Helping you to cope with the pain of fistulas

Success Stories – My fistula has gone!

Fistulas are often successfully treated, unfortunately we don’t always hear the positive stories as those who have been healed, move on and put their fistula behind them (excuse the pun!).
If you have had successful treatment of your fistula/s, please tell us all about it on this page. It will give others hope that the surgical procedures used actually can work, and patients can beat this horrible condition and carry on with their lives fistula free! If you could please give details on what type of surgical procedure you had and any other methods you used to heal, such as diet or natural remedies, that would be great!

409 Responses to “Success Stories – My fistula has gone!”

  1. My fistulas were successfully treated! I had two complex high ano fistulas, and had two setons in place for 2 years. After two years and 7 surgeries, once all the tissue had settled down, my surgeon did an Advancement Flap surgical procedure, and one year later, I am still fistula free! 🙂

    • Hi

      I have a friend who has just been told she needs the Advancement Flap Surgery. We are also in NZ so I was wondering if you’d tell me who your surgeon was?

      • Hi Erica, my surgeon was Ian Bissett, he is a Colorectal surgeon at Auckland Hospital, but also works privately at the Auckland Colorectal Centre, phone (09) 623 7510. If you’re not in Auckland, might be an idea to chat to him and ask who he would recommend near you, because he is very experienced. Hope that helps, and good luck to your friend for the surgery!

      • Hi friends… I’m so sorry you’re all unwell.. I’m struggling to work out how to post on here… After hell and back for two years of perianal abcess open wounds… The most agony I’ve felt and heard that others have felt above giving birth! … Id like to tell you that it was diagnosed as open for the rest of My life… But through changing my diet it healed against all odds. Cut out meat and dairy. Drink a heck lead of organic herbal tea.. Make smoothies… And do one thing a day that makes you smile. For me it’s my dog. Be it a you know what for the men, be it simply baking cookies! …. Point is, is I got better…. Hope for all of us friends. Xxx

    • I just ran across this today and am begging for someone to help me. Im in my senior year of nursing school and am suppose to be graduating in may. I have lost all sense of hope that this is going to get any better. It has completely debilitated me. I can’t exercise, I can hardly sit in class, I can hardly work standing for 12 hours and I live on tylenol/aleve/or ibuprofen. I live in atlanta, ga and just want to be normal again. I originally had a fissurectomy in November 2014. I began to feel slightly different as time went on and then the pain started. And what followed was a lump back there. In feb 2015 I had emergency surgery for a fistulotomy which was suppose to take care of the issue. Well it is back and it is MUCH MUCH worse. I hardly get out of bed, my body feels weak and I burst into sweats often from my temperature. After many visits with my doctor telling me it looks fine and sends me home with two rounds of antibiotics for two weeks straight it is back and its much worse. I constantly run fever and baths are making it worse. My doctor now wants to do a surgery where he does an incision externally and lets it heal from the inside out. I only have 10 days off of school and work to let it heal after this. The doctors office hardly gives me any info and acts as if its no big deal. Im 23 years old and this has completely crushed me. I feel helpless and hopeless. Someone please give me anything…any advice..any hope. Im not sure what Im asking for here but I am just so unsure of where to go from here. Im not a diabetic..I consider myself in good shape but I have no fight left in me when I feel this miserable ALL day EVERYDAY!

      • Hey! I’m in Atlanta and have the same issues, I work at Nuts N Berries in Brookhaven. Please stop by and ask for Jon! Id be glad to share what’s worked for me, I know the pain and difficulties of life that this causes all too well

      • It really sounds like you don’t have a very good doctor; you should look for a specialized clinic instead.

      • Hi Jon! I am in the middle of this right now… in the midst of considering surgery but in hopes of healing my body with what it needs. Could we connect via phone (I am in Michigan).

      • Hello Jenna,

        I also had a fistula but I cured it with home remedies. I just wanna share this with other people who is suffering from Fistula, perianal abscess.

        First you need to do sitz bath as often as you can.
        This results in faster healing of the wound.

        Sitz : Warm water (40deg C) make sure its not too hot, add 5-10 neem leaves(crushed with hand so that it will mix with water effectively) + Dettol 2 table spoons. Sit for 10-15mins.

        Garlic & Honey (Natural effective antibiotics)
        Garlic is very best natural antibiotic and also mixed with honey it gives you fast healing.
        Peel Garlic cloves (just 2) mix it with honey and leave it for 30mins. then eat that garlic in empty stomach (morning as soon as you woke up) then that honey which you soaked garlic take that and mix it with luke warm water and drink it. (its hard to take garlic due to the smell after eating but it really gives you best effect).

        Fibre : Take this if you can get this in your local drug store (LactiFibre) . Before going to sleep take a spoonful of LactiFibre mixed with a glass of water. This prevents you from Constipation as well as Fluidic fibre.

        Natural Oinment,

        Turmeric & Coconut oil,
        Turmeric is anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, Bioactive Compounds With Powerful Medicinal Properties,Increases The Antioxidant Capacity of The Body.
        Coconut Oil Contains a Unique Combination of Fatty Acids With Powerful Medicinal Properties,The Lauric Acid in Coconut Oil Can Kill Bacteria, Viruses and Fungi, Helping to Stave Off Infections.

        Mix a spoonful of Turmeric with Coconut oil and apply gently in the affected area as a paste. The Turmeric will make its path towards the fistula and prevents infection , kills bacteria and does not let the area swell. Do this before you go to bed.

        Remember to do Sitz bath often and apply the Turmeric coconut oil paste.

        Im sure you will have your problem solved 🙂

        There is nothing to be afraid of fistula or abscess.
        Believe in Ayuveda 🙂


      • Hello – not sure how this forum works and if you are getting this, just wanted to wish you well – I have fistula and they are horrible but please don’t give up – how are you now

      • Contact me as soon as possible 00923497338284 plz plz plz do not try to use junk foods or any type of meet. Use milk .yougart . And fiber foods. Contact me

      • I hope you are doing friends daughter is in U.A.B. niw. Been there a week..will be coming home soon.She had colon surgery.(several hours) last week..I think you should go there.They are great..I was sent there in 2007, bone cancer..The doctors come from all over the world..I’m would love to hear from you..Best wishes. Elizabeth

      • I have started to follow what ajay has mentioned.
        But after doing it for 2 week now I am getting some pain when ever i go for a motion and external opening is started to bulge out.
        @ajay please reply

      • If the doctor is not giving you enough info, then please see someone else.

      • Hi. I had a cutting seton and after that surgery my abscess has not returned, the fistula is gone. What I want to tell you all people is, doctors have been telling me they don’t know why I got the abscess in the first place. Well, I figured it out on my own. I must’ve torn during giving birth not just in my vagina. I was in rectal pain for 8 months after childbirth. My first abscess came about a year later. I recall a weird scraping scratchy feeling as I was going nr 2. That feeling happened again as I got another abscess and then fistula was created. After cutting seton, I went to Europe and was dying of stress because I had the scraping feeling twice, but in my “healthy” side of the butt. I was crying thinking I’m going to get an abcsess, put turmeric and tea tree oil paste around the butt and I didn’t get the abscess that time, but that was mostly luck. Then I figured it out, the pain I was describing was the same as people were describing on ANAL FISSURES forum. So logically, what doctors didnt tell me and I had to figure out on my own was that my butt got dry after it got broken by me giving birth. Then it got even dryer after the cutting seton surgery, going nr 2 was giving me burns and aches all over the rectum, even though I eat a high fibre plant based diet. I started taking stool softeners, and healed up in no time. If you suffer same symptoms, put yourself on miralax, then ease into herbal stool softeners that you can take everyday for the rest of your life and avoid any further issues. My husband had one anal fissure in his lifetime and his method was inserting a little vaseline on small finger into his rectum, gently. (He didn’t have any rectal surgeries so it seems easy for him. I poked my post surgery scar area and it was uncomfortable so I switched to stool softeners instead). He inserts some vaseline every few days in the morning to avoid getting hurt during going nr 2.
        I wish SOMEONE HAD TOLD ME ALL THIS, I hope it helps you all.

      • hi. I hope you better now.. I have two seton in place and one fistula hole for 1 month and 1 week. and I just had my 2nd cirgury of seton replaced. after the 1st cirgury I took 2 weeks antibiotic and I was feeling very weak and more pus came out from anus. now after the 2nd cirgury I did not take the antibiotic… and I am doing better bc I change a lot of things. I start drinking 2 or 3 cups.. of oregano fresh tea as a antibiotic.. during the day on empty stomach. make the tea strong… and boil a lot so you can use it to throw some in the bath seat with sea salt.. then try to fit your hand in the middle and massage gently your anus or around the seton if you feel it .. plus open the cut a little with 2 fingers so the oregano water goes inside the hole and massage around it… and while doing it.. cough with the mouth close so the pressure goes down and finally every thing will be clean and trust me.. when that hole is complete clean.. you won’t feel not pain.. do it 3 to 5 times a day.. or every time you go #2.. every time put a piece of toilet paper inside to keep it dry… and check it every hour to two hours during the day… if you wake up during the night change and clean how I show you.. so. every time you feel and smell on the toilet paper clean do the bath…. and you will feel less pain every day… else keep a small container with the oregano water and get a paper towel and get it wet and put it inside the anus during the day.. if you are not able to have the seats… else it worked for me used those baby little nose mucus pump and laying down and heat the oregano water and throw it with pressure and flush it.. when the oregano is hot penetrates better.. And li….and keep this. procedure until it close… else make sure to take many laxative…and buy hso. probiotic.. and take it 3 o 4 times on. empty stomach to keep your flora and nutrients in the body.. take one Pedialyte every keep ur potassium a d take magnesium mix with calcium and vitamin d and other.. if you have slow digestion when eating take 500 1000 mg. of betaine hcl. every time with the food. so it will help u to absorb all the nutrients… and take glutamine power.. twice… as a cellular suplement.. vitamin e. c. and ashawanda pills. and boswellia serrata… .. don’t take fish pills. bc. they are hard to digest.. take garlic pills. else an antibiotic.. .. God bless… get well….

      • There are some ways to spped HEALING try a sixth bath. Hot water 1 tbs salt. 1 tbs vinegar and 1 tbs turmeric soak 3 to 4 times a day. Eat veggies or a juice fast. No spicy like hot sauce or pepper. No alcohol

      • Actually it needs lots of rest and after the surgery you should not lift the heavy weight for atleast 1 year also keep you stool loose dont stain in the toilet. It will get cured. First of all dont get feared.

      • I’m so sorry for what your going through my husband has been suffering for 4 years and counting, after 3 surgeries we’ve realised that after pus had been drained it instantly lift the burden but it’s rubbish in the long run he’s left with open wounds still that will not heal, we are currently trying Aruyveda medicine from India and a strict diet so far so good! Hang in there hope things get better for you it’s a long road ahead but hope you get to see the light at the end. Best wishes

      • Consult with Dr aashish bhanote India.

      • Please consult a Homeopathic Doctor. Only homeopathy can treat this from roots.

      • Good heavens!! I’m just starting my fistula journey. You WILL get better. My doc office is the same to me! I am afraid and horrified and they do not seem to care.

      • Plz eleborate the problem you have.
        What surgeries you went thorough and what’s the current position and the color of the pus discharged also what’s the color of your tongue
        Eyes and urine and does it smell acidic pungent or any other odour.
        If you can use homeopathic medicine that would be a good deal. Don’t eat potato eggplant cabbage and cauliflower avoid meat and egg yolks and banana. Ampel of green veggies.
        Avoid vegetables with seeds and keep yourself gluten free,no processed food and bakery products.use lots of fiber.take stool softener if necessary but don’t make it a habit.also walking will help

      • sear kshar sutra indian tec to deal with fistula 100% result

      • How are you now buddy

      • I got a fistula when I was 23 and in college. The doctor said no big deal and I went on and then when I was 27 it flared up again, I got it lanced open and was left in my own blood and pus, I ended up getting a staph infection. It kept getting infected and draining, when I got pregnant and after I had my baby in 2010, a good surgeon finally did a kangaroo procedure on it, known as a flap procedure it cured that abscess. Just recently last year I got another abscess and had to be hospitalized. I understand your pain sweetheart….just keep faith that it will get better.

      • Any update?

      • Just use 1 tbl spoon turmeric in hot water. Drink it and also apply turmeric+mustered oil paste on the affected area. Use homeo medicins as well

    • Hello, so happy for you How did ur fistula heal

    • I have Crohn’s disease and I’ve had the Perianal fistulas with two different SeTone and 5 surgery’s since august 2013 using Remacades infusion since Nov 2015 Humira bfr that and still dealing with the drainage and very tender and sore from the Stone area it swells up and blood start to come out of the that hole where the stone…
      My questions is any one deals with the same issue? Will the Sitone going to stay forever? and why most of times tender and sore and blood drainage from the Sitone area please give me some more info anything can help thanks!

      • Hi,

        I have the same issue, i had a bartholins abcess and had 3 surgeries on it this then caused a fistula to the rectum, i had surgery in july where they inserted a seton, i am constantly draining, The area around the seton is extremely sore, i have granulation tissue growing around it which is very sore and causes me limitations in walking, the dr said it is normal and is part of the process. I am due for another surgery i just hope the seton has done its job as i just want to me normal. Im in constant discormfort all the time.

    • I had advancement flap surgery done in april 2016 n now it is 10 weeks but my fistula hole is still draining

      • Hi hhk

        Can you give us an update if u cured after advanced flap surgery thank u

      • Hi,
        This is encouraging for me as I have a seton in currently and am having the second attempt at a lift/flap surgery next week.. are there any tips you can give me to help aid the recovery? Diet advice or anything else you took?

        Cheers 🙂

      • Hello. I have a question. After having the flap surgery done did the wound heal by itself. My Dad wants to know because he got a flap surgery done and it has been about 6 months now and it is still bleeding. He is unsure to do a surgery so that is why he wants to get your advice. Please reply…

    • Hi Dear,

      Are you free from fistula now.

    • hi, i’m happy for you. who was your surgeon?

    • Hi, Thanks for this site, nice to know there are other people out there trying to help others with this awful condition. I had a perianal abscess and fistula in 2011 and healed it by eating vegetables, alot of vegetables for a couple of months. It is not easy and it might not work for everyone but I am proof it is possible to rid yourself of this and avoid recurrence. You can read my story at

    • Dr Cathel Mc Leod in Portland, Maine, USA performed a cutting seton + fistulotomy and my abscess has not returned so far. I have dealt with recurring abscess for about 3 years, since I was 29 years old. I have large scarring and a big “gap”( that’s what I feel when I touch my rectum to check if everything is OK) . I am left with almost chronic pain ( 20 days out of 30), not terrible but it’s more or less intense discomfort and dryness down there but I can deal with that if I don’t get abscesses again.

    • Who is your doctor , I have been living with this condition for 5years

    • 2 years and 7 surgeries ??? Oh no 😭😭😭 I’m goin towards the 4th 😦

    • Are u still free of fistula till now?

  2. Do you have Crohn’s Disease?

  3. I have a fistula since a year and a half. The main problem was that neither my doctor nor two different hospitals (of which one was the Amsterdam University Hospital) didn’t recognize it as a fistula. In the end I went to a private clinic where I was diagnosed within 15 minutes. I’m now waiting for a seton, but in the meantime I’m treated by a homeopath, because a friend of mine was cured of his fistula by one. I have good hope, but it’s the worst thing ever happened to me 😦

    • Hi Giudycat
      I am interested in the treatment that your homeopath is advising. i was due to get a seton in August but when I asked for some basic info was told that it was an elective procedure and my own choice whether to go ahead or not. I would like to know how your friend is and if you have any suggestions/advice.
      Many thanks for sharing, Maeve

      • Hello Maeve, I must admit I’m not completely satisfied with the homeopath, because first he gave me something and then something else (and I have no idea what it all is as they’re his own recipes) and now I have some liquids to sniff… :s But I think the most important thing he gave me is silicea, because I’ve read a lot about it in articles about fistulas. Also I know one of the medicines was paeonia. Other things I take are: turmeric, cranberry, vitamin C, oregano oil, Pau d’Arco tea and horsetail tea. But I’m wearing a seton and am still in a lot of pain. I have more faith in the operation that I will have.

    • Can u give me homeopath doctor name and address

    • Hi
      Did homeopathy work in ur case?

    • is your fistula cured through Homeopathic treatment please tell me i m on homeopathic treatment too

    • Never mind hard times pass and teach us many lessons.
      Homeopathic medicine takes time but cures it.
      How long did it take to cure your friend
      Plz share it with me on my email
      I too have same problem and taking homeopathic medications for it

  4. Has anyone ever had hyperbaric chamber treatment for their ongoing fistula? If so, can you please tell me the results of the treatment?

  5. I had an abcess one year got it I and D

    After some 8 months fistula tract was diagnosed.
    Since it was a high fistula at 3’0 clock postion…I have already gone 2 surgeries to minimize the damage to the spincter muscle..

    I got fistulectomy with cutting seton insitu!

    As of present it is healing well and almost 0% discomfort and discharge has altogether gone. It is expected to heal in another week or so.

    I have been taking pictures to keep an account on the progress,if anybody is interesting in gathering knowledge about how progression is made ( ignoring my bums) …ping me.
    I’d like to help.

    • Also am planning to write a blog on the whole experience
      And it is not as horrifying as it is made to look online, I think I have my doctor to thank for that!

    • Arjun – when did you have your seton? I had a draining seton and fistulectomy last week and was wondering how long this process will take? Thanks for the info.

      • Hello Mrs. White

        It had been a month now….and seeing at the amount of discharge…I can surely say it is healing….and the time for healing varies from person to person depending upon the location and complexity of the fistula.
        I wish for your speedy recovery.

        You can contact me If you need further help.

        Goodday mrs white 🙂

    • Hey Arjun,
      Did your 2 surgeries involve a period with seton then your fistulotomy? How long did you have to wait with the seton before you could have the fistulotomy?

      • hey bharath

        i actually have undergone the 3rd surgery a few days back

        i had the procedure of fistulectomy along with cutting seton and not fistulotomy done

        since the internal opening was situated in high position of what dr call it as HIGH fistula…it apparently took 2 months before it fell after cutting through.

        i hope i was of some assistance to you.

        feel free to shoot any further question.

        take care

    • how long did you have the cutting seton in and did you have to wiggle it everyday?

      • i would say around 30-40days and yes the guy who did the dressing used to move and clean it properly ……..keeping everything clean down there is of utmost importance along with good dressing (packing the wound), otherwise there is a high chance that fistula will recur (unfortunately as in my case)


        1. keep it clean always including the seton ( my dr advised metrogyl-p oitment to clean )

        2. keep the wound packed and let it heal from the bottom.

    • Hi Arjun

      Thanx for the information, I undergone surgey for fistula in ano 10 days back the pus is still coming how much time does it take to heal. What to take care about, post surgery. Kindly mail the pictures so that I can judge my progress.


    • Hi Arjun,

      Your story has really filled me with hope!! I had a cutting seton put in just over 25 days ago and at first the area looked to be healing very well. In the last week the exit wound has become quite red, all the doctors have said that this is normal and exactly what you want and I just wanted to find out from someone who has experienced it themselves whether this was the same healing process as you?
      I’m glad everything has gone so well for you!! 😀

      • Hi fahamed

        Unfortunately mine recurred because of dressing of the wound wasn’t done well.
        So I had another surgery sometime back.
        They had put in a seton again which they ll tighten with time along with dr. Dressing himself this time. And according if everything is healing fine then you should have nice healthly pink coloured tissue, I am not sure what does red indicate in your case, but it wont harm if you cross check with some other colo rectal specialists which could probably save you another surgery ( if that tissue is granulation or unhealthy tissue)

        Am sorry in advance if am sounding a bit cynical but that’s what my experience has taught me.

        Take care
        And keep in kind to have proper dressing and packing of the wound.

    • Hello Arjun,
      My brother is currently suffering from a fistula. After 4 years and 4 surgeries, he is still not doing well. A couple of weeks ago, it got worse. The circumference of the fistula is hard and it’s oozing pus and blood. He has been taking the Ayurvedic Fistula Packet from Planet Ayurveda. I don’t know if the hardness and oozing have to do anything with the treatment. He is desperate and any information we get will be very much appreciated.
      Has anyone else tried the Ayurvedic Fistula Packet? Any comments or suggestions will help.

      • It does not help I tried it

      • Tell him to try medihoney by dermasciences. It is amazing! I developed a fistula in my abdomen after surgery and servere crohns flair up. Someone suggested the medihoney and my wound is healing after months of stool pouring out of my gut! Praying for your complete healing.

      • Hello, I don’t know if this will reach you five years later but I am wondering what happened with your brother. It seems after a surgery my problems got worse, and I do not want any more procedures. I also ordered the Nirgundi oil and am wondering if it helped or made things worse. Thank you if you get this.

    • I had on Wednesday.. Today is friday
      I had a bloody bowl movement.
      The blood look kinda dark should i be worried

    • I just got a seton on Friday. In so much pain. When did your pain go away and did you do different steps to help make it heal faster? I am meeting with the dr September 10th. Don’t know if I want to go through this pain again😬

    • Hi I have a complex fistula can i get in touch with you please

    • Hello how can I get you contact, I have similar issue.

    • I am also 3′ clock position 2.4mm x 2.5 mm size kindly guide me

    • Hello, please can you confirm that your fistula healed completely. I have mine a month ago, still experiencing pains, discomfort and pus.

  6. Hi people

    I had what I thought was just a pile, which would not heal, went to my GP 8 times about it and Alls I got was the same tabs and creams, he told me it was an abscess, what would happen is it would appear to be healing, then it would ” Fill” again to form a bubble of blood if ya like then it would burst and be really itchy and annoying, 2 Years later and no sign of it healing I just had enough, I wanted to see a Specialist, and straight away he said it looks like a Fistula, so I was put to sleep , woke up with this rope inside my anus lol, it was so tight and painfull, especially when I played golf, I noticed there was less ” Filling” of the sore, it appeared to have died from the fierce tightness of the rope ( stitch) after 2 weeks the pain eased but I got a lot of discharge daily, had to change my cacks everyday, which is not like me, I’m a 2 Day man lol, anyway I was dreading going back to the hosp as I was thinking they would be re- tightening my stitch, so I woke up and now feel fantastic

  7. Finally after 3 years and 5 months, I am free of pain and seton’s. I have driven about 25,000 Km’s. Taken over 3,000 pain killers and endured 19 lots of surgery. All I can say to everyone is; there is light at the end of the tunnel. It is very hard to see or imagine, but it is the only thing that kept me going – Hope. I cannot thank the medical team and the hospital staff enough, for their dedication, understanding and empathy, specially when things were bleak.

    What finally worked for me.
    1. Sitz Baths, first thing in the morning and the last thing at night and if possible during the day.
    2. Exercise. As much as possible, first thing in the morning.
    3. Diet, towards the end, I ate more greens, cut back on dairy, and also alcohol.
    4. Have a good support structure around you.
    5. Be honest and upfront about what is going on, even if people may find it funny, and make fun of you.
    6. When things are down, remember, tomorrow will be better, it has to be.

    Thank you again to all the wonderful people on this site, who helped me understand and cope with the pain and trauma and provide good advice, specially when everything looked bleak.

    I am happy to be of any assistance, to anyone, who may require more information about my experience.

    • Hi MIkeP,

      Your message really helped me fill up with hope.
      My Fistula started 13 month ago, I’ve had 2 surgeries so far, with a seton still in place. I’m so so happy for you that you got your life back and I pray and hope you’ll enjoy every moment of it 🙂

      Your regime seems quite conservative compared to methods of fasting, consuming huge amounts of vegetables, oils, antibiotics etc…

      What do you think really made the change? Was it a better phisician? was it the morning exercise? the long sitz baths? are you keeping any of that routine?
      Were you left with any scars or signs where the fistula was?

      Thanks, Ido

      • Hi Ido,

        I am sorry for the long delay in getting back to you.

        What really worked for me was the change in diet, Cutting back on dairy, the sitz baths also did help a lot in relieving the pain.

        The Physician worked wonders for me. I am now completely over it. NO MORE pain, and suffering. It has been a very long haul.

        As for scars, I think there a few, but that is the least of my worries.

        Keep me posted on your progress.



    • hi arjun, Please share the progress details. I have fistula for 6 monhs. I tried homeopathy but the doctor was not so good. I am treating myself with homepathy, diet control and home remedies like Turmeric+Olive oil application, steam 5 times a day instead of sit bath as I was told it it better than sitz bath, green veg, butter milk in 1st half of the day, low on spie diet, no non veg food. The Fistula does not hurt for last 1 month but occasional yellow fluid still seeps, I am also applying cotton dipped in turmeric+oil inside the anal canal. Still not sure if the fistula is healing but it it not a discomfort now. Hopefully the treatment will work,

      • Hi AB did your fistula heal, even I’m having the same symptoms like no pain, irritation and yellow fluid leaks once a month. I have been on homeopathy and Home remidies. Please reply.

    • I could really use your help!

      • I healed my fistula with ayurvedic oil called jatyadi in the first place but after a month it reoccured,then I went through cutting Seton technique for a month,and when the track got small I had to go through another surgery,which I got 4 days back,there is a pain because of wound but I hope it gets better with time.every 2nd day I visit hospital for dressing,or use betadine ointment for dressing at home.dont know when is it going to heal ,I’ll keep updating.

    • Mike do you have chrons disease? The problem I find is that with my chrons, veggies do not agree with me😬. I have cut out alcohol, red meat, and working on cutting out caffeine & fried food. What exercising did you do? Right now I only had my first surgery Friday. In awful pain and can’t gardly move. Hoping after alone more week that I can partially have a normal life

    • hi dear i have anal fistula . i donot go for surgery just started Homeopathic treatment and eating vegetables. please tell me can fistula be recovered with diet only if yes please recommend me wat to do. i have not any surgery yet

    • Hi,

      Did you have a low or high fistula?

    • Hello MIke, May I ask if you still drank coffee and ate lean meats such as chicken and fish? Also, did you take any herbs/vitamins? How are you doing now? Thank you for your encouraging comment!

    • Hi Mike, your story is like the light in the Tunnel, it is been a month and a half and 3 operations with currently 2 setons. The internal cavity produce severe pain to the point that really makes depress. I am in fear and I can do anything else , need to wait a bit more and see if my doctor will proceed with external opening this time. The drainage is non stop and the smell is not pleasant. Non stop pain and I feel pain everywhere even in my nuts.
      Currently over the counter pain killers and sleeping pill at night. I beg God that I will get better.🙏🏻🙏🏻

  8. Hi there,

    Last Thursday I completed a year since my fourth surgery for an anal fistula and all seems well. My first problem was a perianal abscess in May 2011 which was treated with antibiotics but should have been drained I later discovered! I don’t have CD.

    The abscess returned in Sep 2011 and was drained as an emergency procedure. I then had three further procedures including the insertion of a seton twice – the 2nd seton was very tight and painful. My 4th op in Aug 2012 was an advancement flap procedure which has worked and I have my life back!! I now believe the chances of the fistula returning are very small.

    To anyone who is enduring the misery of having this problem be positive and have hope. These procedures do work and I feel immensely relieved to be feeling back to normal again.

    During my recovery period I took as much time off work as I could. I am a teacher in the UK state school system and therefore taking the time I needed wasn’t a problem and I think this was crucial. I hardly got off my bed for about 6 weeks and I think this really helped. I also ate a really healthy diet with lots of soups, fibre and vegetables. I think I also had a very good surgeon on the UK NHS although his manner seemed very arrogant and uncaring a lot of the time and that added to the stress of the situation. At the end of the day however I believe he was a skilled surgeon.

    I was lucky to have a supportive wife and daughter and getting this sort of support is essential as things do seem very dark at times.

    I would be happy to give any advice I can based on my experience.

    These procedures do work so please be patient, look after yourself while it’s happening and have faith. You will be healed in the end.

    • Hi
      I am very happy to hear your cured from fistula, I have been suffering for almost 10years and haven’t had any luck with any of the operations im going in on the 3rd October to discuss what treatment treatment to have next, I’m from London and wanted to ask what hospital you had your treatment and the name of your consultant,

      • Hi Faz,

        Sorry to take so long to get back – I dont check this so often now – you will do the same once you are fixed which you will be – 10 years is a long time to suffer with this and I have every sympathy for you – stay strong you will get there! My surgeon was a Richard Molloy. 2 years ago when I had my surgery he worked for the NHS and I had the op at Gartnavel Hospital Glasgow. At that time he also took private patients at Ross Hall Hospital Glasgow.
        I am sure you will find him easily by googling or calling Ross Hall.

        I had advancement flap surgery which worked for me and I believe he is a very good surgeon. Please let me know if I can give you any further advice.

        Good luck and stay positive – you will get there!

      • Hi hows your fistula now???

    • Hi Johnboy

      I have read your comments and very pleased that your fistula has healed. My husband has had this for 8 years plus now. We are in the UK? Can you tell us which surgeon performed your procedure please. Appreciate any advice.

    • Hi nice to hear that you are free from fistula .
      Can you please share doctor name and hospital name so that I can request my surgery to refer me to that hospital ,I live UK too
      Your help is appreciated many thanks in advance

    • Thanks for the positive feedback. I have heard so many bad stories that it has started worrying me a little!!

    • I have had a key showing transplinter fistula i am waitin for surgery i hope 1 surgery will sort it out
      any advice

      • I have undergone fistula surgery . the dr. found that there were 2 fistulas when he went in. my surgery was on Dec. 11th and I am still in severe pain. have bleeding, sometimes heavy at times. going to dr. for follow up this morning. Did you have your surgery yet? Apparently the surgery only took about 30 minutes. Right now I’m hoping he didn’t go for speed instead of accuracy. Still having to take pain pills.

  9. Hi everyone!
    Many thanks for the comments above, A friend found this site for me and I have to be honest and say that I never ‘reply’ like this.

    I was due to have a seton put in place two weeks ago and was not happy with the info I was being given. There was no mention of having to take time off work, convalescing, managing diet etc. and when I asked for info it was postponed.
    I have a meeting with the surgeon on Monday, what questions should i be asking? It has taken 20 months to get two GPs, three consultants and two registrars to agree that what I’m describing is actually happening, and I have yet to be told the findings of the colonoscopy. Is it my imagination or has anyone noticed that it is worse after every examination?

    Does anyone have advice on exercise? what to avoid and what helps?
    Regarding diet… any advice for while I’m living with the fistula and for afterwards would be great.
    It is really good to hear positive stories, cos I really feel that I’m on my own with this.
    thanks, Maeve:-)

    • Meeve…you are not alone. I felt alone as well but can see many other people are going through this. I just had my second surgery 3 days ago. I wish you the very best in your recovery

      • Thank You Christina,
        i have decided to postpone the surgery. A friend is training to be a kinesiologist and she identified my need to control candida long before I was diaognosed.
        I thinks the low dairy, wheat, sugar, cafeine and alcohol diet has helped be avoid recurring infections.
        I do not have the support to undergo surgery at this time and a series of mis-diagnoses left me pretty low on resources.
        i is great to know that I am not alone, but I do find it hard to let friends and family know what I am dealing with on a daily basis.
        Again, thank you for your good wishes, I hope that your surgery has healed and given you ease.

  10. Hi Maeve,

    You are indeed not alone – it’s clear from this website that lots of people undergo these fistula problems – but it’s a difficult problem to discuss! I felt very alone and got by with the help of my wife, daughter and sister who supported me a lot – I hope you have some good friends and family because discussing the problems this brings helps enormously! I didn’t reply earlier as I’ve been spending less time looking at this website since I have been feeling back to normal – when you are sorted, as you will be, I am sure you will do the same!!

    I hope you had a good meeting with your surgeon and he gave you the advice and info you needed. My surgeon was impatient and I thought arrogant – I felt as though I was bothering him every time I asked a question but I had lots of questions and like you I was very worried – to them (some surgeons) it all seems “routine” whereas to the patient it is anything but – it was about the only thing I thought about for over a year! Make sure you ask everything you need to during consultations – I often felt pressurised to leave when I still had questions to ask! I had 4 operations, the last of which in August 2012 seems (touch wood!) to have done the trick. Regarding diet I cut down on meat, fatty and processed foods, sugary products and totally avoided alcohol. I ate lots of vegetables, fruit, fibre and drank lots of water – sensible dietary measures really. I lost about 8 kilos over 3 months while I was recovering! – every cloud etc …

    Regarding exercise I think it’s good to exercise as much as you can. I had 2 setons put in, over a period of 6 months. I was able to jog a bit with the first one but the 2nd was very tight and at times painful and I could only really walk – I did manage to go on holiday to Italy a week however so life goes on and it’s good to keep doing as much as you feel comfortable with. My fistula was deep and so I couldn’t have the standard “laying open” procedure which gives the best chance of fixing it (due to the risk of leaving me incontinent) so I had an advancement flap procedure. Afterwards I stayed off work for 2 months and hardly left my bed.

    It doesn’t seem like it at the time but believe me you will get better! Good luck with it and feel free to post any other questions – happy to share my experiences!

    • Thanks for your reply JohnBoy.

      Yes my surgeon was overbearing, impatient and has a major god complex. He eventually admitted that he was only seeing me because I was referred by the OBGYN consultant. That the patient in the other room was really sick and needed his attention and I should be happy to sign the consent form and deal with the registrar.

      Eventually, when I had exhausted my list of questions and assertiveness training notes, he offered to contact the one other person that he had treated for a much more complex fistula and see if she would put my concerns to rest… because he really was very busy.
      The lady was kind enough to ring, and I will follow it up when I am ready.

      I am trying different ways to heal and avoid another absess.

      Also, the question he did not answer is this… If a seton is there to drain an absess and i don’t have one anymore (touch wood) … why do I have to have one put in?

      Re exercises… I’m thinking of pelvic floor, abdominal and lower back strenghtening.

      Re diet… Similar to your diet – a candida diet cleared my absess and, while I’m not as strict as I was, it seems to be helping.

      Re mental health… The mantra I have been meditating on is : “i am safe, i trust fully in the process of life, life is for me.” Apparently a fistula is a “blockage in the letting go process.”

      many thanks for getting back to me, best wishes, Maeve

  11. hi ive had my fistula 7yrs now,its driving me nuts cant work the quiality of my life is about nil.Im very depressed with it all my sex life is just about nil but i do have a very understanding thank god.I had my seton fitted at the end of april 2013,which is still in place.My fistula is a very complex 1 and is now in my pelvic floor well the track is.I was a well paid plumber now im on the sick struggling to look after my partner and kids.PLEASE HELP JOHN

    • Hi John,
      7 years; that’s a loooong time to suffer one of these minging things!
      My sympathies on the impact this has had on every area of your life. Believe me, i know. I too have a very understanding spouse but….
      Not ideal to be self-employed and ill either is it? …. I nearly lost my biz last year, but something came up just as I was selling up!
      I’ve been pretty encouraged by the account of the successful Advance Flap surgery mentioned in this thread. I’m down for that next. My surgeon agreed to defer for 3 months back in Aug, due to see him in a couple of weeks and hoping I can defer it some more to a) give me more time to get some funds behind me before I take more time off, b) so I can be around for Mother in Law whose terminally ill.
      I guess seeing someone I love deteriorate has given me a slightly different perspective on my own sorry plight. Vis-a-vis at least it’s not terminal, but it’s something unless you’ve experienced it, you have no concept how much it robs of life. which is where this site massively comes into its own.
      At the moment I am seton-less which is a very happy state to be in. Other than that I am adapting to pelvic floor chaos, and hyper-sensitivity in scar tissue from my first surgery (rectocele repair) which is how I came to develop this little beauty.
      Really hope you get a good fix soon.

  12. Hi there all, I had found this site by accident, and boy was I glad I did.
    I have had my Fistula removed back in 2009, after surgery. The most uncomfortable experience ever.
    Problem is that it is back…I have been looking at alternative sources of treatment than surgery…but Ayurveda is not common here in South Africa.
    Any suggestions most greatly welcome…

  13. Hello,
    Can anyone tell me is Homeopathy help to cure anal fistula? I had two surgery in this year. Now I have Seton since August 2013. Ma be my docs remove in November (Surgery). Pus is still coming. Not too much but still their. Please advise me if I can take help with Homeopathy or not.


    • Hi Ami
      I do not know about homeopahty but I have been seeing a kinesiologist. She got me on a diet to combat candida and after many months I stopped getting infections, (touch wood).
      I am also interested in alternative ways to support natural healing but have not been able to get anything concrete.
      Keeping track of what I’m doing may help me to develop some kind of framework that would be of benefit to others.
      Perhaps there is an opportunioty for another thread in which people could share alternative options. though as we all have different challenges thsi may not be easy to manage.
      I hope that all is well with you, best wishes, Maeve

      • Hello,
        Have you ever heard about using manuka honey for healing? I’ve recently had a fistulotomy on one tract and a fistulotomy and seton on the other. It’s been a week and a half and healing seems to be going well but they have noticed some green-ish pus discharge. I feel like antibiotics would be such a step back as I am also trying to combat microbial overgrowth through diet.
        Most of what I’ve read about honey in wound treatment sounds great, it even promotes healing from the base of the wound! My only concern is the sticky mess it may leave..

      • Hi Fairuza, Manuka honey is amazing for healing! You just eat a tablespoon of it a day, you don’t have to actually apply it to your wound, just eat it 🙂

      • Hi,
        Yeah you can just eat it and get some benefits, but I’m actually talking about using honey topically which would be much more beneficial than taking it orally in terms of the wound healing and fighting/preventing infection.

        “Sores, tropical ulcers, fistulas, abscesses and diabetic ulcers

        Honey is an excellent healer for all these serious conditions. It has antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. Honey removes dirt from wounds, has a natural debriding effect, promotes granulation tissue and healing from the base of the wound, stimulates healing and the immune system , reduces scarring by preventing dehydration of the wound, reduces inflammation and prevent adhesions of dressings to the wound. It can stimulate the immune response to infection and can provide an energy source for macrophages allowing them to function in damaged tissues where oxygen supply is poor. Honey has proved very effective in the treatment of deep, open, infected and suppurating wounds and wounds infected with MRSA (multiply resistant Staphylococcus aureus). Its anti-oxidant activity scavenges free radicals. Its mixture of supersaturated sugars reduces oedema by drawing out fluids by osmosis. It also prevents bacteria from growing so the wound is kept healthier and cross contamination is reduced. Honey contains hydrogen peroxide which is a natural sterilant and contains varying biologically active plant extracts that can promote healing. It has a naturally hygroscopic activity that means it will absorb pus and other liquids oozing from an open wound while preventing offensive smells and fluid loss.”

        I found some medical grade honey especially for wound care right after posting this.

    • Hi amy
      Homeopathy worked for me I will definitely recommend it, I have been suffering for 10 years and I have lost count on how many surgeries I’ve had, I’ve been on homeopath remedy for about 4 months it’s still early days but my opening has closed I haven’t had any abcesses for 2 months I feel very normal. My advice will be don’t go to any homeopath look for an experienced homeopath, if you need any advice I will be happy to help. Good luck

      • Thank you for your information. Can you share a homeopathy practitioner who can help me?

      • hi Faz81 what homeopathy remedy worked for u? R u cured ? How long did it take? How did u find a Dr? Pls Help? Thx! Suffering for 2.5 years!

      • Faz 81 can you give me the specific homeopath remedy and or physician you used? thanks

      • Hi fazi, can you share a homeopathy practitioner. I had a surgery last month, since last week i see a pus coming out of it. Thx

      • Can you share your homeopath’s name and address?

      • Plzz help tell me the names of medicine because my mother is mental and she can’t go for surgery and plzzz help plz*zz

      • Hi Faz81, can you please share your Homeopathy practitioner details. it would be great help for us

    • Has your fistula gone? Did you take homeopathy medicine if yes did it work?
      How’re you now?

  14. Hello,

    Thank you for this site – I have found such support from just reading other peoples stories and not feeling so isolated.

    I had an anal fistula in 2000 which was operated on with a cutting seton which took about a year before it came out (2001). The fistula was not cured and my surgeon left me with an abscess/fistula which would discharge occasional ( rarely) as he was worried that I would become incontinent. I have had no symptoms and been well enjoying life for many years.

    However, the pain over the last 6 mths has got worse and about a month ago I was admitted into hospital due to the pain and discharge. I had an MRI and the fistula has tracked all over the place, and I now have a complex fistula which goes through my pelvic floor and into my vagina !!!

    I am due for surgery in a mths time to have a seton put in place – the surgeon believes I will need 2 setons and these will be left in place for over a year approximately so they can drain before any other repair work is carried out.

    I feel scared and worried about this procedure as bad memories/ nightmares are returning. I am also worried about work, family and everything. Also will I become incontinent and just the pain all over again!!!!!!!

    These setons are not cutting just left in place for drainage – do these work? will these setons be just as painful as the previous one many years ago?



  15. Hi Amy,

    I saw your questions about Homeopathy and wanted to send you this text that I came across on

    “I had this ano-rectal fistula(never went under surgery though many doctors suggested) for over 3-4 years, didn’t know what was the cause of never healing oozing wounds.. I finally read ancient book by James Compton B, where He mentioned the treatment for a case similar to mine. I’m taking this 2 pellets early in the morning and the evening, dissolve it under my tongue and whole day I mix 8 pellets in 40 oz water bottle which I finish within a day. Now, I’m winning the battle against this irritating disease, now it’s very rare to even feel I’m suffering from fistula. Hylands Silicea is a wonder drug. ”

    I started using Hylands Silicea 10 days ago and I started to feel better the next day. Less discharge and less pain. I hope it continues like that. I’m also using Dr. Christophers Formulas Comfrey Ointment locally.

    I also had 2 surgeries, and I’m considering a 3rd one soon if the homeopathic treatment continues to flatten the fistula.

    I hope you get well fast and good luck with your surgery on November.


    • Hi David, thank you for your suggestion re Dr. Christophers Formulas Comfrey Ointment – I did a search and hope to be able to buy it locally.

      I would interested to know if anyone else has tried it…

      FYI …
      General Healing Ointment

      Description: A synergistic blend formulated to help with itching, chapping, minor burns, abrasions, scrapes and bruises. Used historically by natural healers and many herbalists to help regenerate proper joint function and healthy connective tissue, healthy bones, many skin disorders as well as helping to promote the general health of the skin and nails. Primarily used externally

      Ingredients: Comfrey Leaf & Extra Virgin Olive Oil in a beeswax.

    • Hi Ami
      I have been suffering from fistula for about 10 years now and have undergone so many operations I have lost count, the last operation I had was a new treatment they insert a plug into the fistula was the worst opps out of the lot it was unsuccessful and the pain and suffering was horrible I lost all hope I accepted I have to live with this disease for the rest of my life, how ever my mum recommended a homeopath to me I had nothing to loose so I went for it, first month I was getting abscesses every other day 2nd month I was getting abscesses once a week 3rd month no abscesses and the opening seemed like its closing 4th month it has closed completely no abscesses I feel so normal after a very long time my advice will be look for a experienced homeopath and I’m sure it will work for you, hope this helps if you need advice please feel free to email me

  16. Thanks David

  17. hi
    just had laying open fistula surgery 6 days ago and still cant sit
    is this normal and how long does recovery take ?

  18. I had a seton put in last week and things are draining and painful mainly before the draining occurs. It took four months and three doctors before the fistula was identified. I’m grateful that the surgeon did the procedure in the examining room. I see him in two more weeks. The best thing that’s happened is finding this site. Thank you everyone for posting. I immediately accepted my situation and went out and bought a ring to sit on and use self-hypnosis when the pain is great (the stitch is tight). Knowing tips from others and encouragement from success stories has really helped me. Thank you all!

  19. I am waiting for some real success stories on this part of the website… I often feel alone and desperate; I’m in a lot of pain, all the time, for nearly 2 years now. Am wearing a seton and waiting for surgery 😦

    • Hi Giudycat, It’s going to get better. I was a healthy fit 33/34 year old male with an active family life and a busy career. I had a recurrent abscess that was incorrectly diagnosed as just that – an abscess however it of course, developed into a fistula. My initial diagnosis was in May 2012 though i’d been suffering for some months up until that point – various antibiotics and so on obviously didn’t clear things up. A referral to a CRS put things straight and I was in for urgent surgery the same day. I awoke to a draining seton due to the high-nature of the fistula tract a cutting seton was not possible.

      I was lucky I suppose in that my health had up until that point been pretty good – so I had a short time with the draining seton (3-4mths) and was in for advancement flap surgery. The initial surgery went fine – until around day 6/7 when a nasty bowel movement caused the internal stitching to be dislodged.. I quickly went back to see my specialist who put me in that day for a quick ‘poke around’ and found that he could save the initial stitches.

      It was a rollercoaster ride – emotionally terrible and it isn’t much fun! The good news though is that now, 18mths or so later i’m doing pretty good!

      I have the occasional bit of discomfort here and there – After the May/June operation by October I was travelling in china and on a VERY bumpy rickshaw.. which wasn’t the best… so don’t do that if you can help it 😉

      It still is a bit ‘tender’ and I hate sitting on hard surfaces and I am constantly on ‘edge’ hoping for a non-return to fistula town. All so far is good though 🙂 biggest challenge now faced is keeping diet in order and ensuring I don’t get complacent. .

      It’s fine to be desperate and a bit panicked.. the good thing is that everyone on this page knows exactly where you are and what you’re going through so can relate and offer advice. I can’t stress how important it is to stay positive and to keep an eye on the tips section of this page! I think I posted some nuggets in there back when I was going through the fistula fun..

      if you need someone to talk to there are a tonne of willing folk on here.

      It gets better 🙂 stick with it and stay positive!


  20. Thank you for your reply giudycat,
    I’ll check out silicea, paeonia, turmeric, cranberry, vitamin C, oregano oil, Pau d’Arco tea and horsetail tea. Maeve 🙂

  21. Hi

    After 20 months, I’m finally writing on here to say ‘my fistula has gone’! I’m a 33 year old woman and it’s such a relief to be able to say the above. No longer do I need to worry about swabs, sitz baths, how I sit etc – I am living a normal life. And reading success stories on this website really helped me to stay positive during the whole process, so I thought I’d post mine as a new year’s gift to those of you who need it.

    My fistula started as a deep boil and a nurse gave me anti-biotics. 2 weeks later it was still there so she gave me more anti-biotics. 3 weeks later I saw the doctor, she gave me different anti-biotics. 4 weeks later I saw a different doctor – he gave me different anti-biotics again – and such a strong dose the pharmacist went back to question him. Needless to say, ANTI BIOTICS DO NOT WORK FOR BOILS!!!!! 5 weeks later, the boil started to open up and another doctor tried to squeeze it (ouch – not good). Eventually, I was sent to A&E with the aim of getting it lanced.

    I saw the gynaecologist but she said because it was in such a sensitive area, she didn’t want to operate. So she sent me home and told me to bath 4 times a day. I did, and some of the puss went and it wasn’t as painful. Still, it didn’t go away. It turned into a ‘hole’ that seeped puss, but wasn’t painfull unless it closed over and then turned into a mini abscess again. I kept going back to the hospital, and doctors would look at it and would say ‘oh, it’s nearly healed up’. 2 months went by until eventually a nice doctor rang to ask how I was. When I said there was still a hole, he told me to ask my GP to get an urgent referral to a gynaecologist.

    I saw him 6 weeks later – feeling fairly anxious but excited that someone may be able to tell me what was going on. He looked at me and said ‘this is nothing to do with me – it’s a skin abscess and it’s not on your vulva’. I was pretty upset and felt pretty stupid. When I explained how many nurses, doctors and consultants I’d seen who’d sent me away, he understood. He explained that it was in an ‘in between’ location, but it would be better for me to see the general surgeon. Still, he thought it was an abscess.

    The waiting list for the general surgeon was long, and it wasn’t until 5 months after the abscess first appeared that I finally saw a colo-rectal surgeon who diagnosed me with a fistula. I was totally shocked when he said it would require at least 2 operations and that incontinence was a risk. Yet it was also such a relief to understand what was wrong.

    So….as you’ve probably all gathered, multiple surgeries are normal! He recommended the LIFT surgery. So in the November I had the seton put in. I found the seton fairly comfortable, but had lots of discharge and couldn’t ride a bike or sit for too long (kind of had to sit on one side!). The MRI showed that it went through a significant amount of muscle. So in the February, I had the LIFT procedure. I was off work for a month, and felt excited about the prospect of no fistula! But 3 weeks later, I just knew something wasn’t right. To cut a long story short, it looked like it hadn’t so we were back at square 1. In April I had surgery 3 for another seton, but when I came round he said it’s all fine, it was just an external infection! He couldn’t find a hole through. I was happy, but only took a couple of days off work, and found that I continued to get discharge. So I went back to him (several times) until he eventually admitted I must still have the fistula. I was so frustrated. I decided to go for surgery in July, and just have a seton put in and forget about it for a few years. I want to have kids and couldn’t face any more surgeries. But was also paranoid that the fistula had branched out, so insisted on having an MRI. Again, there’s a long story to this as the MRI was booked after the surgery date (?!) but I managed to get one before, he looked at it and said it looked the same as before. So he put the seton in in July. But this seton played up. I went to see him again and then it turned out that he’d looked at the MRI more closely since the surgery and found that the latest fistula didn’t go through as much muscle – and he could cut it out/lay it open without a high risk of incontinence!

    Obviously this was great news (but also frustrating because he could’ve cut it out in the July). Anyway, my 5th and last operation was at the end of August, 15 months after the whole thing had started. I was taking no risks – was given 6 weeks off work, ate manuka honey, discovered sitz baths, used wet wipes (all of the above recommended on this website, thank you!) and saw a homeopath/nutritionist…………..and…………… seems to have really gone!

    I’m looking forward to saying goodbye to 2013 and fistulas, and would like to wish any of you suffering all the best of luck. Keep positive, take time off if you need but do something productive with your time and seek alternative remedies as well as traditional medical advice. This website is amazing – thank you so much (and I’m sorry for going on for so long – I’m sure everyone has similar waffly stories to tell!). It can be a long road, but don’t give up 🙂

    Thank you

    Me xx

    • Thank you for this. My story is quite the same; it’s been two years since the nightmare started and am wearing a seton now. The operation will be in 2 weeks and I’m quite scared and desperate. So thank you for the positive story; I really needed that, x

      • I have a half positive story.

        I’ve been having high fistula’s since 2,5 years and have been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease after the first fistula and abscesses had occurd. It’s been hell. In and out of the hospital. I have had 20 surgeries(mainly abscess drainage) all sorts of medication and antibiotics, setonwires, etc.

        May 2013 one of my fistula’s (I appear to have 2, but we didn’t know that for a long time) was first treated with a loose seton wire for a year to try to get it to rest. Unfortunately this was a very stubborn fistula and even with a setonwire it managed to still produce abscesses. So my surgeon suggested to do a mucosa flap procedure eventhough the fistula was still active. Take a risk. Worst case would be that it didn’t work. Well I was used to this worst cases anyway. Wow, that surgery hurt! I do suggest you ask for a spinal epidural for a few days after surgery. My morfinepomp made me sick and the pain was (even with all my previous surgeries experience) too much.

        But it was worth it! It has now been 8 months after this surgery and the fistula is still closed and quiet!

        The bad part of my story is that in dec 2013 my other fistula has been treated the same way as the other one, and this time it didn’t work. A week after the flap procedure there was puss coming out of the open wound and my anus. Not a good sign. My surgeon told me that this was because of the location of the fistula. It is going straight and deep through my sphincter muscle. So my surgeon couldn’t just go cut through that. Ofcourse I was very very disappointed. I had high hopes. Not soon after another abscess started to form so my surgeon decided to place a seton again. This time she double folded the seton first before placing it, this way it’s a lot thicker. It has now been almost 3 weeks after and I’m doing quite well. I hardly feel this seton. That’s a first;) The plan is to keep me out of surgeries for at least a year. I hope so!

        I’m also very interested in the clinical trials that are running with the MSCs stem cells injection in complex fistulas. The first results are very positive!

        It’s a very long road, the one of the fistula’s and abscesses, that’s why I call it my neverending story. But I do believe that it can and will end some day or just keep still for a long long time. At least that’s what I’m wishing for:) There is no cure, just a set of options that surgeons will try and sometimes it works and the other time it doesn’t. It’s up to us to never lose hope, keep trying, stay informed, ask questions and most important try to keep your chin up!

  22. I too have a somewhat positive story.

    My first perianal fistula was diagnosed and treated on Aug 2012. They tried to drain the abscess and left me with a tight seton-wire.

    This wire was removed by my colorectal surgeon a few days later because the pain was unbearable. The surgeon told me that he was advocating the conservative approach. This meant that he will only recommend a surgery after the Fistula is drained and flatter. I came for check-ups every other month, and after a year we decided it was time for a second surgery – Fistuloctomy.

    The second surgery was not successful. The abscess was still there, there were still pain and pus. Over the weeks that followed – the pain increased to unbelievable levels. I was not able to go out of bed for more than a few hours a day. I stopped working and my whole life just collapsed before my eyes. I became very depressed and frustrated, having tried every possible healing course available: nutrition, chinese herbs, ayurvedic medicine, acupuncture, healing, meditation…. you name it (or you posted it on a fistula forum) – I’ve tried it.

    I especially became very desperate after going to see an expert colorectal surgeon who told me I have a complex fistula situation and that we need to take the “aggressive” approach taking risks with going closer to the sphincters, and cutting into the actual tissue of the buttox leaving a big ugly scar.

    Things could not be worst for me when a friend introduced me and my situation to another friend, who happens to be a doctor. She took charge and literally saved my life. Her plan was that I get tested to find the REASON for the Fistula and not focus on the Fistula.

    I went to a Trans-Rectal-Ultrasound (TRUS) that revealed that I have a 5cm abscess in the rear part of the rectum. It was also found that the seton-wire was not doing it’s job, and is not in the right position to help drain the abcess. I then went to Colonoscopy and it was determined that I don’t have Crohn or any other systemic issue.

    The friend-doctor suggested that I try to take antibiotics:
    Ciprodex 500mg X 2 / day
    Flagyl 250mg X 3 / day
    Although I did try antibiotics before this specific mix and dosage seems to work really well. My fistula is almost dry. I can sit, work, laugh, live life the way I’m suppose to! I have been taking Cipro+Flagyl for the last 10 days, and the friend-doctor said I will continue needing it until the abscess is healed. Not only do I fee better now, my metabolism improved and I have a perfectly normal vowel movement 2-4 times a day. WOW!

    In my case, focusing on the fistula instead of the abscess was the mistake all the colorectal surgeons made. All 5 of them. I am now expecting a third surgery. It is yet to be determined what the exact procedure will be, but the number one priority will be draining the abscess. The Fistula can wait. Also, my gastroenterologist asked that a biopsy of the abscess will be taken to the lab to check for the Pathogen that causes it and give specific medicinal treatment to cure it. I feel I’m in good hands, finally…

    So.. it’s not over yet, but what I have learned from this dark episode in my life is that it’s okay to ask for help, even from complete strangers. Letting people help me doesn’t humiliate me, it’s a part of what makes me human. When someone (or many) from the medical establishment fail me, it does not mean they are all crooks, just that I need to find others to work with. Yes, you need to be strong and stay hopeful, but that’s not enough. Reach out to others, share, and accept their offer to help you. You deserve it!

  23. Hello friends, i am again very grateful for this blog which kept my hope high and knowing that it is not only me that went through all these pain.

    I am 32 years old and I was suffering from fistula for almost 7 years, the same episodes of pain and pus drainage. Initially i could not understand what was wrong with me and carried it over as i did not had any money to see the doctor. First time i was taken to the hospital was in 2013 when i had sever pain and lots of pus discharge. The doctors did an MRI and found out that i have high abscess which is very rare. They tried to drain it but no success. Within one year i ended up in the theatre for 5 times but all without any luck.

    Finally, i am very hopeful as i went LIFT surgery in bangkok and now in the third week post surgery, there is still some discharge from the surgical wound but i am feeling much better. the doctor said that 80 % chance is that it will not come back.

    I am hoping and praying that everyone be healed and get their life back. I would like to hear from someone who had LIFT surgery.


  24. Hi 🙂 Just wanted to share a happy story. I had a high transspincteric fistula for 1 1/2 years and underwent several surgeries to drain the fistula as well as had 2 setons inserted at once due to the position of the external hole. I underwent the LIFT surgery in March 2013 and now almost a year after I am still fistula free 😀

    • Thank you for your message! I had the lift operation last week. Of course I’m still in pain, but I have hope that I’ll be ok soon.

    • Hi Kamilla may I know how many days did it take for you to recover from LIFT and was there any discharge after the operation specially from intersphincteric wound.

      • Hi Riaraj
        My fistula was placed quite far from the anus so they had to dig out a pretty big hole in my butt cheek. I had a nurse come over daily to check the wound. It took 3 weeks for me to feel comfortable enough to leave the house. Luckily my sick leave ended just before Easter holiday, so I had 4 weeks off before returning to work. I would say you would probably need minimum 2 weeks recovery time depending on the size of the wound. It was not very painfull but all the logistics around wound cleaning, no sitting and frequent bowel movements due to antibiotics really kept me pinned at home.

      • My husband had lift procedure 2 weeks ago and he is still having some discomfort. Any suggestions as to what home remedies may help . Thank you

    • Dear Kamila,
      Thanks a lot for your reply.I perfectly agree with you that it takes almost 4 weeks for the external wound (on bum cheek) to heal.But my problem is that I have pus coming out of incision made just above the anus.The wound on bum cheek has healed perfectly fine.Did you face such situation. was there any discharge at all after your lift operation.

      • Hi Riaraj
        Sorry for the late reply. When the surgeons performed the LIFT, they made a tiny incision between the two sphincter muscles. This turned into a tiny, shallow fistula, which was removed by simply laying it open. After this I had no further problems. However, I did feel “wet” near my anus for a period of time ( 6 months) after the initial healing. I believe this was due to the spincter needing to heal properly.

      • Hi Kamilla,
        Thanks for the reply..I can say now that I am completely healed….thanks for your took alomost 4 months after LIFT operation to feel totally dry…

    • Hi Kamila,
      Thank you for sharing your story. I have a seton in place since last week. My fistula is also high.
      Reading the horror stories’ i feel so sad and scared. I hope my story ends well like yours

    • Thanks for sharing Kamila. I have had a fistula for a year now. I’ve worn a seton for a few month. A few days ago I had the LIFT surgery. Healing now, hoping it goes well. I want to thank everyone for sharing.

    • Hi there . I have been suffering from Fistula for more than 3 years. 8 surgeries. Three setons in place. Still not getting better. I think my doctor isn’t that caring. Eventhough, he is a professor in university of Calgary, he isn’t caring. Any good doctor’s in Calgary, Canada.

  25. Hi,
    I have been following this blog since I had my horror story with fistula. It started with me waking up with an acute pain in my anal region. I immediately sought help of my physician. He examined and mentioned it was a fissure and will heal in 6 weeks. After a few weeks, my pain increased and found a small bump next to my anal hole. He immediately referred me to a Colon & rectal Surgeon. Once I got there, they had me get an I&D and drain all the pus out. I was still in pain for many weeks after that.
    In my followup check up they found that i have a fistula, and since I was only 28 years old, the doctor advised me to get a seton in place for couple of months. So i went in for the surgery and had the seton placed. Believe me the entire process was a cake wake. i did not feel any pain.
    However after I came home I did have the occasional rubbing pain with the seton. I used to do the sits bath and had a hand help shower to clean up after every bowel movement, and a minimum of 3-4 times a day. I had pus coming out, and had to change dressing 3 times everyday.
    After 2 months, the doc said I was ready for the LIFt surgery. This is where it got interesting. I was taken into the surgery room to get operated, when the doctor decided to do a fistulotomy instead of the LIFT. He later told me the seton helped the fistula to be very external and fistulotomy was sufficient to keep me safe of any incontinence.

    The whole ordeal took over 7 months to get over. Feel I am lucky to get a wonderful doctor and also a speedy recovery.

    My only advice to everyone suffering from this painful issue, is keep patience, there is always good news waiting.


    • Dear Bharath,
      How many days did it take for you to recover from fistulotmy.Did you have any discharge after the operation and was it painful.was your fistula a complex one?.

    • Hello what were your symptoms after the procedure? Did you continue to have puss and blood discharge?

  26. Hi. Do you have Crohn’s Disease?

  27. Hi everyone,
    I am so glad I have found this thread as no one seems to be able to advise me. I hope one of you can help!
    3 weeks ago today, I ran a half marathon, I had trained etc and ran without any problems. The day afterwards I had what I thought was a coocyx injury which got worse all week. Saw my Dr that Friday, she gave me strong painkillers and sent me on my way. By Sunday, my lower back was swollen, I was beside myself with pain and by this point I had a temp and was throwing up. While sitting on the loo that evening, I felt a gush and this really offensive green mucus was pouring out of a black 6 cm crater at the top of my bum cheek, just on the inside. I sat there for a good 20 minutes, letting this all drain, not knowing what the hell was going on, but the relief from the pain was immense!! I then go to the out of hours Dr, who confirms a perianal abscess with a sinus chamber (?), but doesn’t clean it, dress it and I’m sent homwewith antibiotics. Then things go from bad to worse. The first half of last week, I limped to the surgery to have this gaping hole packed and drained. On the third day, I was crying with pain (not like me at all)and they decided to see me at home. So I am currently having this packed daily by the dirtrict nurse. The thing I need help with is what have I got? I have an open wound 4,5 cm across with a 3cm deep hole which channels across the the top of my bum to another wound and the hole comes out there. Is this a fistula? It’s near the outside of my bum cheek so not near my anal passage. Why have I not had surgery? Do I need it? I am not in any real pain now, but the nurse took a picture to show me, it’s pretty bad looking. How long will it take to heal? Should I avoid all exercise? This morning the nurse said there is some “granulation” on the small wound which is a good sign. Do I just carry on and wait this out? Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated!!

    • Hi no expert here-hope someone here can help but i know with my would was all internal and the big thing from the surgeon is opening the wound to the surface so it can heal-perhaps that is why they are treating in that way??? i have heard of a sinus tract….which is a channel

  28. Ps: What would have caused this?

  29. Hi I began to have problems with an abscess in 8/2013 i was told in the ER that it was too deep to I & D and that antibiotics was best-after several courses of antibiotics over several months and 2 more ER visits due to pain from swelling I was referred to surgery by this time I noticed the abscess had begun to tunnel- and was draining out of my rectum for some reason I had trouble making the doctors “believe” i could feel gas moving into the tunneling and draining coming out of the tunneling into my rectum and coming out my anus-im not sure why this was difficult to believe-i guess because there was no opening to the skin surface-or i have a sensitive bum???……I was referred to a colo/rectal surgeon after a general surgeon told me he knew what it was but had never actually seen one in 40 yrs of practice……Im currently awaiting surgey by the colo/rectal surgeon and using the lay open tech- right before the visit to the colo/rectal the tunneling came to the surface of the skin and has now mostly been draining out that way-i was grateful for that because it drains better and the pain has been less-months of wearing pads in my under pants has been tiresome but looks like i will still need to after surgery so i have been buying non stick adhesive wound pads instead they seem to work better-might as well buy in bulk! this was very informative to me and encouraging and somewhat admittedly somewhat worrisome. I appreciate everyone sharing because I seem to no “risk factors” for this type of abscess and have yet to find anyone I know that has gone through anything similar-it was mentioned to me by one doctor that in the absence of Crohns ect that it was possible that a hormone imbalance (which I had) and an abnormal amount of sitting (im had gone from working on my feet to full time student) were possible “contributors”-Im not sure if this is true but I thought id share for people looking for a why when there didnt seem to be one like me-the diet advice was great I wouldn’t have thought to ask-again thank you all very much-im feeling overall more confident-i will have surgery with in the month and will post updates and recovery info. sorry for all the ” ” use

  30. Hi ,

    has anyone heard of the stem cells procedure? I am researching about it and seems quite successful. Feeling scared for what it has to come for me, new to fistulas, seton and the constant pain. The risk of becoming incontinent plays in my mind so the mucosa advancement flapping op I might need to go for sound pretty scary…I want to know more about stem cells, it seems the new approach with lot of successful stories.

  31. No fistula. After 6 years and a seton I had a fistulotomy in February. So far, so good.

  32. Do you have Crohn’s?

    • Doc suspects I do but after being biopsied 3 times so far, no! I had colon cancer last year (stage1) and a colon resection. I have always had a “sensitive” digestive system, with lots of diarrhea and 2 fistulas. One healed on its own. This one had been very problematic!

  33. I have a Fistula which appeared after I had an anal Fissure. I have spoken to my GP three times about what I can do about it but he keeps telling me that the options available if I go to a specialist will leave me worse off than I am now.

    I notice a lot of people on here talk about diet to help. I also asked my doctor about diet numerous times and he said it would make no difference. I have dairy everyday in my tea and will now cut that out after looking at the comments above.

    I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas about fibre supplements. My fissure reopened slightly a month or so back and I have been taking fibre supplements to ensure the fissure can heal without the pressure of a harder stool. I have noticed now however that during this time my Fistula has been extremely painful for about six hours after a bowel movement, after which some pus comes out and the pain stops. Has anyone had any experience with this?

    My GP retired a couple of weeks back and I am going to see his replacement and see if she will give me a referral to a Colorectal specialist so I can actually talk to someone who knows what they are on about (I asked on all three visits to my previous GP if he could refer me to a specialist and each time he declined by saying he was ‘doing me a favour’ by not putting me though it).

    Thanks for your help….I need it as this pain is becoming a problem. If I go to the bathroom in the morning I am in pain for 6 hours at work, if I go of a night I can’t sleep till the middle of the night.

    Thanks again.

    • Hi Jez,

      I was “introduced” to fistulas in December 2013 when I got acutely ill and I don’t know much about them but I am pretty sure that fistulas DO need treating! If I were you I’d demand that your GP refer you to a colorectal specialist. You would have many different options to consider – many of which would surely leave you better off than you are now.

      I had a seton drain put in (I’d never heard of one before my op and when the doc went through the consent form I was too ill to take in what he was saying about setons) and whilst it took a bit of getting used to and I have to be careful about hygiene I now lead a pretty much normal life with it.

      I was also told that because my fistula goes right through the sphincter muscle then many surgery options would run the risk of incontinence – yes that would undoubtedly leave you worse off that you are now but until you’ve had an MRI and you know what where your fistula is then I don’t see how your GP can say you’ll be worse off! If I’d been given the choice of that surgery I would have declined, saying I’d prefer to keep the seton than take the risk of incontinence.

      Have you had an MRI? Are you in the UK? If so there is a trial going on at the moment called the FIAT trial for people with my kind of fistula. I’m involved in it and am having surgery on Weds to fit a fistula plug. It may work, it may not. If it doesn’t I’ll go back to having a seton drain. And believe me I’d rather have a seton drain than risk any more abcesses!

      All the best. I hope you get to talk through some options with a specialist.


      • Thanks for your reply.

        I have an appointment with a new GP on 20th May with the sole purpose of getting a referral to a specialist, so no MRI as yet (Didn’t even know an MRI could be done in that area of the body).

        I am located in Australia so I have access to a pretty good Medicare system however I live in a regional area, so when I get referred I will probably have to travel to Sydney for the treatment (about 6 hours away).
        One of the referred doctors is the one who invented the Advanced Flap treatment technique but I am not sure I will be able to get into him without a long wait so I might opt for someone sooner.

        I have heard of a Seton drain before, how long did you have to have it in for before the surgery on Wed? How long did the Seton surgery take and what was involved( i.e. day surgery only?)? Did it interfere with your lifestyle much or cause much pain? Do you know what the success rate for the fistula plug is?

        Sorry for all the questions but I would just like to know a few details from someone who has experienced this problem before I see the specialist.

        Thank you so much for responding to my post, I really appreciate it.

        Kind Regards

  34. Hi Jez,

    Glad you’e got an appointment soon. One thing I’d say about seeing a colorectal specialist is not to let them bully you into doing what they think is right – my specialist was keen to do an exploratory op of my fistula to see how far they could lay it open without damaging the sphincter muscle but I said no to that, I’d rather have kept the seton in than take a risk! Luckily I was eligible for the trial I mentioned and I’ll put a post on the main page about how that is going.

    I had a seton for 5 months, much shorter than many people I’ve read about on this site. I left hospital the day after my surgery for my first seton but after a month of considerable pain the surgeon said during my month-later follow up that the seton had been put in too tightly so I had a second surgery to replace it and I was home the same day.

    I went back to work 2 weeks after the second seton so had 6 weeks off work all together, although some people get back to work sooner. I was able to function pretty much normally – driving, hill walking, looking after the kids, lifting things, teaching etc. I had occasional stabs of pain in my rectum but it didn’t bother me after a while, and my family and colleagues got used to my “ooh ooh ahh ahh” moments whilst I breathed through the stabs! The pain really was minimal the second time round though.

    Keeping the area clean was tricky. I used moistened toilet wipes and bought a sitz bath to help with that. I also bought gauze pads to put over the seton site to catch any mucus that leaked.

    Apparently the success rate of the plug us around 60%. If I get symptoms of a fistula between now and having another MRI then I’ll know it hasn’t worked and I’ll be back to the drawing board ie have to decide whether to risk further fistula surgery or go back to the seton drain.

    In terms of diet I’ve reduced dairy and I’m taking oil of oregano. Don’t know whether it’ll help but anything’s worth a try! I saw on this site a tip of drinking warm milk with a spoonful of ghee in it. Tried it and it was foul!

    I do hope that you get your referral and that the specialist can offer you something that will help.

    All the best,


  35. Hi friends.
    On last month I’m undergone the surgery of fistulectomy. Now I’m completing one & half month but still wound of surgery is not healed properly. When it was diagnosed the fistula track was 2.48 cm on 3’0 clock position . Please give me any suggestions for healing

  36. Hi,

    I’ve been suffering from Fistula for the last two years.
    If you would like to read the entire story just search this page for one of my previous messages from February 5, 2014 signed “David”.

    I’ve really tried everything and underwent 3 surgeries. Surgery #3 made things better and the pain easier to cope with, but the abscess was still very active and a lot of pus was oozing out everyday all day.

    At first I got discouraged and believed that this surgery was unsuccessful. Then I decided not give up. I got 3 doctors involved in the process: gastroenterology expert, my surgeon and a specialist from the local center for infectious diseases. A pus sample was sent to the microbiology lab and the results showed 3 specific pathogens that required treatment. The specialist prescribed antibiotic treatment for 10 days.

    I can’t tell you how skeptic I was as this was my forth time with Flagyl, but this time instead of Cipro, they had me take with it Resprin Forte (Sulfamethoxazole 400mg + Trimethoprim 80mg) for 10 days. This is a relatively common inexpensive medicine, and considered less potent that Cipro. Placebo effect was also working against me, because the specialist was also doubtful if it would do any good, but it did!!!

    Resprin Forte worked magic on my situation. Pus stopped coming out after 4 days, and I’ve been “dry” since for about a month. I still lave a Seton there, but I can sit, workout, drive, have a normal routine without having to worry about VM’s.

    The surgeon suggested we wait a few months until things get even better before doing the final Fistula repair surgery.

    I hope this information will help cure someone who is right now suffering like I did just 6 weeks ago. If it’s not the right course of treatment for you, I encourage you to not loose hope. If you don’t like what one doctor is telling you, see another one, do more tests, try more treatments, keep an open and positive mind, and of course share success stories anywhere you can.

    Good luck and god bless!


  37. I have just returned from seeing the specialist and I am very happy to say I am now fistula free!!!! Hurrah!!!!

    It’s been a long haul , 5 ops . The final one was supposed to be an advancement flap , but just before being put under Professor Phillips took a look and said that as it was half healed (following LIFT) he would like to lay it open and hopefully I would be rid of it once and for all. He did explain there was a 1 in 3 chance of slight incontinence , but this pesky little tract thing has made me so poorly for so long I decided to go for it.

    I am so glad I did , yes I do have a very small amount of incontinence but nothing more than a few stains in my knickers or the occasional fart popping out unexpectedly. Weigh that up with how rough I’ve been feeling for over 2 years then I think its a small price to pay. I am feeling GREAT!!!!

    A big thank you to Professor Phillips and his team at St Marks in London and I am so happy to be posting a positive story.

    I hope that more of you can post these sort of stories and I hope that by me doing so I can pass some hope on to you all

    Hang on in there guys , there is light at the end of the tunnel.

    Sarah xx

  38. Thank you for your message Sarah, very re-assuring.

  39. Dear All,
    I would Like to share my success story here..
    It all started with anal fissure which beacme very difficult to live with.I opted for a surgery which uses botox and a small scrapping of the fissure.It is a relatively very simple surgery . But I never knew that the coming days would be the worst days in my life. after around 10 days of anal fissure surgery I developed an big abscess near the right BUM which I thought was a swelling from surgery and kept on waiting to subside.But it grew bigger and bigger and finally I had to go to emergency service for Incision and Drainage.I thougt that all my problems will be solved.BUt it kept on secreting pus for next 1 month and the stupid doctors again did an incision and drainage. They did like this 5 times and then finally took an MRI which showed a high transsphincteruc fistula. They finally put in a draining seton.I was so devastated and depressed with all this.I used sanitary napkins and panty liners for almost 6 months and it was a horrible feeling.Finally I Decided to go for LIFT operation.this was my 7th operation in a span of 8 months.after the operation the external wound became totally dry but the pus kept on coming from anal incision.after waiting for 2 more months the dcotor did the final operation where they just scrapped the granulation tissue near the anus and within a month I started seeing changes. The pus totally subsided and now it is almost 5 months since the last operation.
    I am totally healed now and I cant thank god enough.My heart goes out to all my friends here who arehaving a horrible time with Fistula.I personaly feel LIFT is a good operation but depends on Doctor.The doctor needs to be extremely experinced as in he should have done many operation on LIFT.
    I would like to thank the creator of this website.Beacuse when I was going through the most difficult phase of time I got help and support from this website.
    I wish everyone gets healed from such a horrible disease

    • Hi Riaraj,

      Could you please tell me the name of your doctor and hospital? i have 17 surgeries done for fistulas and i think all i need is a doctor that knows how to scrap the granulation tissue inside the anus – i have no outside openings. your answer is greatly appreciated!!!
      Take care,

  40. Hi,
    I have been struggling for 3 years now!
    I am Rebecca and I have had a fistula for about 2 years now and have gone to 7 different doctors! It started out as a bartholin cyst, I had three operations for that. Then it turned into a fistula about a year later. I wasn’t told that I had this because non of the doctors I went to knew what it was! I finally went to a disease doctor that told me exactly what it was, but he didn’t do operations. I went to a few more doctors after that, there was one gyno that was perfect! but she told me that she couldn’t do it. The reason why is because it was connecting to my rectum. I had a hole going from the bottom of the outside of my vagina all the way into my anus. So I went to a colon/rectal doctor. She went in the first time and told me that she couldn’t do anything because it is going through the sphincter muscle. I just had my second operation with her (5 all together) and she only de-roofed the vagina part of it. It went away…. but only about 1/3 of it. I currently have a Cton in, which is like a rubber band going in my rectum and coming out of a part of my vagina and still have a hole there. She wants to try stuffing the fistula with pig skin or something like that because she can’t cut the sphincter.
    I feel like I’m never going to get this done and have it gone, it has been so long!
    I was spouse to be engaged and almost married right now, but instead I had to stay home and have more operations.
    Will this ever go away?! I have tried almost everything to make me feel better and have my faith restored but nothing has helped.
    I feel like no one understands, but then I found this and read almost all your stories! I am so incredibly encouraged by all of you!
    I just want to be healed, physically and spiritually.
    I need to find that light at the end of the tunnel and get on with my life!

    Thank you for reading my story!

    • How are you doing now, Rebecca? I have the same thing, a fistula formed in my bartholins abscess that was drained by the gynecologist. The hole near the bottom of my vagina is quite large a whole inch! Did yours ever shut completely?

  41. Hi folks,

    I have a perirectal abscess and a fistula. Multiple I&D have been performed but the abscess is not healing and continues to drain puss through the external opening. I have a drainage Seton in place. Typically, following morning’s bowel movement, pain starts. Around noon, pus fully drains through the external opening. Till that thick pus completely drains, I will have pain (moderate, 4 to 5 in scale). My Dr at UCSF has said very clearly that the abscess has to cure first before fistula repair can be attempted otherwise, fistula repair will be a failure. I advice folks to turn their focus to abscess before fistula.

    I am waiting for my abscess to heal and stop producing pus. I dont understand how an abscess, which has been I&D-ed 3 times now, continues to make fresh pus everyday. Part of me thinks that my CRS has not I&D-ed all the Loculations of the abscess. Other part of me thinks that fistula is keeping the abscess alive by feeding it with fresh bacteria. If it is the latter, then attempting fistula repair while the abscess has not fully healed may be OK, since the vicious cycle of fistula feeding abscess and abscess keeping fistula repair in abeyance must be broken. But my Dr is hoping to see some improvement in my abscess healing.

    I am now applying Oregano oil to my abscess through the external opening of the fistula. It is too soon to tell if that is working or not, but I will post back here on how that goes. I am going to stay with Oregano oil for few more weeks. I am also trying the milk+ghee treatment.

    Preying for success with abscess healing. Fistula treatment is secondary and can be deferred.

    Has anyone done fistula repair (plug, LIFT, flap advancement .. etc) while there was active pus drainage and pain, indicating the abscess has not healed?

    • I have now stopped Oregano oil treatment. It made it worse in that, there was lot more drainage and associated pain. I am waiting for the pesky abscess to heal and let up. Only then, will I go for fistula repair surgery. I am still continuing the milk+ghee routine. So far, it does not seem to have helped, but I would like to continue for few more weeks.

    • hey, how is it for you now. I live in SF and could definitely use the name of the Dr in UCSF or wherever you found a solution. My current doc at kaiser just does surgery without answering any questions for me. Have already undergone a lot of them and could use a better doc.


  42. Hi there I saw your comment about London doctors and hospitals! I’m not sure where u have been but I would highly recommend the department at Chelsea Westminster hospital!!! I was under the care of professor Tekkis’ team! Not only were they brilliant in getting rid of my fistula (4 months free now) but they are wonderful and friendly bunch of people!!

  43. I haven’t read many stories on this forum but i have read many others on different sites, & my story seems to be different from others that i have read.. MINE HEALED ON ITS OWN! hopefully this can give some people hope.
    I’m only twenty years old, me & my boyfriend had a long day/night of sex and we had to stop because i started bleeding out of no where, lots of blood. A couple days after this occurred I noticed I had an abnormal discharge which had never happened before, it was a different color and smelled like nothing i have ever smelled(foul). I got this discharge throughout the day, it would just leak out. Then a day after i discovered this something horrible happened, i had a small amount of feces come out of my vagina. I had no gas come out of there though like many others experience. For the next week i had this discharge and the feces only came once in a blue moon. But then out of no where my discharge changed to white with no smell & i hadn’t had the feces in a few days. I began to think maybe i’m healing on my own.. but the entire time i still had these small flakes of dark red/brown in the discharge. Even though i thought it could be healing i went to my gyno just in case(two weeks later). I explained what had been going on & she did a really thorough exam on me which she said she doesn’t do often. She ended up telling me she could not see a fistula anywhere and maybe it had healed on it’s own. She told me if the feces happened again to come back. but i have not had anything. no abnormal discharge, no more feces, nothing. i am 100 percent back to myself somehow and i could cry i am so thankful to be one in the few this happens to.. i healed in three weeks. it must have been a small one. it’s amazing what our bodies are capable of doing if you take care of yourself…
    I had a positive mind the whole time, i took a bath almost every day from the beginning to really clean out down there, i drank A LOT of water because water just helps everything, i went to the bathroom right away whenever i felt i needed to i never held it.. i just made sure to keep my body healthy.

    I hope this can give you hope.

  44. Hi
    Thank you for replying really appreciate it.
    I went for my appointment and my consultant suggested laser treatment to get rid of the fistula, I haven’t accepted yet as I’m still quite traumatised by my last surgery, but when I’m in pain seems like the only option.
    I have been trying homeopath remedie for nearly 2 months now and in 10 years I haven’t felt so great my opening looks like it’s healing no more fistula pain completely gone I’m not saying the fistula has gone but it’s looking good my consultant had a look too when I went for my appointment and he said it’s looking really good and will check on it in 3 months. So although a lot of people don’t believe in it, it’s working for me. I cut out red meat completely from my diet drinking lots and lots of water, fruits veg etc…
    Maybe their is hope staying positive and for all the people suffering from fistula May Allah (God) cure us all.

  45. Hello I’m going in for my second fistula surgery on Monday I had to lift procedure in October of last year and now my doctor send me and for the endorectal advancement flap surgery I’m more than a little nervous it’s annoying to have to schedule this around the holidays but I’ve had so many of the perianal abscess drained I just want this all to aunt I’m not able to be sexually active with my husband who I’ve been with for 10 years it is causing a strain on our relationship I am wondering how others deal with explaining this unique problem to others. I have been nothing but ridiculed everyone thinks it’s because I have too much anal sex which I don’t does nothing wrong with that but that is not what causes this problem and everyone just makes fun of me coming up to me at family gatherings “how’s your ass” and it’s just I’ve just been crying a lot- it’s just been a really tough time

    • Hello Amanda,
      How did your flap go? I’m waiting for mine.
      I can say that I feel your pain, having a fistula is not easy on couples.

  46. Hi
    I have just read your story, I have been suffering for 10 years and had many surgeries but nothing worked, this had a huge effect on my life I was very down all the time and in pain constantly, my last surgery was on July 2014 and it was a new treatment they inserted a plug which was made out of pigs intestines I had hope but 2 days after the surgery the plug came out I was in severe pain and lost all hope , my mum recommended a homeopath doctor and told me to try it so from August 2014 I have been trying homeopath and its a miracle it has worked on me my opening has completely closer I haven’t had any more abscesses it’s early days still but I have hope now and feel very normal, I really recommend homeopath please try it, also until you have sorted your fistula out you should avoid anal sex that will definitely trigger your abcess. Good luck and hope your fistula goes away.

  47. Hi
    I suffered for 10 years had numerous surgeries nothing worked I was really depressed and gave up all hope of ever getting better, but then I tried homeopathic treatment and after 3 months my fistula started to heal I’ve been takin it for 7 months now and my last appointment with my consultant was confirmation that my fistula has healed my consultant said from a clinically point of view it’s closed nd healed and now waiting for a mri scan to see if it has healed in the inside as my fistula was very deep, so please try homeopathic treatment I’m sure it will work for you and if you do try it please look for a experienced qualified homeopathic practitioner, if I can help in anyway please let me know, wish you well.

    • What was the homeopathic treatment you used?

      • Hi
        I was given nitric acid along with hypercal cream but every individual is treated with remedy that suits them so it don’t necessarily mean nitric acid will ll suit youit could be a different remedy but definitely look into homeopathic treatments.

    • Hi Yes Homeopathic treatment is the way to go. I suffered 6.5 years. The last 2.5 year i had homeopathic treatment. No surgeries. I took sits baths with a little dettol to keep clean twice daily. Everybodys different. I also used hypercal cream for soothing. My Homeopathic Dr tried a several different remedies and i finally healed. I have been healed for over one year now. Thanks to Faz she was my Angel. I think mine took longer to hear because i am older. But i am eternally greatful to Faz for her help. Good Luck. Rosanne

  48. Hello everybody, after 3 years and two months I can finally say my fistula has gone 🙂
    I will try to keep it short: I went to 2 different hospitals of which 1 a university hospital first, but my salvation was a private clinic. After my physiotherapist (of all people) suggested it could be a fistula I kept on asking in hospital if that could be the problem, but they kept on saying no, absolutely not. After a year and half and 3 useless operations (every time they just removed an abcess) I went to a specialized clinic where they had the right diagnose within minutes. There they placed a seton by an operation which I had to wear for 6 months. Then I had the ‘lift’-operation. Unfortunately after the operation it turned out the fistula wasn’t completely gone, but had just changed position. The good news was that the problem had become easier to solve, but I was still in a lot of pain every day and I was absolutely desperate. They placed another seton which I wore for 10 months and after that the good news was that the fistula wasn’t connected to the rectum anymore. Just a month ago I underwent a fistulotomy and it’s incredible how fast the healing went! I still need a lot of physiotherapy, because my pelvic floor is all stiff and it still hurts when I try to sit and cycling is still out of the question. So I need a little more patience, but the other day I had my final check at the clinic and I can finally say I am fistula free! 😀
    We talked a lot here about vitamin supplements, fibres, ghee, homeopathy etc. etc. and I did all that, but I think that if you can find a good, specialized clinic or at least a doctor specialized in proctology you can heal much faster. I wish everybody all the best and I really hope you will be ok soon so you can enjoy life again!

    • Thank you for sharing your succes story! It gives me hope xoxo
      I am really happy for you!

    • hi,

      I see that you are Dutch. I currently live in the Netherlands and I am suffering from a complex fistula.

      Can you share of the private clinic that you went?

      Best regards,


  49. My fistula ordeal is over. i have documented my struggle and the cure in detail in a blog. Please ask me any questions about the treatment.

  50. Had this issue for 3 years and 3 visits to my doctor and 1 to specialist. Their recommendation was to operate. My fistula was gone after changing my diet to a more health diet and went for regular accupunture to increase my immune system.

    • Casey, can you pls tell me about your diet? Did you have a seton? How did you know if fistula is healing and seton could be removed?

      Thanks for any help!


  51. I was treated for fistula in december 2013 and in first attempt it was successful. I am from India where there is a method called chharsutra in ayurveda. I was operated using the same method. And still i am fistula free. It never reoccured.

    • Hi Arpit,
      Can you please tell where did you treat yourself. I mean which part of India ? How long did it take to heal properly ? Did u take off from work while treatment?

  52. Hi Arpit

    I did not have any surgery.

    Went on a health diet – please check out Breaking the vicious cycle by Elaine Gottschall.

    Did accupuncture to increase my energy flow and immune system.

    Fistula was gone by itself after 3 months of diet and 2 time accupuncture. The wound dried up , closed and healed.

    • Are u still fistula free ?

      • I had perianal fistula since 2011. Occasionally it forms a lump and pus drained since then. for last 2 years, I thought it was healed completely because there was no signs of drainage. Now 2 weeks earlier, I had cashews, which lead to some sort of infection and it started to drain pus again.
        Now I’m thinking to go to a doctor and have this permanently cured. Anyone had a history of fistula and living without surgery? what are the complications if we just left it?

  53. Hello everyone,

    My husband is suffering from Fistula from last six months. Undergone seton procedure for two months followed by LIFT. But seems problem is still not resolved and pus is still discharging. Our doctor is well known experienced specialist. He is recommending another surgery now. We are just unsure about it what should be the way to proceed ahead.

    Can anyone of your suggest if we need to do any kind of examination again . What kind of tests are suitable to do in such condition ?

    Your replies will be appreciated.

    Thank You.

  54. I had advancement flap surgery 4 weeks ago. I had two external openings( 1 fistula tract )and one has closed but the second one is still draining. I have my follow up appointment next week but I am freaking out looking at the drainage. How do u know that ur drainage is normal and not infected? How long can it drain before healing?

  55. I had an advancement flap surgery 4 weeks ago. I had one fistula tract with 2 external opening. One opening has closed while the other is still draining. How do u know that the drainage looks normal and is not infected? I am freaking out looking at all the drainage. How long does it keep draining before healing? I have a follow up appointment next week.

  56. Hi All,

    Hope you are all well. I took I’ll back in 2007 with the worst pain I could imagine. Looking back now I can’t believe I left it for so long before seeing my GP. Diagnosed with perianal abcess which was drained. 2 years, 2 more surgeries and 1 mis-diagnosis that it wasn’t a fistula, I gave up and decided just to live with the pain, pus and blood of the wound that wouldn’t heal.

    Got married, moved house, my wife and I had a wee boy, then decided to try again to heal this wound again. New doctor quickly diagnosed a fistula and had a seton put in (for those of you worried about getting one dont be as its the best way to help the fistula reduce in size).

    1 year passed and was told I would be suitable for the advance flap procedure……yes!). Had to go for MRI first and just found out that I have not only a new abscess but also an even higher fistula formed….No!!). So it looks like my battle goes on. I’m expecting a second seton to be fitted plus my new abscess to be drained.

    Can’t see me being rid of it for a few years yet, but I won’t be giving up. Hang in there everybody.

  57. dear friends
    I had a fistula remove surgery two weeks ago, seems to be ok so far, still some pus, but I need go back to the office where no shower and sitz baths available
    How you deal with that? How to clean up after BM and not get another infection? And drive far from home, traffic, and so on…Sitting is hard…
    I am a bit scared – need to go to work, still having big hole in my back part…
    Thanks for any advise….

    • I use peri irrigation water bottles from Amazon for cleaning and a little bit of toilet paper blotted (not wiped) on area to dry up.

      I have a small cushion for sitting

      Please take care, don’t push yourself too much. Be gentle to your body and take care!

  58. dear friends
    Weird site… I am trying to leave a message – no result.. See, if now it works (emails from admins), sorry, if repeats itself.. 😦
    I had a fistula remove surgery two weeks ago, seems to be ok so far, still some pus, but I need go back to the office where no shower and sitz baths available
    How you deal with that? How to clean up after BM and not get another infection? And drive far from home, traffic, and so on…
    I am a bit scared – need to go to work, still having big hole in my back part…
    Thanks for any advise….

  59. Hello Everyone,
    Let Me Start This Off By Saying I Had A Perianal Fistula, It Didn’t Hurt But The Constant Draining Was Annoying, So I Had To Get Surgery. The Type Of Surgery I Had To Get Was The Perianal Fistula Plug, I Came Out Worse Than I Went In For. They Actually Messed Up On My Surgery, They Don’t Want To Own Up To It, But They Did. I Was Bleeding So Much Every Time I Had A Bowel Movement, I Had Lots Of Blood Clots In My Stool, & I Was In So Much Pain. I Wouldn’t Recommend Getting This Surgery To Anyone.
    I Currently Have A Fistula , What’s Helping Me Cure My Fistula & It’s Actually Working Is :
    Change The Way You Eat! Avoid Eating Bread, Rice, & Junk Food. Eat Lots Of Yogurt, Boil Warm Milk & Mix 1 Spoonful Of Tumeric & Drink It (It’s Gross), After Going Number 2, Use An Unscented Baby Whip & Make Sure Your Butts Clean.I Know They Recommend Doing Sits Baths, But What I Do Is: Put My Legs Up, Get As Close as Possible To The Bathtub Water Thing & Make Sure The Waters Really Warm and Just Stay There For About 15 Minutes. After Those 15 Minutes, Take A Shawor, & Once You Get Out Make Sure The Area is really Clean. Then Grab a Cotton ball & Soak It In Hydrogen Peroxide & Clean The Infected Area. Oh, & Put Neosporin On After Your Done. My Fistula Is Semi Healed.
    I’m Going To Purchase Manuka Honey Dressings & Hope that Heals My Fistula.

  60. I’m happy to be writing in this section! Yes it can be cured!!! My fistula has gone!
    I got an abcess in January 2014, went to the hospital and got it openned. A few weeks after, bad luck, I was the owner of a fistula. I was in shock!!! The Doctor told me he beleived it was superficial and I needed surgery! Went for surgery and woke up with a seton. I was so depressed, cried a lot, felt so dirty all the time. I stood tall, went back to work with this thing in my butt… Waited 1 full year for my surgery. May 2015, I got a call fron a surgeon to perform a LIFT. Went in and finally he had done a Fistulotomy and a LIFT??? It work, it has now been 1 year and My fistula has gone! Please keep the faith because some fistulas are curable! I pray for all of you that must go thru this ordeal!

  61. Hi.. Guys I was 19yr old when I had my fistula surgery. I am from India and I was fond of body building so once I decided to stick into a protien diet and I was for around 6 months then found a weired pimple or a boil kind of stuff around my anus which started bleeding and never healed so I visited a doctor who followed ancient medicine methods which is called Ayurveda which is not advance without any side effects he told me they have best medicine and 99.9% success in treating fistula and I had a surgery according to their desire! They use herbal medicines and also was less painful it’s been 1yr afte surgery and leaving the scar I Dnt have any memory of fistula!! I know the pain of it friends wish u all the best! Recover soon! Diet is most imp part in fistula and also life style!! Smoking will cause more pain!

  62. Dear all

    I had mine for 3 years and was asked to go for a surgery by the specialist. After reading the information on many websites that people went for multiple surgeries really scared me off. I tried alternative healing and changing my diet to only fresh food.

    Finally I tried acupuncture and the fistula was gone after 2 years. Don’t know if this is luck but am very grateful.

    I hope you will recover from your soon.

  63. I have Crohn’s disease and I have the Perianal fistulas with two different SeTone and 5 surgery’s since august 2013 using Remacades infusion since Nov 2015 Humira bfr that and still dealing with the drainage and very tender and sore from the Stone area it swells up and blood start to come out of the that hole where the stone…
    My questions is any one deals with the same issue? Will the Sitone going to stay forever? and why most of times tender and sore and blood drainage from the Sitone area please give me some more info anything can help thanks!

  64. Hi folks! I posted here around 4 years ago – had a complex fistula with a draining seton and flap advancement surgery. All didn’t go super well with the flap failing the first time however I’m pleased to say I’m doing well now!

    I am very conscious of every loo trip I make and that will likely never change – however no pain no recurrence (yet?) and am loving a Norma life again. It’s not the most talked about thing in society which is a bugger as people need to be able to say more openly about this kind of issue!

    I gave blood (donor) last week and was asked about any surgery so had to mention fistula – I was asked what was involved? I said “do you k ow what a fistula is ? He goes… Oh… Yea… Yes I do…” It was still a bit embarrassing. Silly really.

    Anyhow! Hope all are recovering well or at least on the right track.
    Sorebum (no more)!

    • Hi Sorebum… so glad to know that you are free from Fistula … from your earlier post I have gathered that you are from Australia.. I live in Australia too & my next procedure that they are considering is advance flap surgery . It would be great if you could let me know who your surgeon was & which part of Australia is he in.
      Warm regards
      Hopepray .

  65. Happy for you. What treatment helped?

  66. Hi I’m from London and my practitioner is based in east London his name is Shah Zaman I used nitric acid and hypercal cream I am totally fistula free and I got result as early as 3 months from 4th month of starting the homeopathic remedy my opening was closed and since then I’m fistula free got it checked with my surgeon too as I couldn’t believe it will go away that quick but it has, if your are from London I can give you the contact detail let me know, hope this helps

  67. Hi
    His name is shah Zaman tel no: 020 8221 2597
    He is really good and experienced I’m sure like me you will see the benefit and be fistula free please let me know if I can help you in any other way and if it works for you, Faz is my nick name he won’t recognise that name if you want to email me for any information it’s, all the best

  68. Faz81 can you describe what you did with the nitric acid and jypercal cream? What did you do with the nitric aci and hypercal cream. Please let me know. Thank you!!

  69. G’day,
    I have been on the fast track of healing a very high complex multiple branch anal fistula.
    After 18 attempt in Australia and Germany including Seton, Anal plug, Ozone treatment and many home treatments.
    The Only solution for my 5 years old disease which was told to live with forever and only painkiller as treatment was the Unique combination of technology and ancient method of Ayurverda.
    Now i am %65 healed and %100 better than last year.

  70. Hi I’m suffering started with piles, then anal fissure, then perineal abscess antibiotics for a month went down had surgery to drain abscess and have seton stitches going five weeks post op still sore taking paracentomol and ibropfoen codeine good for pain but made me constipated taking fybrogel nurse is great checked me wound says its healing but the soreness and i hear horror stories I have to go back to see the surgeon about laying fistula flat I am terrified of pain after op this is a nightmare cannot work constantly anxious scared I want to opt for the fibre glue to avoid surgery nobody tells you it’s the worst kind of op you can have…i live in uk which is a good job as I get free prescriptions and treatment I will never moan about mundane things again.

  71. Hi, I have an annal abscess. It is internally connected to rectum. This is the third time. Last two abscesses drained on their own. For this I had to take antibiotics. Antibiotics did not help in reducing the abscess rather it continued to increase in size. What really helped in draining it was a mixture that I started to apply on the effected area. It is made with 2tsp turmeric, 2tsp baking soda, 2tsp coconut oil and about 15 drops of tea tree oil. It was a very large abscess. Most of it has drained. It took about a week. If your abscess is not draining then do use this paste and don’t wait because bigger abscesses cause bigger problems

    • Hai,my father is 50 years old .he is differing from 6 months.operation done before 4 months.but the wound is not healed.pus and blood is it apply for operation wound?

  72. Hello guyz….even i am suffering from fistula from last three months…first i was diaognised with perianal abscess before three month…and then after ther surgery it turned into low fistula…and then i had my xray i came to know that my tract was long 5cm..then i went to doctor for my fistulotomy…its been one month now from operation..and the discharge of pus is negligible but the pain is still there while in sitting..and in passing my stool …

  73. Fistula cured by top surgeon in Northwick Park Hospital in London. Definately would recommend them. They changed our life

    • Hi anonymous ,My husband is going to have his second surgery next week I am really scared he is suffering from this since May 2015 plz help
      Who was the doctor

  74. Thank you all for the sharing and support for this malady. It really helps to read all your entries. My fistula started as a tiny bump early 2015 and eventually became an abscess which had to be drained in Oct 2015. I have a seton for a few months this year and recently decided to undergo the LIFT procedure. I’m healing right now, hoping the results will go well.

  75. I gave birth in July at home with a midwife. There was a tear up high that went unnoticed. Instead of healing up normally, it formed granulation tissue. They excised the granulation tissue and cauterized it, but the OBGYN cautioned that I could have a fistula as a result and should get things checked out by a colorectal surgeon. I saw a colorectal surgeon, but she couldn’t see anything as it was too far up for her to see with a regular exam. I lost my insurance so I wasn’t able to schedule an appointment to see her again, so whether or not I have a fistula is still unknown. But for sure, I’m still in pain, so I’m guessing that my OBGYN was right about there being a small fistula. The surgery to get the granulation tissue excised was 2 months ago, and my son is 4 months old. So assuming that this pain is a fistula, is there anything I can do that might cause it to close up on its own?

  76. Hai, i had low anal fistula with abscess since last three months. I took alopathy treatment for 1 month. no use. Now for the past 20 days i am taking ayurvedic medicine. but still abscess, blood, pain is occure. Please guide me what can i do further. wheather i go for kshar sutra thresd therapy or operation known as fistuloctomy? Pl anybody

  77. Hi,
    I was suffering from Anal Fistula from Aug 2016. I tried some initial homeopathy but it did not cure but the problem was reduced to an extent. Later I consulted a doc from India and he prescribed me two homeopathy medicines ( Acid Nitrum 30C & Silecia 200 Tetra). I took the medicines (1st one 4 drops in half cup of water) for 2 months. Once that is finished had 4 doses of Silecia 200X Tetra @ early morning in empty stomach. To weeks after is and till now ( nearly 2 months) my discharge has completely stopped and the abscess is no longer there. I ate fruits like apples, vegetables (Papaya/ Red Squash (kumro)) and Oats. You need to drink a lot of water and make sure you stool is not hard. Completely avoided Red Meat and chilies and spicy foods. Hope this will help everyone.


  78. Hi Sudarshan, Thank you for giving me hope. I have consulted with a Doctor in USA and he recommended 1 drop of 12X Silicea liquid in a 1 liter bottle of water once a day. The puss pimple seem smaller but are still present. It has only been 3 weeks of this remedy. I feel like its going in the right direction. My diet is good as you describe above and i drink a lot of water.. I have had fistula since Feb 14, 2014 after my big abysess was pierced in the hospital. I have hope that this is truly the correct homeopathic remedy. Thank you for giving me hope. I do not want surgery because it appears that a lot of the posted comments about surgery have not worked and folks have had multiple surgeries. I am sticking with the homeopathic route. i will keep this Support Online posted. It is a God send for me. Thank you. Sincerely 700Series

  79. I also had fistula 3 times surgery oe time honeopaetjic medicine and finally I got some herbal prescribed as it is 17 years old practioner for herbal in nepal.. I went there and took regular medicine and left spicy foods and now I am free from this fucking fistula…
    he also prescribed me a special gel made from wolf bone and when I insert in my ass inside I cried at least one month because it has a very high sense of fistula and when it goes inside oh my god it burn so badly and all.the pus from it come outside and all my clothes inside gets wets… I had my pus coming from inside upto 4 months regulary when I applied this medicine and now I applied it for 6 months and now I am free from fistula after the cure of 6 month…

    if anyone is suffering email me

  80. O yeah i kknow,
    I being undergoned a treatment for a chronical fissure or fistula in anus or at near anus.
    Infact there are many treatment for it. But taking it like unani treatment by a hakim since some months. An unfortunately I dont have get any relieve. Becouse fissure discharging some bloody puss.
    So i think, i have to take fistulotomy treatment. ………….rajcosmatic orai jaloun up india

  81. I am so grateful to have found this site. 2013 had a ruptured brain aneurysm and was bed ridden in hospital for a month. Right after that started bleeding and wound up having surgery for an internal hemorrhoid and an anal fissure. I don’t know if they are related but being bed ridden is never good for the body. Very painful and long recovery from that surgery because the stitches were internal. Fast forward to now…I now have developed an infected anal abscess. I had it drained once but it has gotten worse. I went back to my regular doctor and we are going to try a round of antibiotics before discussing surgery. The interesting thing to me was that she said it could be MRSA related and she was going to treat it as such just in case. Reason being was that a had a large boil on my back last year so that is considered a pattern possibly. So I took one pill so far. Hopefully the antibiotics will work. Best wishes to all.

  82. Hi his name is shah zaman based in London
    tel no: 020 8221 2597, hope this helps

  83. Has anyone ever just had one fistula and successfully recovered with zero recurrences ?

  84. I am 5 days post-op from a simple fistula, abcess and 3 banded hemorrhoids. Lots of pain the first 3-4 days. Finally feeling more like myself. However when i cleanse with a wipe i can feel the fistula and it being open. I know it’s normal to leave them open, but do they close? I see my surgeon in 3 weeks. He assured me i would be good in 1-2 weeks or when i can sit comfortably. Just curious about others experiences similar to mine.

  85. I’m new to this fistula stuff. I was dx with an entercantous fistula three months after abdominal surgery. 99% of what I’ve read is about anal fistula. This is a nightmare. My life has literally stopped. Trying to find ostomy pouches that fit and don’t leak, on TPN for 4 months, rehab facility for 1 month. I sometimes wish I would have died on the operating table. There is so little info on this type of fistula. Can anyone point in in the direction of more info or what worked for them as far as surgies, homeopathy, anything. Thank you

    • Hi Kim.. I know the feeling.. 2.5 years this has been going on for me and I’m still not clear of my fistula.
      I am just starting to try and really make the most of my ‘good’ days and trying to not let the ‘bad’ ones consume me too much..
      where abouts are you? (City/country) and what are your surgeons/doctors suggesting for you next?


      • Hi Lucy, I’m in New Mexico. I’ve found a trauma surgeon who says he can help me. Had a lot I had to work on before having surgery…getting healthy biggest one. I’m finally there. See him end of May will hopefully schedule surgery in June. I know it’s a long shot, but gotta try, hard to imagine living with a bag attached to my belly forever. I know there are far worst things. At least I finally found a fistula bag that works. After 6 months of trial and error. Where are you located? What kind of Fistula do you have? Nice to have someone to talk to that understands what I’m going thru. Everyone tries, but you gotta live this to understand it.

      • Hi Kim,

        Maybe I spoke too soon… after my most recent surgery (march 16) for a lift re-do, I found out six days ago that it was unsuccessful, and conveniently yesterday while I was trying to enjoy a girlfriends baby shower/birthday, a massive and painful abscess reappeared! I couldn’t enjoy myself and came home early in tears from the pain.
        I hear you.. All of my friends who know about it, really don’t get most of it at all. They just feel sorry for me and it makes me feel even worse! 😦
        I’m in Australia.. and I’m starting to wonder whether the surgeons here are not quite up to scratch.. or, if I am in fact just THAT “unlucky”, as I hear so often!

        Do you know what type of surgery the trauma surgeon is pitebtually going to do on/for you?

        Really nice to get a reply on here.. especially after the weekend I’ve had 😦
        Maybe we could exchange emails?


      • Hi Lucy, I don’t think you’re “unlucky” it’s just the power of this beast they call a ” Fistula ” I’ve done so much research and to be honest the only thing I’ve read that seems to work is a natural procedure done in India. It has to do with threads and herbs. The surgery I’m having is called a ” fistula tear down” its suppose to be a tough surgery. At this point in my life all surgeries are tough. I’m sure you were devastated when the abscess appeared because you know what that means. We can send a man to the moon, but can’t figure out how to fix this dam fistula. This weekend my husband went on a motorcycle run to a place called Red River it’s located in the mountains. Anyway for the 1st time in awhile my bag leaked, 4 different bags! It was so frustrating! I see my Dr this Wed and God willing he’ll set my surgery date. I’m trying to think positive, but I know the odds are against me. The only ones who know I even wear a bag our my family and 1 good friend. My friends knows because she happened to be here when I had a huge leak one day. So I had to explain. It is so hard to deal with this I’m a young 59 year old with 2 children and 5 granddaughters and 1 baby grandson. I feel so tired any more this thing just drains me. Enough of my problem. Australia! Wow I hear its beautiful there! Where I live is mountains and desert. No ocean and I love water. For vacations we try to go near water. Are you married? Any children? My email is

      • Hey Kim, I recently had an anal abscess, went to the ER had surgery and woke up with a seton in. I know it’s still premature since I have to heal this abscess first but can you recommend a surgeon or a specialist here in New Mexico. I’m currently in Santa Fe. God I just wish for some hope! Thank you !

      • Hi Maria, I saw Dr Gerald Demerest at UNMH. He’s my angel. Although I had a great Dr. before he was pretty much telling me I would have to live with a fistula. Not Dr D. I had to get healthy which took a couple of months. So I’m 6 months post surgery and NO FISTULA!

      • Hi Lucy I’m 6 months post surgery and thank God my abdominal fistula was fixed. Im in NM and finally found a Dr. at UNMH. Now I’m trying to adjust be being somewhat healthy. Where are you located and what kind of Fistula do you have?

      • Hi Lucy I’m 6 months post surgery and thank God my abdominal fistula was fixed. Im in NM and finally found a Dr. at UNMH. Now I’m trying to adjust be being somewhat healthy. Where are you located and what kind of Fistula do you have? I had surgery at UNMH the Dr was Dr. Demerest.

  86. Just had a fistulomoy on Friday. I had 2 fistulas that kept causing so much pain. Still bleeding and still having to do sitz bath. Sitz bath at every bowel movement. Also had hemorrhoids taken care of. If the fistula come back, check out these procedures. The first link I’d something I researched but haven’t tried. The second link is for a FiLac procedure with a laser.

  87. Hi, just got results of my colonoscopy, rectovaginal fistula, surgeon says only way is surgery, plse advise

  88. I also had fistula 3 times surgery oe time honeopaetjic medicine and finally I got some herbal prescribed as it is 17 years old practioner for herbal in nepal.. I went there and took regular medicine and left spicy foods and now I am free from this Anorectal disorders

    • Hi Sara..
      how long have you been fistula free for? And how long were you in Nepal for?
      I have had multiple surgeries and stitches coming to the surface months and months on.. I am very interested to know more about Your experience..


  89. Hello I’m Tammy this is bout my boy Freind Mike he has had anal fishtola ,and had 5 surgery on it, and the Drs can’t figure it out, they put in rubber bands as I it could drain but the band’s cause it to rip open bout 4in scar, and now he’s got a spot coming up new they put bands in it to drain ,this is goin on for almost 2 years can someone help or should he get a different opinion, but I hear the Drs he got in Louisville KY very good, why can’t they get it fixed,, can some one tell me what to do for him or a new Dr, please thanks

    • I have had my fistula for 2.5 years, multiple surgeries and told my surgeon is ‘the best’.. but I’m not fixed.
      I think seeking a second opinion is important..

  90. Hi not sure if this thread is still going I’ve had my complex fistula for 4 years started with an abscess size of a rugby ball almost died, had it drained and packed almost 10 weeks + healing then came back that’s when they realised complex fistula. Two botched setons one falling out! Ended in my partner trying to knot it two not so hoot specialities later then found and amazing surgeon seton in for 18month another 4 ops later not including last ones. Surgery again today and thought I was having seton replaced/tightened but no amazing new next lay open and end I hope 🤞🙌

  91. I was suffering from Ischiorectal abscesses in Jan 2016. I had surgery to drain it. Resulting in a complex horse-shoe fistula. Another surgery again to add draining seton in March. Doctor in US scheduled me for additional two more surgeries may be a partial fistuletomy followed by advanced flap. Thats when I read more about it and realized the chance of re-occurrence is much more in modern surgery. Finally came to know about very old and successful method of ayurvedic ksharasutra method. I traveled to India and stayed there for nearly 3 months while undergoing ksharasutra method. I was fistuala free in October. Now I am doing perfectly fine. I dont think any other method would have given be this much fast recovery. If I continued here I would have been still doing surgery to fix it. It is very important to fins an experienced and successful Kasharasutra doctor for better results. I am so happy and relieved that I am pain free and fistula free . Wish everyone success with your treatments

  92. I had my surgery on March 20, about 8 weeks ago. I had no pain after my surgery. I soaked 3 times a day for 6 weeks. At my 6 week appt I was already healed. I do continue to do sitz baths after bowel movements. I still take stool softeners 2 times a day and will continue to do that for a long time. All in all it was a good decision to have the surgery. Very thankful. Hope this helps.

    • That’s so awesome for you! May I ask what kind of surgery you had?
      I have had quite a few now and still no success 😦
      And where did you get treated? City/Country

  93. My fistula has gone!

    In September of 2014, I was diagnosed with a complex anal fistula in the United States. During the last two and half years, I visited a number of doctors. At a nation’s top medical institution in northeast of US, I have done 5 major operations including LIFT, FLAP, and fistulotomy, numerous debridement surgeries. Even with the aid of ultrasound and nuclear magnetic resonance (MRI) detection, doctors had not been able to find the fistula internal opening and root it out. It was so painful. I visited this web site many times.

    After a comprehensive review, I planned to change course, and did a research for other doctors/hospitals. In Beijing, China, there is a specialized hospital: Beijing Anorectal Hospital (Beijing Erlonglu Hospital).

    Early this year, I went to Beijing for treatment. The doctor was able to locate the fistula internal opening with finger examination. Ultrasound diagnosis can clearly and accurately locate the fistula track and the internal opening. The doctor performed Video Assisted Fistulotomy on me with a high definition probe/camera imaging system. After 2 months of surgery, the wound healed. Now nearly 5 months, the wound healed completely. In this hospital, I quickly found that I was not alone. There are so many patients like me. Some patients had more complicated and multiple fistulas. I had a roommate had 4 fistulas; the doctor performed 3 operations in a month and had all 4 removed and healed. The doctors are so experienced. The Surgery Ward II (department) have 4-5 doctors, do 12 operations each day by average; about half of the operations are fistula or perianal abscess.

    From my experience, the most important factor in fistula treatment is the doctor and the hospital. You need to have an experienced doctor to operate, and a good team for post-op care.

    If you need any information or help, please let me know.

  94. Hi Marc
    I’m fistula free now thank god unfortunetly surgeries didn’t fix me homeopathic remedy got rid of my fistula. 😊

    • Hi faz81
      Can u plz tell me homeopathic remedy to get rid of fistula

      • Hi Marc
        I was given Nitric acid to mix one cap full with a bottle of Evian water 1.5 or 2 lires and drink that water continuously I started with nitric acid LM 1 and went up one every month so month 1 nitric acid Lm1 month 2 nitric acid LM 2 month 3 nitric acid LM 3 etc; also I was given a cream to apply which is called hypercal cream along with a very strict diet which basically consists of fruit veg fish no meat or chicken fast food junk food etc, I have explained it in more detail on the sight hope this helps.

    • Hi faz81…You mention that there is “more detail on the sight” regarding your homeopathic remedy for fistula. But I don’t see any link or address for the sight. Please share. And thank you.

      • Hi
        If you are based in London I can give details of my homeopath, if not then look for a very experienced homeopath practitioner and also with homeopath depending on you they will prescribe remedy so the remedy given to me may not be suited for you they will give you what best suits you although it’s the same problem if that makes sense, remedy that was given to me was nitric acid along with a cream that is called hypercal to apply on the area.
        Hope this helps.

  95. Indian Ayurvedic Kshara Sutra treatment cured my anal fistula.

    I am a 65-year old male from Visakhapatnam city on the east coast of India. I had suffered for three long years from anal fistula with constant discharge and mental depression. It always stays in the mind with wetting at the anal opening. It takes away all the attention. It was really a terrible time I spent with a continuous urge to clean up that area. Thankfully, I could get rid of it now through the Indian traditional Ayurveda technique – Kshara Sutra treatment. Before I found out about this ancient Ayurveda method, which unfortunately is not so popular even in India, I had undergone fistulectomy done by an allopathic surgeon under spinal anesthesia in a private hospital. He charged me heavily but the fistula recurred even before the surgical wound healed. After about four months from the fistulectomy procedure, the surgeon again suggested for another surgery with no guaranty of a permanent cure. I could not dare to go through that hell for the second time for fear of damaging my sphincter muscle further, which might lead to incontinence. Apart from consulting a number of surgeons in India, I even visited a super specialty anorectal facility in San Francisco, USA during my visit there in late 2014 but was only advised for surgery again (Fistulectomy).
    Later, I found from the internet about the Ayurveda Hospital attached to the post-graduate department of Ayurveda at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (1200 km from my hometown) where the ancient Ayurveda technique of Kshara Sutra procedure is done to cure anal fistulae. It is a public hospital and the treatment is free for all. I went there in September 2016 and got the procedure done under simple local anesthesia by Dr. Shivji Gupta (a bit painful though while the syringe needle was being pierced around the anal opening, but without complications that would entail spinal anesthesia). Remember, the allopathic surgeon administered spinal anesthesia during fistulectomy!
    The Ayurveda surgeon at Varanasi Dr. Shivji Gupta (a very kind and reassuring doctor) told me that the medicated thread (Kshara sutra is a thread coated with Ayurvedic herbal medicines) has to be changed with a new one at weekly intervals. Since my sphincter muscle was already damaged a bit because of the fistulectomy, he wished to proceed cautiously to prevent further damage to my sphincter and possible incontinence. That means the thread is not tightened too much but loosely tied and allowed a slow cutting during daily walking while the medicines coated to the thread also aid the process of cutting and healing. The herbal medicines also prevent infections in the area. I was advised to walk regularly. I stayed at Varanasi for five weeks during which the Kshara Sutra was changed five times (once a week). I requested Dr. Shivji Gupta to suggest some Ayurveda doctor nearer to my home town, Visakhapatnam who can do the same procedure (weekly Kshara Sutra changes) because I couldn’t stay at Varanasi for so long doing nothing else except for a five-minute procedure of changing the Kshara Sutra every week. Then he suggested to me an old student of the same university and an Ayurveda surgeon working in the District Government Hospital at Rajahmundry (now renamed as Rajamahendravaram) about 200 km south of Visakhapatnam. She is Dr. K. Vijaya Kumari, a very kind Kshara Sutra specialist with deft hands. This hospital, being run by local state government does not have a website, therefore, I could not find it out through my internet search. I visited her every Wednesday for 15 weeks, traveling by car starting at home early morning. She told me the same point that she wants to deal with my case very patiently to avoid damage to my sphincter.
    Dr. Vijaya Kumari has never administered any anesthesia during the weekly thread changes. She did the procedure with such caring and smooth touch I never experienced any serious pain except some momentary minor pin-prick feeling. Each time, immediately after the 3-minute thread-change procedure, I used to travel back to Visakhapatnam sitting in a car to reach my home by evening. Although it took several months and the fistula discharge continued, Dr. Vijaya Kumari supported me and gave me confidence and kept telling me that the fistula track was becoming smaller each week (in fact she used to show me the size of the previous thread that was removed after inserting the new thread. I noticed a visible reduction in the size of the loop of the thread which means the internal opening of the fistula was drawn closer to the anal opening with each thread change (that is the way it would finally be eliminated). On 8 March 2017, within two minutes after I settled on my back on the surgical table, Dr. Vijaya Kumari declared that my fistula was gone and I need not come back to the hospital again! That was like music to my ears. My initial reaction was disbelief. But that is true. It is three months hence. Now I am free from that nasty Fistula which to a greater extent taken away my happiness and curtailed my life!! No discharge and no constant worry and no need to visit the toilet at every possible opportunity to clean up my anal area!!! Isn’t it wonderful?
    The modest Ayurvedic surgeons, Dr. Shivji Guptha at Banaras Hindu University Hospital, Varanasi, and Dr. K. Vijaya Kumari at the small but very tidy District Government Hospital, Rajahmundry, established and funded by the State Government of Andhra Pradesh have the perfect solution for fistula cure through Kshara Sutra completely free of cost (except my travel and stay at Varanasi and travel by car between my hometown Visakhapatnam and Rajamahendravaram). No food restrictions were imposed on me. No internal medication prescribed. Only external application of some herbal oil to prevent infection. They advised me to be careful with my diet and prevent constipation. That’s all.
    There may be some Kshara Sutra practitioners who may charge for the procedure, but at least these two facilities I mentioned above offer free service. I wish to thank both these young, well-experienced and helpful Ayurvedic doctors for giving me my normal healthy life back!!
    I feel anyone suffering from this kind of fistula should avoid surgical procedures such as fistulectomy, which are not only costly and with an unsure outcome, but sometimes could cause serious damage to the sphincter muscle. The Indian Ayurveda Kshara Sutra treatment is the best solution for such malady.
    I will be happy if this post is helpful to anyone suffering from the very nasty, dispiriting and sickening anal fistula.
    K. Nageswara Rao

  96. I have been going through rough times for a year now and it has completely changed my lifestyle. I have what the doctors call an extremely high fistulla with a very deep cavity. I used to be a very active person, now I can’t workout, my work efficiency has gone down, I don’t feel motivation to pursue anything. In my first hospital they misdiagnosed it as an perianal sinus and treated it as sinus. They cut the external opening and cut the infected tissue and cleaned the area, then I did dressing daily for 50 days. All seemed fine after that, but in 2 months the entire thing recurred. Then I went to private clinic, this time they did a seton stitch, in the second tightening, the pain became unbearable and was discharging a lot. Then I went to another renowned hospital and they did LIFT fistulectomy. After two months, while abroad on holiday, the entire external opening area became bloated and I couldn’t even move, sit or walk. Having no other option i went to the local hospital, and they saw the entire cavity was full with abscess and they did a minor surgery to drain the abscess. Now i am in bed at the local hospital during vacation feeling really depressed that this problem won’t get cured and I will never be the physically and mentally active person that I was before. My friends say that I look like I have aged 5 years in just a year. I have always kept the area very clean, using warm water spray and stitz bath twice daily.
    After reading some of the post in this forum, I am going to try with some strict diets to see the result. Any advice from anyone would be much appreciated.

  97. Hi folks anyone had Filac surgery?? or VAAFT?? Any hope out there with these two (supposedly) sphincter saving techniques?

    • Hi Dimitri,

      I had VAAFT in Beijing Anorectal Hospital. The doctor in this hospital is very good. My fitstula was successfully removed.

  98. Great thanks Eric!

  99. After 2 hellish years, horseshoe fistula finally healed. Was scheduled for fistulotomy but was aborted when my surgeon saw signs of crohns. Gave me two weeks of cipro and flagyl. Over next 3 months, drainage slowly subsided and openings closed. 3 weeks later all pain was gone. Now gastroenterologist wants me on meds forever. Very nervous about immune supressing drugs when I feel great!

    • Hi Ti,

      I have exactly the same problem. I have a horseshoe fistula that doesn’t heal, even after the placement of two setons for 1.5 years. 

      There is a suspicion for Chron’s after finding a granuloma during an operation and now I need to start with immunosuppressants.

      It would be great if you could share with me how you are doing with your condition and whether you are still taking the meds.

      Best regards,


  100. Post surgery 1 month for entercantous fistula. So far so good! God willing they are gone for good. Endured Fistulas for approx 9 months. Got my first fistula 3 months after abdominal surgery 3 more quickly followed. The worse 9 months of my life. Found a trauma surgeon here in Albuquerque NM. I know it’s only been a month but, I have to keep the faith. He did a an small intestine resection.

  101. Hello everyone

    I am a week in from my Fistulotomy

    I have to say it not as bad or painfull as you read on the internet .
    But I do need some advice as I have a wound 2 and half inch long by 1 and half inch width
    My nurse told me no baths just shower,
    But I read every where to have a bath, so confused as would love a bath and feel it would clean better,
    I am also very lucky as my wife dose dressing for me so change 2-3 times a day to keep clean, any feed back would be great
    Kindest regards

  102. Before starting to create a clear picture of my holistic healing, special thanks to whom who have supported me in this successful life changing journey. Un describable sense of joy , An untold victorious feeling of beating the beast , is not easy to pen down as all deducts are connected now beside the physical health that I have recovered there is more to it than I could even imagine to attempt to begin with .
    Firstly my regards to Mr.&Mrs.Patel who made possible my life as a happier healthier person .Also I have to congratulate him to have selected and trained the most professional happy team which was a major lift & a main portion of my healing. Otherwise it was not assumable to spend 18 months in order to treat an untreatable disease.
    Secondly my thanks &appreciation to Indian Nation & their deep understanding of Human nature in all aspects. My story of healing was complimented with other factors which makes up the magic receipie Ayurveda& Yoga Meditation.
    This is no exaggeration to mention that for me personally this trip not only heal a physical illness, but also make me feel rich as a poor man you can imagine unemployed, an uninsured , in debt for all expenses for the past six years, but this experience was price less in all its meaning.
    Money is big , but not big is money, as my life experience has proven to me & with my past two years has shown me how human spirit not only still alive it is the basis of Dr .Mukul’s practice & it vibrate through his healing hands.
    As I sixteen years old on few occasions I had slight pain and dots of blood after the daily bussiness, sometimes unwanted push &dissatisfaction after it was supposibly done, family Doctor fail to diagnose & for youth’s stupidity as well as migration from Iran toTurkey & then to Australia I found my self involved in early marriage & work, bad lifestyle & habits , wrong diet finally bounce back on me. In 2007 anal warts were removed under anesthesia, In 2009 haemorrhoids were treated under anesthesia then in 2011 while getting on with a building project in rural Australia I had a sharp pain after passing stool. After visiting a colorectal surgeon colonoscopy revealed a fissure which the specialist did not recommend taking any action & even the report did not mention about it.Three months later I was at the emergency work getting operated for anal abcess. In the matter of 4-5 months the wound did not heal completely & by my next visit to hospital , it was a high complex anal fistula which they have probed a double plastic seton through it. And I knew that only after discharged from hospital.
    From then on I was drug depended and disabled man for the following 5 years, On a regular basis almost every 3-4 months a year doctors & professors & western colorectal gurus would have hospitalised me under anestesia to change that plastic drainage, then send me home with a fat prescription of opiods + antibiotics, antidepressants & sedatives. Every time I ask them what their plans are to fix me !! they would respond that they don’t know & I have to maintain it and learn to live with it. One of them in Melbourne whom I was refer to from my original surgeon made a million dollar bet with me on the day of my discharge if I could find a cure for my multibranched high complex fistula. Another one of the colorectal surgeon advice me in writing not to seek treatment overseas in India.
    In late 2014 I travelled to Germany for consultation recommentations were the same as Aaustralia , the only intervention was the fruitless ozone treatment. I have consulted with many other countries including the US, Canada, Norway, Poland,Italy, Iran was also fruitless. Some have recommeneded hearts man procedure( with the high possiblty of incontinence)
    In 2015 after a long hesitation I started to broaden my research in to ancient methods of curing this disease. I came across Ayurveda & how one genius has combined the traditional ways with modern techniques and successfully curing thousands of sick people. They were of course references from his patients Globally. My contact with one of them (Christin) was enough assurance to make my mind up about the long trip.
    When I landed in India, I was in pain, & very high dose of medications ( opioids) I had fever& felt very sick. It was my first time in India &because of my financial situation I was travelling alone on a very low budget which was all borrowed. It was mid December2015 that I came to Dr. Mukul’s Hospital in Surat. My Initial anxiety was only the terms and limitations of my travel documents & the related travel issues. But as I realised later this method falls under alternative therapy like Yoga & meditation, so there was no requirement at all regarding the medical visa. From then on everything change for me. I was again seeing the blink of lights at the end of the tunnel. He told me that my fistula will be healed with methods that is unique and I will not need any medications or the worry of incontinency & the reoccurrence.
    Most of all they approached and attitude towards me & all his patients was a great uplift which may the foundation of trust between me & my doctor for the first time ever. Complexity of my problems were much exaggerated with drug dependencies detox period and chron’s disease. The impossible case was cured fully on 07/07/17.
    Now with my disease ceased I’m so moved by the whole attitude and human touch that I feel responsible as a duty & I have started it training in the care and maintenance of these particular treatment which is not available in other countries.
    I have been given a new life , physically , mentally, energetically& spiritually. The correct holistic view of human health is of a whole world of difference to what we knows as health care. To describe briefly about how much more it means to me than the health itself it is almost mystical, but I felt healthy before I was fully cured & felt rich with a lot of money owing. The mystical part is actually very practical, the triton of health … Ayurveda Yoga Meditation, It works as one .
    The impact of my decision will be radiating & shiningout throughout my life & I hope I can introduce as many as possible for taking up this life changing trip. Long story short, I am willing to accompany anyone who has no other cure for their anal diseases other than coming to India , Even I’m willing to travel to them after the initial surgery to help & care of ongoning maintainence.

  103. I had fistula surgery before 2 month ago… everything was goin well…i went out and sat for long hours…my stictch place got red and filled with red blood pus …pus discharged after 24 hrs….i m very scared do my fistula reoccured or it is normal in case of fistula surgery… plz plz rply…smone

    • Gday Neha,

      You are going to have to see a specialist, now if you are not in India then I can’t comment at all because we are just people like your self, but if you are in India try to contact Sheryash Hospital, they fixed my complex fistula.
      Dr Mukul Patel

      • Hi
        Could you tell me all the expenditure to cure your fistula. How much money did you pay because i am a student i do not have much money, but i would like to get rid of this kind of disease, I faced the same problem. Plese kindly tell me I will prepare for the expenditure. I am not indian. I live in Thai

    • Hi i also got quite similar problem with you , i did the surgery last month. It seems it is going to stop but there is some pus and blood come out regularly i am not quite sure this it the symptom of recurrence or just normal

  104. Before starting to create a clear picture of my holistic healing, special thanks to whom who have supported me in this successful life changing journey. Un describable sense of joy , An untold victorious feeling of beating the beast , is not easy to pen down as all deducts are connected now beside the physical health that I have recovered there is more to it than I could even imagine to attempt to begin with .
    Firstly my regards to Mr.&Mrs.Patel who made possible my life as a happier healthier person .Also I have to congratulate him to have selected and trained the most professional happy team which was a major lift & a main portion of my healing. Otherwise it was not assumable to spend 18 months in order to treat an untreatable disease.
    Secondly my thanks &appreciation to Indian Nation & their deep understanding of Human nature in all aspects. My story of healing was complimented with other factors which makes up the magic receipie Ayurveda& Yoga Meditation.
    This is no exaggeration to mention that for me personally this trip not only heal a physical illness, but also make me feel rich as a poor man you can imagine unemployed, an uninsured , in debt for all expenses for the past six years, but this experience was price less in all its meaning.
    Money is big , but not big is money, as my life experience has proven to me & with my past two years has shown me how human spirit not only still alive it is the basis of Dr .Mukul’s practice & it vibrate through his healing hands.
    As I sixteen years old on few occasions I had slight pain and dots of blood after the daily bussiness, sometimes unwanted push &dissatisfaction after it was supposibly done, family Doctor fail to diagnose & for youth’s stupidity as well as migration from Iran toTurkey & then to Australia I found my self involved in early marriage & work, bad lifestyle & habits , wrong diet finally bounce back on me. In 2007 anal warts were removed under anesthesia, In 2009 haemorrhoids were treated under anesthesia then in 2011 while getting on with a building project in rural Australia I had a sharp pain after passing stool. After visiting a colorectal surgeon colonoscopy revealed a fissure which the specialist did not recommend taking any action & even the report did not mention about it.Three months later I was at the emergency work getting operated for anal abcess. In the matter of 4-5 months the wound did not heal completely & by my next visit to hospital , it was a high complex anal fistula which they have probed a double plastic seton through it. And I knew that only after discharged from hospital.
    From then on I was drug depended and disabled man for the following 5 years, On a regular basis almost every 3-4 months a year doctors & professors & western colorectal gurus would have hospitalised me under anestesia to change that plastic drainage, then send me home with a fat prescription of opiods + antibiotics, antidepressants & sedatives. Every time I ask them what their plans are to fix me !! they would respond that they don’t know & I have to maintain it and learn to live with it. One of them in Melbourne whom I was refer to from my original surgeon made a million dollar bet with me on the day of my discharge if I could find a cure for my multibranched high complex fistula. Another one of the colorectal surgeon advice me in writing not to seek treatment overseas in India.
    In late 2014 I travelled to Germany for consultation recommentations were the same as Aaustralia , the only intervention was the fruitless ozone treatment. I have consulted with many other countries including the US, Canada, Norway, Poland,Italy, Iran was also fruitless. Some have recommeneded hearts man procedure( with the high possiblty of incontinence)
    In 2015 after a long hesitation I started to broaden my research in to ancient methods of curing this disease. I came across Ayurveda & how one genius has combined the traditional ways with modern techniques and successfully curing thousands of sick people. They were of course references from his patients Globally. My contact with one of them (Christin) was enough assurance to make my mind up about the long trip.
    When I landed in India, I was in pain, & very high dose of medications ( opioids) I had fever& felt very sick. It was my first time in India &because of my financial situation I was travelling alone on a very low budget which was all borrowed. It was mid December2015 that I came to Dr. Mukul’s Hospital in Surat. My Initial anxiety was only the terms and limitations of my travel documents & the related travel issues. But as I realised later this method falls under alternative therapy like Yoga & meditation, so there was no requirement at all regarding the medical visa. From then on everything change for me. I was again seeing the blink of lights at the end of the tunnel. He told me that my fistula will be healed with methods that is unique and I will not need any medications or the worry of incontinency & the reoccurrence.
    Most of all they approached and attitude towards me & all his patients was a great uplift which may the foundation of trust between me & my doctor for the first time ever. Complexity of my problems were much exaggerated with drug dependencies detox period and chron’s disease. The impossible case was cured fully on 07/07/17.
    Now with my disease ceased I’m so moved by the whole attitude and human touch that I feel responsible as a duty & I have started it training in the care and maintenance of these particular treatment which is not available in other countries.
    I have been given a new life , physically , mentally, energetically& spiritually. The correct holistic view of human health is of a whole world of difference to what we knows as health care. To describe briefly about how much more it means to me than the health itself it is almost mystical, but I felt healthy before I was fully cured & felt rich with a lot of money owing. The mystical part is actually very practical, the triton of health … Ayurveda Yoga Meditation, It works as one .
    The impact of my decision will be radiating & shiningout throughout my life & I hope I can introduce as many as possible for taking up this life changing trip. Long story short, I am willing to accompany anyone who has no other cure for their anal diseases other than coming to India , Even I’m willing to travel to them after the initial surgery to help & care of ongoning maintainence.

  105. I have two (2) fistulas in my stomach after stomach surgery that drain to a dime-size hole in an almost closed surgery wound. It drains most anything I drink and some food so I use an ostomy bag or an ABD pad depending on the day. My surgeon just wants to let them close “naturally” which could means months or years.
    Does anyone have any suggestions on what I might be able to eat or drink to promote natural healing?

  106. Four months ago I had awful pain on my back, went to the doctor after 3 or 4 days. CRS told me it was a perennial abcess and drained it right there on the table. Most painful think I have ever felt. She sent me home with antibiotics and requested I return in 4 weeks to see if it healed on it’s on. Upon return she said the tract was completely closed on the outside. Great news! Except I was still having small amount of drainage. She used some silver nitrate and sent me on my way, burns like hell. Told me to come back in two weeks and the microscopic hole may be sealed. I came back and it wasn’t , the wound had fully re opened. Let me say I have no rested like I should have in hind sight. Do not be a fool. If your not working then rest. I then went in for fistulotomy or LIFT procedure. Once inside she said it was so inflamed and infected she had to place a seton. I hated seton. Most effective was to keep clean is removable shower head. I took sitz baths all the time. Right when life was seeming normal again (6wks later) my CRS called me and asked how I was feeling. I told her pretty good besides some itching and slight discomfort. She then told me it was time to have LIFT before anymore complications occurred. I had the lift procedure one week ago, and the recovery proCRS has been agonizing. I have been laying on my bed 23 1/2 a day. I have a lot of hope though! Fortunately my job has been understanding. I could see how this circumstance ruins people’s lives if their job is not understanding to the condition or if money is an issue for treatment.

    I am so thankful for an understanding Job. We have been through almost our entire savings dealing with this In the midst of it all my wife had a miscarriage 12 weeks in. This has not been our year. All that to say is I believe God is going to heal this. Whether you believe In God or not I think the greatest way to work through the challenges of a fistula are to see the glass half full. Mentally this has been crushing, physically excruciating and emotionally it has broke me. I have spent the last 2 months being positive and pushing forward. I don’t knlw if my surgery will work or not but I am very hopeful

    I am from Atlanta Ga

  107. hi,
    every case is different,, for you best is to contact the hospital directly and have all scans and Dr reports ready to send it to them, for me the big expense was to travel to there and because I had a very complex fistula with crohns IBS it took so long, otherwise Dr fees not too much.

  108. Felt a lump in the you-know-where area but ignored it the first time. Took anti-biotics and it subsided..Only to return with a vengeance. The second time (about 2 months after the first) I felt a lump i drank warm water frequently for two days and it subsided. About a week after that, it became a throbbing ball tender to touch and omg…the pain. I went to the ER, had an ultrasound scan the next day and was operated in the evening (Incises & Drained) under general anesthesia. The doctor bandaged it well and discharged me the next day.

    I took sitz baths 3 times a day for two weeks. 2 times a day for the next couple of weeks. I didn’t allow the operated wound to heal in a hurry by plugging it but it eventually healed by not allowing the plug inside anymore. I was skeptical that a small cavity had remained which could still become a fistula.

    Well, about 1 month and 20 days later, I experienced a pain similar to the throbbing pain of the time when I had to get the surgery done. I restarted the anti-biotic course and didn’t think much about it. It burst today exactly at the place of the surgical wound and drained pus and few specks of blood. Back to where I was. Atleast the pain stopped. Scared about how to proceed from here.

  109. Hi everyone, if you’re looking for a hopeful story please read my recent blog post after a successful trip overseas from New Zealand, returning with the healing in process after five years with a complex fistula x

  110. Good day,

    A month ago, my boyfriend noticed a small sore over my anus and we thought nothing of it. A few weeks later, it being the case that it did not heal, decided to make an appointement with my General family doctor. She advised it was a perianal abcess, but that I needed to see a colorectal surgeon to fix it. Two weeks later, the colorectal surgeon diagnosed me with a fistula… that needed to be laid out. As someone who has lived with type 1 diabetes these past 20 years (I am 24), you can imagine I was every emotion but thrilled to hear that I would have to have an incision from the fistula to my anus in order to correct this. With compromised healing capacities … yeah right.

    All this to write, that the weekend passed and like some sorcery… the sore is healed. Granted, I believe the tunnel to still be there in part, it is not draining and is almost perfectly flush with the surrounding skin, no scarring. My boyfriend couldn’t even tell where the fistula once was.

    Can anyone help me account for how this happened? I have been wracking my brain as to how I had a fistula that a doctor told me needed to be surgically laid out, that has now started to heal on its own?

  111. So I read all the problems people unfortunately had with this very peculiar problem. All I want to say is there is absolutely nothing to be scared of. I have a high fistula in ano 11 o clock and it’s complicated for surgeons. I really had a bad experience of draining and pain for 2 years. It’s 4 years now no surgery nothing and I am living in peace with this thing now with an occasional hiccup once in 3 months. Just stay clean down there with a sits bath during flares and you can live with it. My surgeon said we can try but there is a real chance of incontinence and so I let it pass. Hope u can persevere and stay away from surgery. My drainage is down to negligible but still there and very manageable.

  112. Hi
    I had problem of abscess in 2013 it has got operated and developed fistula , again operated in 2014 from the operation no improvement continuously pus discharging , started ayurvedhic medicine since 2015 no much improvement but pus discharge reduced , now met proctolgist & surgon after mri suggested for Another advise whther i can go for operation or can try for Khar advise

  113. Hello everyone. I need to raise a question and hope it would get a satisfying answer. My husband is suffering from fistula and he was on homeopathic medication. It’s been some days that the opening of the fistula has almost got closed and dried up and the pus is coming iut from the anus ( back passage). Is it a thing to be worried about or is it ok if he cannot realy show up to the doctor since he is a mariner abd is currently on sail.

    • If he is on homeopathic medication its better to seek advise from a homeopath. I m myself on homepathic medicine and its working for me fine. I used to have regular discharge before but now frequency of discharges hav got lesser. Sometimes no discharge for a few days and then it comes back again. But things have been better then before. Thing is homeopathic medicines work slow. About ur particular question; if the external opening is closing it means fistula is closing from outside to inside. Puss will definately be there until its fully cured. If the external opening is closing it means track is getting narrower and the puss has to get out from somewhere and pus coming out with BM is better than it coming out from fistula.

  114. I have a fistula since 4 years and allready done 5 surgery but no improvment. I dont know what i do. Can anyone advise me what can i do

    • I was having fistula for 2 years, now it is totally cured. Got myself treated locally in Kolkata, India through a general surgeon having vast experience in this sector. Fistulotomy is the procedure with which i was treated. In my opinion its how we maintain our self after surgery is the key to the success.1) Wounded area shouldn’t be kept open and should always be dressed up using betadine 10% and sterile gauze, 2) Take lots of fibre riched food and at night don’t forget to take Isabgul husk, 3)A lot of fibre means, a lot of poop, haha, take hot sitz bath after every poop using little bit of betadine in the water as recommended by the doctors.

    • Hi, if you’re looking for a hopeful story please read my recent blog post after a successful trip overseas from New Zealand, returning with the healing in process after five years with a complex fistula x

  115. Can you help me Guys ? I have an anal fistula for 2 months – what will be the best way for this ?

  116. laser treatment for fistula:
    Thank you for your great blog i really like it..

    Conventional surgery for fistula involves a lot of cutting of the anal area. This leads to either a loosing of control over motions acalled anal incontinence or narrowing of the area after after the fistula wound heals.In addition one is not able to sit for even upto 2 months at a time. Laser treatment for fistula involves very less to no cutting Therefore the patient is very comfortable in first week itself. Low level fistula pts maybe able to go back to work in a single day. There is no chance of looosing control over motions or narrowing of anal canal.
    We have performed over 400 cases of Laser Fistula with no recurrence in last 6 years.

    Thank you,
    Dr. Rusy Bhalla

  117. Mix baking soda, sea salt, with turmeric, couloitol silver, oil of oregano. Any combo with the soda and salt. Combine with coconut oil paste. Firm into thin suppository shape and place in freezer for a few minutes until oil hardens firm. Insert this suppository into your rear end may sting due to infections you will have a bowel movement. Repeat couple times a day until healed. I promise this works and is a lot cheaper than surgery. I told a dr friend what I did and he said the salt and baking soda drew out the infection

  118. Actually I tried to have a diet one time. I only eat veggies, fish and rice. After 1 week or 2, the fistula was already gone. But it’s really hard to resist the temptation of eating meat like pork or beef products. After eating meat again, the fistula came back. If I tried to just eat the proper diet like veggies, rice and fish. My weight will go down ;( so i think surgery will permanently fix the problem.

  119. Hello,
    i am from India.

    It all started on that unfortunate day. I had constipation for whole week and i just put so much pressure during the business that something happened . In the next two days i experience a lump in my anus.
    After a week the lump became painfully big and i could not even sit down.
    Sometime during the next week the skin tore open and pus started oozing out.
    I have been through hell for 2 and a half years. I tried alopathic, ayurvedic, Herbal medicines , manuka honey, olive oil and stupid stuff on you tube, none worked.
    Until i met someone who guided me with the homeopathic medicine
    I started with 20 drops of Nitricum Acidum 200ch in one litre of mineral water every day for a month. The pain reduced. The pus stopped and then finally the track closed. I am still drinking 5 drops of the nitric acid to be safe.Also i cleaned my bottom with antiseptic solution and cotton wipes every time i went for bowel movement to avoid any infection.In my diet i had no spices(Green, red chillies sometimes black pepper can be used) , peanuts, no meat of any kind, bo fried food. Take Lots of water, fruits, Fresh coconut water, Juices.
    I hope this will help everyone who are suffering.Lots of blessings

  120. Hi this is sandeep I have peri anal fistula on my back got 3 surgerys but still got abscess can recommend me somthing plz many thanks

  121. Hi everyone I’ve had a perianal abscess in february 2017 went through a open incision surgery 3 month after it was still leaking pus and blood went back to gp been told i have a anal fistula so on been told i needed another operation same year 29th novenber , went for it they inserted a draining seton,went to hospital for a check up in february 2018 and it wasn’t any better been given a few options keep the seton for longer flap surgery or LIFT .because ive been told diferent things like about incontinence and some risks i ask for some time to think about it came home start doing home remedies treatment and i think im healed thanks god ,now i still have the seton on my bumb going around like a hearing very unpleasant .called the hospital for an appointment have to wait 2 months to be seen ,sometimes i feel like cut it with scissors and pull it out .has anyone been through this and know whats next

  122. I been dealing with a fistula for 1.5 years now, at the beginning the dr thought it was a deep cyst so I took many rounds of antibiotics( cipro&flagil) on and off. 8/17 I finally went to surgery to lanced, it never healed completely it was constantly draining so I thought it needed time to heal. It began to get painful and I think infected so when I went back to the dr he told me it was a fistula, i was terrify to hear that cause I didn’t knew what it was. 4/18 I went into surgery, he placed a rubber band to try to heal it from inside out. It has been the most painful experience so far in my life, and when he took it off it came back or never healed, he was a general surgeon and referred me to a colon rectal specialist, I have high hopes for this new dr, he seems to know very well what he is doing so 6/18 I had a septum placed and 9/11/18 I have my second check up to see if is ok for me to go back to surgery. I have high hopes! I want to be go back to “normal” I can’t really workout or be active as heat makes me feel very irritated, it has definelty taken a toll in my life. Before the 3 rd surgery I went vegan and been trying to eat plant based foods, in hopes it will help me heal. I’m sorry yall have gone tru this or are dealing with a fistula but it gives me some kind of comfort to know I’m not alone .

    • Update: October I had the drainage seton removed, but it wasn’t a full successfully surgery as I still had some drainage but not as bad as before. I used turmeric paste to help with the irritation. 11/18 I went back to surgery to get a cutting seton as the dr said one of the sutures came off, I had the cutting seton until 2/19. To this day I have no drainage nor abscesses. Right now I only added chicken to my diet and are back to running but no weight lifting as my bottom still healing I feel it gets sore at times, the dr said it will take time to feel back to normal as I have scar tissue in a very sensible area. My advice to you is to talk about it to people around you, don’t go tru it by yourself, with my friends I made jokes about butts and just laugh about it. 2.)Find a good colon rectal surgeon and ask questions, need to feel confident in your dr. 3) Turmeric paste and sitz baths are your best friend. My morning routine was to use the toilet, have a sitz bath and shower, I didn’t use any soap to wash my bottom directly just rinse with warm water.i will get back from work and had another sitz bath. 4) Change your diet, I stoped drinking alcohol, eliminating a lot of fast foods and adding tons of veggies and fruits. 5) Have some faith it will get better eventually:)

  123. Hi guys so i went to a private hospital and was treated for hemmrhoids ….given steroids which increased my weigh…..not forgetting wrong meds yhen went to the health centre which diagnosed me with a perianal abcess and was transported to the hospital who then also treated me for hemmrhoids urghhhh …i was prescribed some pain killers lets just say from march until now i am dealing with this….nothing is oozing out…but when it pain i press gently on the skin around it and well ofc blood ….where i live our health systema always fail us as you can see and to get out of a caribbean country nowadays the embassyies keep failing… ofc i have no seton inside and operation was not prescribed either and with poor health systems i def dont need anymore unnecessary wounds in my life……im a mother of two girls hoping for my son someday after this has healed….i had 2 tracks branching out but one has disappeared and i believe so has the other…now its just the main one….its bright pink …..some days are like i dont have it other days are just filled with tears……im looking foward to a herbal try in this so far i believe thats what was helping the other tracks to disapper (i hope) so ill try to put a more stern attempt to this healthy lifestyle….reading these posts about how some of you have healed gives me hope…wish me luck and best of luck to everyone else in this turmoil

  124. I am a young teenager and it appears I have a fistula. I don’t know much but there is constant discharge of mucusy pus and some blood when wiping. I don’t really want to have to talk to my parents to take me to a doctor because like hello that’s hecking awkward. Could anyone suggest things I could do to hopefully treat it by myself? Please help, thanks.

  125. i had a anal fistula for 15 years
    i also had crohns disease
    for 20 years. i say had because
    i had a bowel resection and
    1.5 years on i have mo crohns
    symproms and my blood work
    is good. Hallelujah!

    butt the horrible fistula i had
    i began treating myself.

    i got a small squeeze bottle
    with little tube.

    i made a solution out of mostly
    hemp oil, wild oregeno oil
    and dmso.

    i put enough oregeno oil
    in the hemp oil so that it
    would not sting or burn my
    butt, it was like 9 drops
    of oil of oregeno to my small
    squeeze bottle.

    then i added just a few drops of

    this mixture was only enough for
    2 or 3 applications, then i
    would wash it out and make it again.

    15 years i had a pulsing
    throbbing popping
    painfull fistula.

    each day after my shower
    in the evening i would
    lie on my back and insert
    the tube if the squeeze
    bottle into my rectum
    and squeeze a bit up
    my butt. now it was not too
    much that your body
    would feel full and want
    to poop it out. it is enough
    to coat the whole inside of
    your rectum probably where
    the internsl hole is, and then
    keep the solution up
    there all night,
    in the morning when you
    poo you will see the oil
    in the toilet.

    the point of it is by consistantly
    having the oil as a barrier to
    the inside of the wound and
    keeping the poop away from
    the inside of the fistula, also
    hemp oil us very soothing
    and good for the skin. then
    the wild oregeno oil is very
    antiseptic and great at clearing
    up infections. the dmso is used
    to help the two oils penetrate
    into the flesh, into the rectum
    and fistula tract.

    there were no side effects
    or redness or anything
    like that.

    the amount of wild oregeno oil
    is to be measured by adding
    drops to your bottle and finding
    the amount that is benign
    enouph to not burn your skin.
    but you want it enough to
    smell it strongly and maybe
    tingle a bit.

    wild oregeno oil is very potent
    and will burn your skin if not
    diluted greatly by the hemp oil.

    the dmso allows the oil
    molicules to pass through
    the skin and go deeper into
    the wound, but dmso is also
    very potent and can burn the
    skin if mot diluted properly
    in the hemp oil.

    so literly. start squeezing
    the hemp oil up there,
    then add 2 drops of wild
    oregeno oil and dmso
    for the next application
    and see where your body
    feels stinging or burning
    then back off a drop or two.

    thats the mixture, and do this
    daily in the evening, hold the
    mix all night if possible thus
    you shouldnt be squirting too
    much up there, just enough
    maybe a tablespoon or 2.

    keep doing this and monitoring
    your situation, it should
    feel soothing.

    butts are gross and a pain
    but there is hope

    I had no surgery on mine
    and it was open and popping
    and pus oozing daily for
    over15 years.

    my butt is healed truely.

    Prayer was important too
    i thank God daily
    for healing me.

    i hope and pray for your
    precious butts


    • ps

      and give it probably
      6 weeks of doing this
      and if you are seing good
      results keep doing it
      for a while maybe 3 months

      and i think you will
      be healed.

      its really about healling
      and keeping the wound
      clean from the inside.

      also massage your butthole
      and fistula , in order
      to get it to drain and
      get blood flowing there

      i know it sounds gross
      but it worked for me

  126. Hi everyone I read everyone comments it’s great helpful thank you I’m suffering with fistula I got 3 times surgery I’m in pain even pain killers doesn’t help me my last surgery was 5 days a go but still pain full and I got little kids busy mum I don’t know what to do some people told me go to India have you got any ideas thank you

  127. Good day to you all. Just wanna make it brief . I treated my anal fistula with TETRACYCLINE I allowed it get ripe and burst on its own so every 15 mins i’ll go to the bathroom change the cottonwool I put inside my pant so the blood dripping won’t stain my cloth and clean my anus with methylated spirit and then open the TETRACYCLINE and pour it on the fistula. It should heal within a week and never return by the grace of God.

  128. Hi All,

    I had successful cured fistula.

    In dec 2016 i started noticing some discomfort in the rectum area but i ignored it for some time thinking its just some indigestion or constipation.

    But in Feb 2017 it got severe and i started noticing some pimple like bump coming from inside and i was in extreme pain while sitting or sneezing and any action which requires the sphincter muscle to react.

    Even after the pimple outside and easily touchable and lot of pain i ignored it and took some prune juice thinking its just some constipation.

    Till Mark 2017 it was not healed so i decided i will check with doctor as i was in pain every morning after using the restroom.

    I live in New york , long island so i went to one colorectal specialist in garden city . The doctor cleaned the pimple and applied some medicine and gave me some antibiotics (Flagyl) for 14 days. In the report he wrote as “Anal Fistula with Abscess” . i did not understand what it was and did not online reading after that.

    For next few months i was looking what to do and reading online for better treatment. I came to conclusion that there are no easy treatment in USA and also read and watched lot of videos of Dr Ashish Bhanot from New Delhi , India.

    As i am from India i did not have problem going back to New Delhi and having my surgery done.

    I had my first surgery done in Nov 2017 and it was for 30 min with complete anesthesia. when i woke i asked what happen the surgery but they said its done. I understand surgery is easy part the recovery is the hard one.

    I took 1 day bed rest in the hospital and was able to walk around carefully but still scared i told the doctor i will stay one more day in the hospital and after 2 days i left the hospital to travel back to Hyderabad my home town.

    For next 3 weeks i was taking some medicine daily but i started feeling very well and normal after 5 day but there was one more followup surgery.

    I went back to new delhi after 3 weeks and had minor surgery again under full anesthesia and left the hospital next day.

    I have to travel back to USA after 3 days of second surgery and had no issues with that as second surgery was minor one.

    I did not have any seton or any other surgery and i am fully cured.
    As the videos of Dr Ashish Bhanot says that you will be normal the next day i can confirm that VAAFT is really best way to cure fistula.

    If anyone want to talk to me personally and want to know more here is my email id

  129. My Dad has an annual fistula. When he went to the hospital they performed a flap surgery. It has been 6 months that the bleeding has not stopped. Anytime he sits then he says he gets a lot of pain and the bleeding starts again. The doctor said that he should do another surgery to completely fix the part but he is unsure and scared. He is waiting for someone to help him so that it can heal without a surgery. Plz someone help him. He really needs the advice and willing to hear it

  130. I am 3 months post complex fistula surgery where I had 3 setons fitted.
    I would advise seeking medical help as soon as possible. I was worried about surgery and left it for nearly a year with multiple perianal abscesses. This resulted in far more complex surgery! Idiot that I am.
    The surgery was quite brutal to excise all the abscesses and for the setons but – if you’ve had anal abcess pain – the recovery pain was a walk in the park by comparison. I have to pop back into surgery in a month for a “tidy up” as they’ve missed a small pocket of infection and can’t start my infusion until it’s all gone.
    The internet is littered with scare stories and I expected a nightmare. So far, fingers crossed and let’s hear more positive stories.
    They are a bit scratchy when I walk cor more than an hour but I guess that’s normal??

  131. I am in Boston area. This is the 4th day after my 2nd fistulotomy. 6 years ago I have done this, for 2 years after the 1st fistulotomy I thought I am cured but then I started to see bleeding after bowel movements and eventually there is the old lump and bubble emerging at the same place. My doctor did some office small mending surgery which he think it’s going to take care of it but the bubble is still coming back. So my Doctor decided to do the fistulotomy again and now I am recovering.

    As a veteran of dealing with this for a long time, I want to give people in the same boat a big hug and some encouragement. Most of the time it has to do with how your anal is grown and what is your life habit, it could come back when the conditions met. I have a great Doctor treating me, I hope this time I can maintain it well and not have to go through this again. For people suffering from it and consider doing fistulotomy, I would say at least it is not something to fear about. You just need to go through it and you will see light. Cheers!

  132. Hi
    Two days back, I found that there is a scar in my anal area, near the anal opening.
    I consulted a surgeon and he said that it is fistula. He gave me antibiotics for five days, and said meet me after 5 days.
    I do not have any pus or abscess or anything. Five years ago, I had treatment for Piles.

    Can anyone suggest what should I do in this case? Is it a fistula, then why it is not oozing out pus?

  133. Hi!i had read the comment section and also had watch your youtube upload about the medicine for fistula …i do want to reach out for that medicine because my bro needed it most due to his heart problemlem he cant undergo fistulectomy thats why i need to know how to get to you in order for me to avail that medicine …please reply to me ones you read this sir bha not…god bless you.

    • Hello, medical treatments are no more than University learned protocols, the doctors will follow those protocols and “rest thecnically in peace” with themselves. I was treated with FLAGYL and CIPROFLOXACINA, without any tests about infections related with this antibiotics. The doctor that administrate those medicins is considered a “Top Master”, this is not normal. Afterwords i did endoscopy and the results were condilomas and non-serial damages in rectum. The doctor then decided to made an all infection bateria of infection tests, none directed to the problem, I was diagnosed HIV-1 and HIV-2 and no other diseases. She call me and send me to the public health system in order to treat HIV, and then i i was suposed to go back to her! What logic is this? Get rid of the patient? Another cause besides the objectiv ones that she did not want to treat? I start introducing directly into my rectum garlic with olive oil and afterwards puting a fresh leaf of Ginko Biloba on the fistula area. IT DRYIED OUT! I have doing this for about 2 months, everyday, i ignore the HIV public system treatment and i am fine. What kind of relation ( and knowledgment ) is there between patient and doctor? I have no inflamation and i am not drying any liquids. Science? Oficial science? Pharmaceutical and medical wellfare and industry?

  134. A glass of Warm cow milk with one spoon of cow gee (carefied butter) two times a day ( morning before breakfast and before going to bed) will help you get heal. It helped me.

  135. Hi.
    I have suffered from perianal fistula for over 10 years now and it goes through 2 muscle walls. May 2018 I had a Seton inserted and only 2 weeks ago did I have this exchanged. I was in agony after the operation and turns out the surgeon had it far too tight and it was yanking in my open wound. I was admitted for an emergency operation and they’ve sorted it out but now I have a much thicker Seaton and they’ve put a huge knot in it and guess what… The knot has worked it’s way inside the open wound. I have tried to pull it out so that the would can heal but it just keeps finding its way back in. I would love advice on what to do here; should I leave it as is and hope the wound heals/ closes and pushes it out? I’m worried that it will heal over and keep the knot inside – but then the wound will never properly heal. Hope this makes sense?
    I have a quick sitz bath 3 times a day at the moment and this helps soothe the pain of the wound, along with pain killers. I have now been pretty much demobilised for 2 weeks and feel rubbish in myself. I don’t think people understand how much this all affects our lives.
    My next catch up with consultant is in October where we will be discussing a collagen plug. Anyone had any experience of this?

  136. Hi all, I have an anal fistula and Crohn’s disease from past three years. My fistula is inactive from past one year. I didn’t go for any surgery but had regular acupuncture. I used to go once every week. After 8 months of acupuncture my fistula dried completely and my crohn’s symptoms got much better. So now my fistula is inactive since a year and my crohn’s is also under control, without any surgery or medication. I am still going for acupuncture for Crohn’s disease.

  137. Hello my name is Nikki I am 21 years old and April 2018 I had my first emergency surgery to get rid of my perianal Abscess now it is September 2019 and I’ve had 7 surgery’s ranging from abscess removal to l.i.f.t. Procedure to fistula removal to stentons put in. I’ve had 3 put it. I have surgery about once every 3 months and I am very depressed. I don’t know how much longer I can take it. I’m still leaking fluids and I haven’t had a job since April 2018 thank God for my grandmother taking care of me. But I need help. I don’t know how much longer I can do this. Doctor says I have a very bad bacterial infection and that’s why it’s not healing but he only gives me Bactria for an antibiotic. Email me please. Set the subject as “abscess” so I can search for it if it goes into my junk mail. Also side note I am seeing the most recommended doctor in my area and he has the highest degree unless I travel out of state. Anyways please help me..

    • Hey Nikki, I totally understand the frustration. I want to encourage you to hang in there and just take it one day at a time and remember that this will pass and you will get through it. I recommend that you start juicing in the mornings (Carrots, Beets, Celery, Tumeric root, cucumber, No pulp. There is nothing better than to pump your body with nutrients first thing in the AM.

  138. Hello! I’m Belinda and my journey concerning the successful healing of a fistula seems to haven a long time since the initial diagnosis. I had a “j-loop” partial colectomy approximately 25 years again and it has not been without complication. The cost of being a private patient became difficult and I transferred to become a patient in our public health system. To date, the process from initial consultation to now has taken nearly 2 years.

    I suffered from ulcerative colitis which was non-responsive to various treatments. Treatments included steroid medication, radiation treatment and methotrexate injections. Due to the rate and severity of bleeding throughout this time, I required several 3 blood transfusions.

    After 18 months of various unsuccessful interventions, I was scheduled for exploratory surgery by a gastroenterologist. It was then determined I required more extensive surgery and I was referred to a surgeon at the closest government hospital.I

    After waiting for nearly six months to see the surgeon I underwent further exploratory surgery and had a seton inserted. The seton was in place for approximately 3 months and then removed. A follow-up appointment was scheduled for a few months after the removal of the seton and I reported little to no change in my circumstances. As this was unsuccessful, I was then scheduled to have a clip inserted which remained in place for another 2-3 months. I have since had the clip removed and have had no major issues to date. It is only on occasion I have a slight amount of discharge now.

    I am aware that fistulas can reoccur. As mine is surgery related there is little I can do except to ensure I seek medical assistance immediately after I notice any symptoms. Hopefully, my next journey is not for some time and I can continue to enjoy a relatively free lifestyle without the worry of any “accidents” or untimely toileting issues.

  139. After nearly 5 years of hopeless suffering, I finally found a non-surgical treatment which has (hopefully) cured my anal fistulas which, though complex, were not deep. While I was a reasonably good candidate for surgery, the confidence-sapping consultations I had with every surgeon in town coupled with the negative surgical experiences of others here online led me to believe that I was better off enduring the fistulas rather than an unsuccessful surgery. So instead I tried every home remedy I could find or invent, and I eventually succeeded with this routine:
    1. After every bowel movement, thoroughly (!) cleansing out my anal sphincters with a hot soapy wash cloth. Not convenient, not easy, not pleasant, but eventually I got that hang of it. Presumably it was somewhat effective in reducing the bacterial load on the fistulas.
    2. After every bowel movement cleansing, I applied a thin coating of a mixture of raw honey and ciprofloxacin inside my sphincters (formula: approximately 1 tbs honey mixed with one crushed 500mg tablet cipro; I tried honey as there are several published case reports in medical journals about effective treatment of fistulas with honey alone; I added cipro–which I had on hand from prescriptions intended to treat my anal abscesses systemically–because of the countless reports from innovative indigenous cultures with limited access to western medicines who have had success healing wounds with topical applications of crushed up systemic antibiotics).
    The results were immediate. While I had previously experienced the odd random day or two without oozing from the sores, this routine immediately dried them up with evident signs of healing in three days. I maintained this routine relentlessly for about 4 months (overkill perhaps?), and while there were a couple of minor setbacks over the duration, the overall trend was toward healing. I am now six months free and clear without recurrence and without surgery. Best of luck!

    • Hi. Could you please provide more insight on your recovery. Thank you

      • I’ve been fistula free for over 18 months now. Very rarely, every 4-6 months, I might spot a tiny drop of blood after a bowel movement (presumably a distressed anal gland?) and I resume my washing strategy. It is always completely healed by the next day. Otherwise, it has been an unremarkable 18 months. If you have specific questions, I’m happy to answer them.

    • Hi,
      Can you please share your contact details on:

      Need more information about it.

      Thank you in advance.

  140. Hi guys, i recently come to know that i have fistula, initially i thought it is a recurrent boil but after the doctor comfirm it that it is fistula. The doctor suggest to do the surgery since it is the only option. But since i dont want to do a surgery i started to search for an alternative and came to know about an ayurvedic treatment known as kshara sutra theraphy whuch i am under treatment. It has been almost three week and the draining of puss has decrease and the pain is minimal. Hope that after completion of the treatment I will be completely healed. Hope i will be able to share an update after.. I know how those who are going through this feels like. But the hope is always there. God Be With You All and Give You Strenght.

  141. I have both crohns/colitis for 2 decades. Squeeze fistula like a pimple in hot bath 2x daily. Once the puss is removed, the inflammation will lessen. I have 4 small, and 4 medium-sized fistulas thankfully w/o any high maintenance surgeries. Remicade is the only drug (infusion) that will dry-up the fistulas, but it’s insanely expensive w/o insurance ($5500 every 8-weeks). I remain very active & eat whatever I want. Restricted diets help Celiacs, not crohnnies.

  142. Hi all, I just in last few month developed a fistula. it started to leak above a week ago and I started applying cannabis oil. it is slowly shrinking and disappearing. I will let you all know is it disappears completely but based on why I see from only one week, I am very hopefull.

    Stay tunned

  143. HI everyone, I
    had Lift surgery for my fistula exactly 5 weeks ago, and I still have thick white – yellow fistula discharge. What was your experience with this operation? does that discharge mean that the surgery failed?

  144. Hi! I have been suffering for a long time with a anal fistula. I am trying to treat it without surgery. I have tried some different things but the thing working the most is activated charcoal. Try get it, organic if possible. Put it in anus, around the wound, morning and night and after deficating. It will kill bacteria. I have also tried turmeric and oliveoil but for me the charcoal is working better for me. I hope this can help you guys.

    It havent healed yet but I have hope.

    Please send me some advise.

  145. In March 2020 I had anal abscess which was extremely painful. The specialist made an incision to drain the abscess. It immediately felt better, and healed up quickly. However, the wound left a bump on the skin. Sometimes the bump inches and hurts a bit, only when I touch it. Some times the bump breaks, with very small amount of blood and white liquid coming out. After that, the bump heals up again. I am not feeling any pain at all, only some itching feeling at times. I wonder if this is fistula? Isn’t fistula supposed to hurt? My specialist told me to just wait and watch. I asked him how would I know if there is a fistula, and he said you would know. I still dont know. Anyone knows for sure if my healed up wound “bump” is a fistula or not? Thanks.

  146. Hi,

    I gave birth 4 months ago and was suffering with haemorrhoids and now I have a fistula which was first Perianal abscess. I have been on three different antibiotics and I’m still suffering I’ve been told now that is the last thing I want to go through especially with having a baby could anyone buys something that I could try doing that with surgery thank you so much

    • Hi where you live try ksharasutra in ayurveda
      Best treatment for fistula .My husband had fistula for 4 yrs then it didn’t healed in uk so went to india best treatment in whole world for fistula .
      Our Dr.Venkateshwarlu
      Saraja clinic kukatpally hyd
      Telangana hyd India.

      • Hi whats the process of treatment?

      • Update: My fistula was what the Dr calls “roofing” so the Dr did an incision to drain it and also made two other small incisions near the rectum all of which drained heavily for the last two weeks and all now slowing down enough I can return to work I had to lay in bed most of the time I didnt need to pack a wound this time but i used gauze to help with drainage and took a lot of hot showers also sitz baths helped with drainage. I used a skin protective cream when the area got irritated from drainage and BM accidents I was constantly cleaning and changing the gauze to keep the area clean thank goodness for babywipes. I feel a lot better Im still having BM issues that are getting less frequent one or two a day they eventually stop in a few days but Im back up and around for now. The incisions are closing and should be gone by time I see my Dr for the follow up visit.

        Thank you for your advice and suggestions everyone I pray for you all.

  147. Hello I have a T5 spinal cord injury incomplete and I’ve been having abscesses since 2008 (Ive had about 20 surgery’s since then usually 3-4 a year this time I didn’t have a surgery since Nov17) I’ve had every kind you can think of Perinum abscess, fistula, irritated and inflamed bowel, recently (Oct 2) a rectal abscess that had to be cut open and drained (I usually can tell when the area is red and tender and draining and request antibiotics and it goes away then a month or so later the redness and tenderness happens again this time I needed surgery) my dr thinks because I’m in wheelchair most of the day is why it keeps recurring (not enough circulation, pressure relief) I’m very active when I can be and work (40hrs a week) and drive. I have a good dr/surgeon who will tend to the issue as needed and do surgery or prescribe antibiotics. (People tell see another dr but it’s not that easy he’s the only dr/wound specialist in the area I can see) I do all my own aftercare wound packing (if needed) sitz baths because I’ve been through the process so many times. I’ve been to disease and neurological drs and they couldn’t figure it out. This time after the surgery the dr told me at some point I’ll probably have to a colostomy bag I’ve been told this before by a dr who couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me thankfully it didn’t come to that I don’t know if I could handle that. If anyone has any suggestion, ideas, tips would be greatly appreciated. I’m so tired of suffering through this each time seems worse as far as the bathroom accidents (Imagine diaherra in a wheelchair) and constant drainage until the antibiotics kick in or a surgery, ten years ago I could lay in bed up to two weeks healing waiting for the wound to close I didn’t have a job but now I do and can’t be off that long. Please help…

    • Please try homeopathic treatment

    • I posted an update on 10-19-2020 that my incisions on my fistula/abscess was closing up and i was feeling better and returned to work, the first surgery was on 10-5-2020 for a external abscess and at the time due to Covid-19 they did an out patient one day surgery so they did the operation and sent me home with no follow-up care I was having problems with heavy drainage and diarrhea after the surgery so the Dr prescribed prescription strength Imodium and it helped with those issues a little, I tried returning to work around 10-19-2020 and was unable to make it through the day so I stayed home recovering for another week and tried to return on the week of 10-25-2020 and again couldn’t due to drainage and diarrhea but this time i felt real sick (cold sweats/chills/pain) so i called the Dr on 10-27-2020 and let him know what was going on and he said go the ER and this time I was admitted to the hospital for four days (2nd surgery on 10-28-2020) with an internal abscess which needed an incision surgery the Dr this time put a wound vac pump thing stitched to my bottom (very uncomfortable for someone in a wheelchair who constantly sits) also they did blood-work and gave me intravenous IV antibiotics, i also drank contrast dye and had a CT scan, after surgery this time they assigned me aftercare with a home health care nurse, the wound vac pump helped a lot with the drainage and remained for a little over two weeks while the wound vac was helping with the drainage the incision was closing slowly when the wound vac was finally taken out my incision closed up within a couple of days and it still took another two weeks of bed rest to heal all the way and for my BM to return to normal and i was finally able to return to work on 12-1-2020. It was a long agonizing two months (Oct-Nov) of recoving and bed rest but i am glad to say i have not had any issues since going on 3 1/2 months now. Again thank you all for reading and suggestions and Ill keep you all in my prayers.

  148. Hello,
    I am living a nightmare with an anal fistula that began as an abscess in dec 2018, I have had 4 procedures in the last 2 years abscess slashed and drained, 2 setons that fell out and now a plug which 3 months later has not worked and is causing me pain to the point I cannot work as a dumptruck driver. I am at my wits end and the surgeon now wants to cut it completely open including through my sphincter muscle risking incontinence which I simply will not do! Am about to try cbd oil and vegetarian diet to see if I can turn it around it’s so depressing don’t know how much more I can take.

    • Please try Ksharsutra it works like magic.

    • So sorry to hear Cath. There is a solution without surgery. I had to change my diet to very strict . I also got a homeopathic Dr. He gave me homeopathic remedies. It took a few years to heal but I had no surgery. I also took baths in dettol and kosher salt after every bowel movement to keep clean usually 2 baths per day. My Dr is Dr Timothy Dooley in San Diego CA. My Fistula started Feb 2014 with a perianal abscess that was drained in the ER and never healed and turned into a Fistula. I was completely healed around August 2020. I am still on Vegan diet and am so happy to be free of the debilitating condition of the Fistula. The whole plant based diet is the way to go and homeopathic remedies! Good luck and have patients!

      • Any signs of incontinence?

      • I see your entry is fairly recent. Can you please share the homeopathic treatments? I have had two abscesses drained twice over 12 years. a year after the last drain I decided to do it myself by applying tea tree oil and tumeric. I then applied raw honey after a week of abscess and it drained. A few weeks it healed, but I still felt like something was draining, and later realized it was draining blood and pus from the colon very low. I had another abscess two months ago and today I still have a hole that drains. I am going the natural route with the diet and using colloidal silver. I would like to hear more of your results if you get this message. I do not want surgery. Many things can be healed naturally if you dare.

    • Sorry Cath. 5 days ago I had a fistulotomy after an abscess in September. It’s been an unpleasant 4 months so I can only imagine what 2 years would be like.

      Have you always seen the same surgeon or have you been to multiple (if that’s an option)? Hopefully there are more options out there. It makes me mad that they haven’t fixed this for you by now! They need to figure out why what they’ve done hasn’t worked (or someone who knows what they’re doing will need to) so it will finally heal.

      Hope the diet and CBD have helped.

      • Hi Luke
        I now have a cutting seton in place against my wishes I do not wish to risk incontinence but am at my wits end with it so have told her to continue as she thinks it will be successful. I have stayed with the same surgeon and nothing I have done diet not drinking alcohol etc has had any effect! Good luck with journey hopefully the procedure works good luck 💪🏻😊

    • Hi Cath,

      How are you mate? Did your situation improved?

      I am exactly at the same point after 1.5 years of suffering, 5 surgeries, and two setons..

      Best regards,


  149. Hi,
    I discovered my anal fistula in the year 2018 around May. It was a nightmare for me.
    I went through two surgeries within two months which actually didnt work but later I went for ayurvedic Ksharsutra and trust me after around 2 months i was fistula free and here I am living my life all normal.
    To know more please mail me on

  150. Hello,

    It has been 14-15 days of healing from a superficial fistulotomy. I was feeling better but it seems the surgery caused an infection and/or some yeast developed. Has anyone experienced an infection since their surgery?

  151. Hi folks!
    Last year, I promised myself to share the experience of treating my fistula once it completely healed. Now, I can say it healed about 95% and I feel I should tell my story now to help at least some of you. Please note, I am only describing what worked for me and it might not work for all of you, so use your own judgment. I’ll try to be short and then answer some of your questions. In October 2019, I mentioned a periodical liquid discharge from the anus and went to see a proctologist. The latter, without my consent, punctured a whole through the sphincter and placed a draining seton, informing I had a fistula that needs to be surgically removed. I made an MRI scan which showed the superficial fistula about 3 centimetres long and a small abscess. By December, I started having excruciating pain, but still decided to refuse the surgery and try healing it myself. To be short, I removed the seton and started learning about the disease, dieting, fasting, praying and trying all solutions I could have found on the internet. I am not sure what exactly had the most profound effect on my healing, but here is what I’ve done and what helped me a lot: 1- when I started having unbearable pressure pains last January, I come up with the following procedure. I diluted a tea spoon of hydrogen peroxide (HP) in a half cup of warm water and flashed my rectum using a syringe after each BM and before going to sleep. After 2 days, the abscess burst and I felt a huge relief! At first I was scared and went to ER, but the doctor gave me antibiotics ‘just in case’ which I had never used. I started using this method every time when I had sensations of the building pressure. HP prevents a build up of pass and infection and supplies oxygen, which is important for healing. 2- To reduce a burning sensation in the fistula I was drinking a half- tea-spoon of baking soda dissolved in a glass of warm water each morning on empty stomach – soda neutralizes acidity in the intestines and reduces the burning pain. Also, I used Sitz baths with Epsom salt 2 times a day and later only after each BM. 3 – I made suppositories and inserted them twice a day, then only after BM. Here is how I made them: quarter cup of coconut oil, about 15-20 drops of wild oregano oil, 15 drops of frankincense oil, 5 drops of tea tree oil – mix and freeze it inside plastic straws precut on desired sizes. Make sure the suppositories reach the internal opening of the fistula to prevent and kill infection. 4- when I felt the external opening getting swollen or infected, I applied a cotton ball saturated with HP and sometimes a cotton ball saturated with Iodine, for about 10 min. And if I felt pain, I applied frankincense oil. 5 – I take probiotics every day, it makes the stool soft, and I take long walks or ride a bike to pump blood to the area. 6 – Here is what I was also taking on daily basis but not sure how much it helped me: 1 or 2 capsules of turmeric, men’s vitamins, Herbalife products, vitamin D. I also used to add 2 drops of oregano oil or PH in a glass of water and drink it once a day. 7- I found a lot of useful info on the website called “listen to your guts.”
    So, with time, I started to see the following changes – the fissure and internal opening of the fistula was moving towards the anus, it seemed like they were pushed away by the rectum itself. By about August, the fissure had moved to the dentate line, I felt it with the tip of my finger, and so had the internal opening of the fistula, because the doctor confirmed that the fistula was only 5 mm long. These days, (December – January) whatever is left of the fissure and the fistula is on the ring of the anus, like a little tear, and I am hoping/confident it will be completely healed soon.
    I wish you all strength and patience and I thank people who had honestly shared their experiences that helped me to find solutions and fight the disease.

    • hi Tom,

      Thank you for your detailed protocol. I am going to try it out. I am also avoiding the surgery route and will update everyone on my progress.

      Can i ask what brand of frankinsence you used? And also, have you tried using DMSO?

  152. Hi I’m a South African had fistulectomy on Dec I have a Seton it was loose when I go for check up after 6 wks.That time the pains were less I could drive but I was suprised when the Dr tells me it should be tightened again 😳,the Seton is going to stay for 6 -8months. The pain started afresh I couldn’t drive myself back. Now I want to know what will happen at the end about this Seton.

  153. I have a festula near anus since 2 years. It sometime gets bit painful. But usually it’s unnoticeable, I want to cure it through home remedies.

  154. Hi Tom,

    Thank you for the detailed protocol. I am going to try this and let you know the results, and share what worked here. I discovered my perianal abscess 1.5 weeks ago, and started to apply wild oregano oil on it topically 4x a day and it came to a head and popped. I also started taking 10 drops of wild oregano oil 2x a day. The amount of pus coming out is negligible now – it just looks white with a little bit of blood. I don’t know if this is the case for everyone, but applying the oil topically seems to prevent it from closing. I did not dilute it from the bottle – i’m using the oreganol brand. This is important b/c I hear the pure essential oil version WILL BURN YOU. I feel a burning sensation, and a little irritation, so I may have to dilute it, but I will try the suppositories. I have also been cleaning up my diet. Will try to update everyone in the coming weeks.

  155. My Mother has gone through 7 surgeries of hernia (including surgical deliveries of 3 children)
    Ist surgery year followed by all surgeries : 1992 > 1996 > 1999 > 2001 > 2002 > 2016.
    After her last surgery.. There was an open wound and continues discharge of pus with blood ( sometimes water like liquid but very bad smell)
    In year 2019, we finally come to know that there’s a fistula in her abdomen parts… between her small intestine and skin near bellybutton.

    Now we’re trying to follow some home remedies like applying coconut oil with tea tree oil.. Golden milk daily.. 4-5 Almonds in her daily diet.. Ginger tea ( with one tablespoon of honey and 1-2 cloves).

    Hope all this will enough to cure her… As her skin and body is not capable for performing another surgery.. Her age is 59+.

    Please help.. If anyone knows someone.. Who can do better treatment for her.. So she can sleep
    peacefully and enjoy her life from without any hassle.

    My contact Number: +91 6284335626

  156. Hello everyone,
    First of all i would like to say that I am happy to have found this website. Even though i have a supportive partner, i still feel ‘alone’ in this entire situation. I guess it’s because you don’t know what this is like, until you go through it yourself. Also, I have no idea if anyone is still reading these comments, but i decided to give it a go anyway 🙂

    At this moment I am still going through this whole ordeal. In juli of this year I developed an abscess, around 3 – 4 cm from my anus. Having no idea what it was, i asked for advice and my mother in law said it was best to visit the hospital (emergency room), so i did. There i was diagnosed with an abscess and kept there to have surgery the next day. What bothers me the most is the total lack of communication when it comes to this. The doctors act like it’s no big deal and even told me i would be able to go to work again after 2 (!!!) days or so. Yeah, that didn’t happen… when i got out of the hospital i just got a letter that said that I should find a doctor somewhere that would check my wound and pack it (i had a tamponade placed in the wound). Not knowint any better, I just did what I was told.
    Still having no idea what the wound would look like I went home. 2 days later i saw it and i was horrified! I wasn’t prepared to see an open pus leaking deep wound in my butt! It looked like someone used a sharp ice-scoop and cut a piece out of my bum. It would’ve been nice if the doctors would’ve given me some kind of warning….

    I didn’t have the best experience with the doctor that i visited next, but long story short: he at one point, without any warning, decided to stick some kind of metal probe in my open gaping wound and said that I probably have a fistula, which he described as ‘complex’ and ‘high’. Because I didn’t have a good feeling with this particular doctor, I went and looked for a specialist, which I have now found.

    He came to the same conclusion and booked me for an MRI. Turns out it’s indeed high and complex. He said something about suprasphincteric or something (I’m probably saying this wrong). Also, he examined my butt with his fingers and an ultrasound (not a great experience, let me just say this). It turns out that they can’t find the internal opening, and call it a ‘blind fistula’ (as I only seem to have an external opening in my butt cheek).

    Next tuesday i will get a coloscopy, because the doctor want to check if I have CD or some other bowl disease. I’ve always had ‘difficulties’ there, but I don’t think it’s CD to be honest. Probably just irritatable bowles, but i guess I’ll have to wait and see.

    Long story, but my question is if anyone has experienced the same kind of ‘blind’ fistula, where they can’t find an internal opening. Also I would like to ask what kind of treatment these types of fistula’s need. I asked my specialist but he doesn’t want to get into this before he has done the coloscopy and has the full picture. I understand, bc the treatment is different when I should have CD, but the waiting is driving me a little insane if I’m being totally honest. I am the type of person who kinda wants to know all the options, just to mentally prepare myself for what might happen. And although i found a lot of info online, it seems that when it comes to blind/incomplete fistula’s I can’t seem to find anything useful. I do have a good feeling with my current specialist, even though i feel like most doctors don’t really take the time to answer all of the questions that I have.

    I am now dealing with this for nearly 2 months (i know it’s not that long, comparing to other people here) and I’m having trouble dealing with all of this. I am generally a positive and outgoing person, but it is hard for me to stay positive all the time. Especially because of the unknown. I am in constant pain and am not able to live my normal and active life, since sitting for longer periods of time isn’t possible and my energylevels are low. I haven’t been able to work since then, and I would like to be able to see ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ so to speak. Again, I know i haven’t been dealing with this for very long in comparison to most of the people here, but still.

    For the one’s who took the time to read this massive post: thank you 🙂

    • G’day,

      Sorry to hear all that, I’m in Sydney and had similar experiences, I woke with massive hole with plastic seton right through it, it didn’t heal after 20, 30 odd surgeries, i went to India for kshar sutra treatment and now it’s all healed no issues no pain no meds no more surgeries for the past 4 years. If you like I can share more details.

  157. All started while I was working in construction site with pain and discomfort when I went to bathroom for no 2, it was followed by sick feeling and fever and attended emergency department, they removed an abscess which healed on the outside but when I went for check up they said that I have to be admitted for investigation under anaesthesia so I woke up with a hole and tick plastic right through my anus, that was 2011 in Melbourne then almost every 3 month I was hospitalized with pain fever and stinking infected fistula then discharged with heap of antibiotics and opioids which never stopped till 2015, by then it was high complex anal fistula. I was so sick after more than 20 odd surgeries that I had to stop the whole drama so I went to Germany where they put me on ozone treatment but same old plastic seton method to drain the site, after 3 month I came back and had had 6 more operations in private hospitals in Sydney where they tried flap surgery, anal plug method as well as double silicon seton drainage and all failed only to increase pain medication and antibiotics which was almost on maximum dose. At hight of pain, misery and disappointment I was told by one of professors whom was the last specialist to operate on me to deal with it for the rest of my life since all methods have failed and there was nothing else they could do. In the depth of hopelessness I started to look for alternative options, my friend who is a chemist in Norway told me that it’s exactly the same as German system and my uncle in Iran found one of the top notch doctors in middle east only to tell me that the last solution is to put a bag outside to avoid opening bowl and cut out the whole anus inorder to stop taking morphing and antibiotics. As I was preparing for that I came across fistula support online tread and there was one lady from my town writing about her success story and how pleased she was with Dr Mukul Patel in Surat, so I got in touch with Shreyas hospital where Dr Medha told me to send my records, she assured me that even if I go there until they do all relevant detailed investigation I wouldn’t be operated on, only then Dr Mukul Patel will start a combination of modern Lazer with traditional kshar sutra which is part of Ayurveda for the best almost guaranteed outcome. From then I didn’t notify them that I’ll be traveling to India but a month later I was in Surat for a surprise visit. I walked into very crowded but neat clean most hygiene clinic I ever saw, I was warmly welcomed and admitted for investigation which took around 2 weeks, I didn’t know there were so many ways to look into it until then even though I experienced hospitalization globally public and private. After colonoscopy, MRI, CT scan, ultrasound and heap of tests Dr Mukul explained that only time I need Anesthesia and medication is during initial operation then he will use kshar sutra every week or two until the massive deep hole heals from inside out. I felt I was given second chance in life, professionalism and attention convinced me to start the process. As you can imagine traveling to India all alone would not be anyone’s ideal condition but right through my stay Dr Mukul not only healed an incurable disease, he help me at so many crucial points that will not fit in this review. Today after 4 years since I left India, I have no more fistula no more pain no more antibiotics no more morphine no more hospital and there is not day passes without me Thanking Dr Mukul, now that I picked up Yoga meditation while I was treated, I am grateful I had that horrible disease because it was the only means for me to get to know the most decent human being and have my faith back in humanity. He has trained the most professional team to heal all life around them, as you approach the hospital the writing on the wall said it all, Nurturing Nature Naturally. Be happy to share more details for anyone interested to get their life back. The impact of my experience is so huge that I am going to accompany and walk anyone through if the fact of travel from overseas seems too much and rest assure you only have to cover travel expenses, I am donating my time for as long as necessary to get your life back regardless of age, background and gender, if this is your only hold up. Thank you Thank you Thank you heaps

  158. I can vouch for the effectiveness of Manuka honey as topical treatment for a fistula. I used First Honey ( for my fistula after four months of suffering and trying different things to no avail. Still healing and hoping for complete recovery soon without surgery.

  159. If your like me surgery scares the hell out of you. It got to the point where I just didn’t want to deal with this anymore so I got the surgery. Your put out so there is no pain. The wound looks so bad, it looked like a shark took a chunk out of my butt. The strange part is it really didn’t hurt and the first time you go to the bathroom you think your going to die but it wasn’t bad at all. I was good for about 2 years and then one day I was carrying something heavy and it came back. I think at this point I’m just going to live with it.

  160. Anything you use externally can heal the outside wound, which will block infection in. The infection will then look for another way out and can cause additional tracts.

    For healing, I went to India and met Dr Bhat in Bangalore. There is a Kshar sutra fb group. There are also many people finding healing with a Dr in Toronto; Dr Annie I believe. There is a group for that also. Good luck!

  161. Hi I’m from uk so the doctor I used is from uk if your from uk I’m happy send you details.

  162. Hi

    I had 2 abcesses in 2021 followed by a complex fistula. I also have a j pouch following a full oilectoimy in 2005 due to cilitus. I went private in 2022 and have had a loose seton inserted permanently to reduce risk of further abcesses and fistulas and not lose my j pouch that would mean incontinence. Whilst is is early days I feel great now that my wound has healed other than a small piece of thread coming out of my rear end that I cannot feel, I am hoping that the loose seton will work permanently. Does anyone else have positive experiences of a loose seron?

  163. I too began this journey into Perianal Fistulas last year in June of 2020, it is a horrible and painful repetitive process. Had three surgeries thus far, a simple drainage, a Flap, fistulotomy and multiple prescriptions of antibiotics, now a fistulectomy has been scheduled. Darn thing just will not go away!!! Investagting the FILAC, not even sure they do that here in the south, but that does not seem like a solid solution either, as I am reading of multiple failures and fistulas which return after that as well, looks like I will have to be Laid-Open as they call it. Just very concerned about this whole scenario and related bowel incontinence which follows.

    • yes i had this procedures several times the incision will half to heal from the inside out it depending on the size say for instance a half inch incision an inch long will take two -three weeks to close and heal fully and youll have to pak it with gauze and change the gauze several times a day hot/warm sitz baths help with keeping the wound clean and ask your Dr if prescription strength Imodium will help for the diarrhea it help for me a little bit I still had accidents just not as many

      • Hi there, I had fistulotomy a weeks ago, now the pain is manageable and I also visit my family doctor who told me that the incision is healing well and no any infection.all I did is sitz bath and keep the incision clean and dry. I am planning to back to work on next week, I was wondering if I should based on your experience

        Sam from Calgary Canada

  164. I had abscess, and had to go through drainage procedure; it was not a successful operation. I had too much pain and doctor had placed a seton, infact created a tunnel which turned to be a fistula. In matter of 4 months I removed the seton. And had started with Homeopathy medicines; in matter of a week I was completely fine and out of abscess issue. But due to failed surgery, fistula remained and was formed, I continued with homeopathy, it’s slow; but with good diet to calm the body inflammation down (take anti inflammatory food) and detox process offered by alternative medicines; I was better. Due to COVID it reoccurred but in told my homeopathy doctor n it was addressed immediately n I was fine in a week. But yes for fistula to heal completely I’m still working towards it. I have heAled 80% and 20% is remaining

  165. I had a fistula from my colon to my bladder with diverticulitis as the underlying disease. I drank celery juice every morning for a year followed by oats and berries. Drank lots of water and chicken for lunch. Red meat once a month. My fistula healed itself and I avoided surgery.

    • that is awesome. i avoided surgery too by going to homeopathic Dr and veggie diet, gluten free, vegan and oil free. it tookalmost 3 years to heal itself. my fistula was 1.5 inches from my rectum.

      • Which hompeopathic doctor you went to

      • Dr. Timothy Dooley in San Diego CA phone 619-297-8641. The diet was mostly from web site I did sitz baths daily every time i had bowel movement in dettol first and then switched to kosher salt and water for soothing. Good luck it worked for me.

    • Hi Gerry! This is encouraging news! May I ask if you drank coffee during your healing process? Also, were you taking any herbs/vitamins? ~ Penelope

  166. I have a fistula in ano and I haven’t had surgery yet. I have an appointment with a colorectal surgeon in a couple of weeks. This is the worst pain I have ever dealt with!!! I hope and pray this doctor can do something to heal this!

  167. I had fistula deteced 2 months ago and due to fear of pain I kept postponing the surgery. But that fistula symptoms were getting acute as days passed and I decided to go for surgery. So i got this surgery done and today is 3rd day. A surprise is that there is just no pain at all !! While passing stool or dressing or at anything . Just siting is litte uncomfortable but it is also very much bearable. I highly suggest to go for surgery asap before that fistula becomes complex. Post surgery, I have been drinking a glass of water every 45 minutes. It keep the stool soft like water. Sitz bath compulsory after every bowl movemenet.

  168. My Gastroenterologist said I had a self healed anal fistula but when my colorectal surgeon looked down there, he didn’t see any fistula. What does this mean? Why both different diagnoses?? Anyone had similar or can offer advice?

  169. My husband has had 7 surgery, first one he went septic, had to do an illostomy, cause of because he had a perforation, went in for emergency surgery. That’s what he came out with the illostomy, now we have went through 6 more , holes keep appearing, causing fistulas, now our surgery was to go in and to remove the fistula, he came out with another one also sent home for me to pack it and it wide open with mesh over it for it to grow together, no Food only water , /ice chips , He’s not allowed to eat anything else. That’s it and they’ve got him on an IV bag 24 hours a day, for his nutrition. I’m wondering if I should get a second opinion or if this sounds pretty normal and I am in the Louisville Kentucky area.

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