operation nightmare stories all true? This sounds like a total and complete nightmare to have this operation done! I am scared.

    Do most fistulas really hurt to have? I ask because mine does not hurt, so I wonder if I can just continue living with it? For how long? Does it develop into something much worse?

    What is the success rate with just doing a special diet and doing sitz baths? Is it absolutely impossible to heal a fistula without the surgery?

    From my research so far, it sounds like just about everyone is going ahead with the surgeries? Is there a way to not get the surgery?

    I have one year of health insurance to pay for this but I am totally not trusting of most doctors and I lean more towards naturopathic solutions.

    Thank you for any helpful advice.

  150. Help!
    Had seton fitted 5days ago and I’m worse off than I was prior to getting it.
    Fistula was draining by itself no issues. No pain. Just annoying but liveable. However, consultant suggested seton to try help it heal. Seemed hopeful as the draining was getting me down on certain days.
    How wrong I was. First 2 days were fine. Perfect. No pain no issues. Great. The last 3 days have been awful. The knot keeps moving into the fistula opening which is so so painful. I cough and I’m scared. It’s effecting my pelvic floor where I’m scared to clench due to the pain. So if im not near a toilet im screwed. I have a 6 month old so in need to be able to move quickly and not think about angles etc. i haven’t been able to sleep properly for 3 days and I think it’s due to the worry of the knot basically stabbing me through the night. Im at a loss on what to do. Im they say allow 2 weeks to feel better but I can’t see how it will get better when the knot is the issue??

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